Fox News

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I’ve pointed out above the topics of their surveys and the topics they don’t cover. Clearly the topics they cover are interests of the left. They exclude topics from the right.

But specifically with regards to the poll in question here. Asking questions about Saddam being responsible for 9-11 and WMD’s is important. When they separated the respondents by where they get their information, it was to make a point. The point being that Fox News viewers were more confused on these points than the others.
They made that point quite clearly.
But by not asking questions such as if the respondents knew about meetings between Saddam’s government and Al-Qaeda, and if the respondants knew about support from Spain, Japan, Italy, Australia, before the war, they missed an opportunity to show that Fox viewers were less confused about these issues and the viewers of other outlets were more confused.
It would help if you actually knew the questions that were asked:

Q4: Please select what you think is the best description of the relationship between the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein and the terrorist group al-Qaeda. *[ORDER **RANDOMIZED]
  • There was no connection at all
  • A few al-Qaeda individuals visited Iraq or had contact with Iraqi officials
  • Iraq gave substantial support to al-Qaeda, but was not involved in the September 11th attacks
  • Iraq was directly involved in carrying out the September 11th attacks
Q8: Thinking about how people in Europe feel about the US having gone to war with Iraq, do you think:
  • The majority of people favor the US having gone to war
  • The majority of people oppose the US having gone to war
  • Views are evenly balanced
Q16: Where do you tend to get most of your news?
  • From newspapers and magazines
  • From TV and radio
Q17: If ONE of the networks below is your primary sources of news please select it. If you get news from two or more networks about equally, just go on to the next question.
  • NBC
  • CBS
  • ABC
  • Fox News
  • CNN
  • NPR
  • PBS
They were only interested in showing that Fox viewers were more confused than other outlet viewers, leaving some, yourself included, to believe they were misled.
You haven’t made a case for this claim.
Nor have you made a case for misleading news coverage.
I didn’t have to make that case - all I had to do was point to a study that did that for me.
It is clear that you did not read the study report as you claimed - you complained that the survey was biased becaused certain questions weren’t asked - I showed you that those questions were asked. You will apparently believe what you want and will ignore evidence to the contrary. As I can’t prevent you from continuing in your willful ignorance this discussion is over.
Syn kobiety:
I didn’t have to make that case - all I had to do was point to a study that did that for me.
It is clear that you did not read the study report as you claimed - you complained that the survey was biased becaused certain questions weren’t asked - I showed you that those questions were asked. You will apparently believe what you want and will ignore evidence to the contrary. As I can’t prevent you from continuing in your willful ignorance this discussion is over.
First, at best you proved confusion, not misleading. Second, you seem to be incapable of recognizing that what questions you ask and what questions you don’t ask, can be very telling as to the intent of the poll.

I assure you I read everything. Please respect that I can read the same thing as you and come to a different conclusion, without being deluded or ignorant. I do respect your opinions on the matter.
Fox news is fair and balanced as on their shows and discussions there is always views on both sides of the issues. Equal time to equal amount of people (no gang up) is given to each view and the personalities that have that view. This is done from the news anchors to the guests that are on. Letting you make up your decision on the issues without cohersion.

On the other hand news organizations such as CNN only report one view ( the left) such as a march by the Left Wing Organizations with 4 protestors last week made CNN News but the march for life in Washington DC was not even covered even though they were 1 million strong.When there is both sides presented is usually a ratio of 4 to 1 favoring the side of the left. Watch how the issues are presented and see how many different views and the amount of people presenting these views are presented. The right is (ganged up) on when they attempt to present their views or the views of the right are not presented all.

Would CNN do a special on abotion and show the views on how this affects many women psychologically or ask why people did not follow directions to evacuate a city, Why the Governor ot mayor did not remove them to a place of safety further north not closesr to the danger.Why 25,000 people in one place could not keep their temporary home clean instead of defecating on the floor. To use utilize plastic bags and remove the items outside the superdome. A cat buries it’s waste.Is this what the early Christians did when there was no running water or lights?

No CNN and the other left news organizations are not going to ask these hard questions. Rather if confronted by unacceptable behavior to give excuses rather than correct. ( Tell your brother when he does wrong and if he does not listen go get witnesses and tell him again. If he does not listen at that point you are not culpable in the eyes of God).
Fox news is fair and balanced as on their shows and discussions there is always views on both sides of the issues. Equal time to equal amount of people (no gang up) is given to each view and the personalities that have that view. This is done from the news anchors to the guests that are on. Letting you make up your decision on the issues without cohersion.

