Fourth-Grader Switches Genders Over Winter Break

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Yes, and I personally think declassifying homosexuality as a disorder was an enormous cultural mistake.

The world is so nutty that it is no wonder so many people think about endtimes.

Reading your account, I suspect you are a babyboomer. In today’s culture females do better in college than the males and females are expected to go to college today. I wonder if girls today feel the same as you did when you were a girl.
I’m not a boomer. Do I look that old? 😉

I have two nieces, 17 and 15, who are in that situation now and it breaks my heart. My sister gets irate when I try to advise the girls, particularly the 17 year old because she’s graduating in a year and will need to finance school on her own if she wants to attend.

By and large, it’s a family issue and a regional cultural issue.

Nah, you don’t look a day older than 20…

I suspect it has to be easier today.
I would hardly equate being a “tomboy” with GID. As I child, I wanted to be a boy and I have frequently been told that I would have gone farther, faster in my life if I had been male. However, I still turned out fine, though I’ll always wonder what might have been.

That being said, there is certainly something going on in this child’s life that is in need of prayer.
If you had been a boy, you wouldn’t have been you, a special and unique person. Why lament over what might have been. Enjoy the gifts you have.
I’m not a boomer. Do I look that old? 😉

I have two nieces, 17 and 15, who are in that situation now and it breaks my heart. My sister gets irate when I try to advise the girls, particularly the 17 year old because she’s graduating in a year and will need to finance school on her own if she wants to attend.

By and large, it’s a family issue and a regional cultural issue.
Not really a cultural issure where i live but my parents made my brotheres more important…its a hard thing to face this day in age when most of the population thinks that it dosn’t happen anymore.

More females attend college today, then men. That is a a fact. Thirty years ago that would have been unthinkable. In fact, in today’s world there is a crisis among males…
AirForceMomma -

I’m so glad you found this article! I’ve been looking for it. It was about a week ago Fox News NY ended with this story. My husband and my mouth just dropped to the floor. We couldn’t believe our ears. I went immediately to the internet, newschannels, etc. and couldn’t find any information on it - so I though perhaps the facts were wrong. Sad to say, this is really a story! Poor child - poor family - poor community! Let’s pray for them all!
Give child protective services a call. A child that age doesn’t know what sexuality means.
More females attend college today, then men. That is a a fact. Thirty years ago that would have been unthinkable. In fact, in today’s world there is a crisis among males…
At the university where I teach, the undergrad ratio of males/females is 45/55 percent, respectively. At the graduate level, however, the ratio becomes 70/30. Doesn’t make sense, does it?

Instead of generalizing, why not think about individual cases? Why not ask why someone might believe they were born in the wrong body - is it societal, cultural, environmental, genetic, or a mix?

I agree completely, for the sake of the child and her parents we should be searching for the root cause of her disorder…and then we should do everything possible to heal her. Christian compassion dictates to us that we should be trying to help people with disorders, not appease them.
Island Oak:
I can hardly believe it…I find myself in agreement with you twice in one day!
Apparently, I am growing on you? What was the other time?

More females attend college today, then men. That is a a fact. Thirty years ago that would have been unthinkable. In fact, in today’s world there is a crisis among males…
fact is, though, that I was not encouraged. That is a problem that still occurs in America today. Like I said, I never wanted to be a girl, growing up it held only trials for me…i still thing that boys have more advantages…they get paid more right of the bat…

It is definatly wrong what they are doing to this girl but tis understandable to me why a girl would want to be a boy
What’s really disturbing to me is the school system. They are allowing it, allowing HER to go to the bathroom with the boys, etc. Of course the parents should be beaten with a stick, but for an entire education system to seem to be perfectly fine with this just amazes me. After reading this article my husband;s only words weres “NO PUBLIC SCHOOLS”. Guess I better keep on working, this is going to be an expensive next 18 years!!!

Do any of you think a Catholic school would ever allow this? Since they are not using hormones (yet), it’s pretty much just acknowldeging a girl, as a boy.

As a guy, I can honestly state that we could “argue” for hours over the relative merits of each gender. Males are faced with problems that women rarely ever think of and today’s culture is not at all friendly to men…that is one of the reasons that there is now a push to try to bring “boys” back into the picture. For the last three decades our culture has spent all its energy worrying about elevating women to their proper equal status, while at the same time completely ignoring the needs of boys and men. That is not a complaint, it is just that it is never a good idea to swing the pendulum to far in any direction.

I am sure there are a ton of men that did not like being boys when they were (it is ten times more restrictive then you could ever know)…yet all of this stuff is fairly meaningless. God gave us His personally chosen gender, and whether we like the gifts God gave us, or not, we are still called to walk through this world using the body and the gifts that god gave. That little girl is having her entire life perverted by adults that do not have a clue.

Unfortunately, there are Catholic schools that will allow this perversion–they are likely small in number, so when you place your kids in a Catholic school, just try to interview the adminstrators the very best you can.
We don’t know the exact details of the story. From the news, is sounded like the parent is the one making all the decision for the child. For all we know, the child could of be a tomboy and the parents is all hyper about it thinking there’s a problem w/ their child what w/ all the immorality of homosexual and transgender and the world think it’s normal. A girl being a tomboy is nothing unusual. It might be cuz the child thinks being a boy is more fun or she has alot of boy friends and so she’s acting like one…who knows…there are alot of reasons. Usually, tomboys grow up to be a real girl due to the change in environment or changes in their body. I think that as long as they’re attracted to the opposite sex, they’re still normal.

I think the parents is making their child out to be a wacko one day…possibly a transgender! How sad for the child…
Fourth-Grader Switches Genders Over Winter Break

She said the child is still biologically a girl.
It seems that the child** is** a girl. To deny objective reality is to advance a lie that will only mess-up the kid even more.
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