On the other hand news organizations such as CNN only report one view ( the left) such as a march by the Left Wing Organizations with 4 protestors last week made CNN News but the march for life in Washington DC was not even covered even though they were 1 million strong.When there is both sides presented is usually a ratio of 4 to 1 favoring the side of the left. Watch how the issues are presented and see how many different views and the amount of people presenting these views are presented. The right is (ganged up) on when they attempt to present their views or the views of the right are not presented all.

Would CNN do a special on abotion and show the views on how this affects many women psychologically or ask why people did not follow directions to evacuate a city, Why the Governor ot mayor did not remove them to a place of safety further north not closesr to the danger.Why 25,000 people in one place could not keep their temporary home clean instead of defecating on the floor. To use utilize plastic bags and remove the items outside the superdome. A cat buries it’s waste.Is this what the early Christians did when there was no running water or lights?

No CNN and the other left news organizations are not going to ask these hard questions. Rather if confronted by unacceptable behavior to give excuses rather than correct. ( Tell your brother when he does wrong and if he does not listen go get witnesses and tell him again. If he does not listen at that point you are not culpable in the eyes of God).
Is it your opinion then, that CNN misleads their audience?
The question is fair and balanced. CNN for instance will tell the it’s audience about Roe vs. Wade However they will not state that the individual who fought for abortion rights is now on the pro-life side.

It’s kind of like the words Pro-Choice. Who is it pro for “the baby” in the womb? To make a choice one must understand all the pro’s and cons. Does plamnned parent hood show the individual making a choice an abortion? You bet they do not. Will CNN show how emotionally, physically, and spiritually how this hurts the perspective mother? Does CNN show the research on suicides and depressions for undergoing such procedures? I do not think so.

Has CNN showed what good on this earth Judge Roberts and his wife have done or his qualifications instead of his possible beliefs.Is CNN showing or telling the story of the 40,000 soldiers and the sacrafice they and their families are making to save lives in New Orleans. If you have seen it on CNN let me know.

No CNN will spend most of it’s time finding blame on the current President and his staff. "I would much rather fail in trying to help than not try at all). Has CNN explained that congress including the Democrats were on vacation 2 days longer than the President. Where was the Democratic Mayor and Governor? I bet not in the Superdome where they sent these people.

If I tell you I am a sinner and have rejected the path of Christ and leave it at that what is your opinion of me with the facts you were just given?
Now lets finish the story and tell you The Holy Spirit has since given me Graces and I have repented my sins and try with all my heart and soul to follow in the teachings of Christ.

Different story is it not?
I, too, said slightly to the right. But that’s fine by me, since I’ve had to endure blatantly to the left news for the first half of my life. Fair enough.
Fox News is still banned in a lot of countries. Countries who claim that they are free, liberty, and democratic like France, Venezuela, Norway, etc. Why they are so afraid of Fox News?
Fox News is still banned in a lot of countries. Countries who claim that they are free, liberty, and democratic like France, Venezuela, Norway, etc. Why they are so afraid of Fox News?
Perhaps there is no audience? Not all countries are interested in the interminable details of American murder (Scott Petersen) or disappearing (Aruba) cases. Also, people in most countries don’t want to hear continual diatribes by Bill O’Reilly and the like about how pathetic their countries are compared to America, oddly enough.

We only get FN in the UK because our satellite service (Sky) is also owned by the tax-dodging Murdoch. The number of people watching is miniscule.

We only get FN in the UK because our satellite service (Sky) is also owned by the tax-dodging Murdoch. The number of people watching is miniscule.

Better to be legally tax-dodging, then to be tax-payer-funded leftist BBC news.
Why they are so afraid of Fox News?
Because leftists are afraid of all sides of the truth, they only want one side shown. Fox News shows all sides, and that’s truth they can’t handle.

I suspect you knew the answer when you asked the question.

I like this article I got from a blogger. Sums up how I view Fox News.

WHAT MAKES Fox News a success, I suspect, is that it provides a safe harbor for many folks who are uncomfortable with complexity…not all, but a vast majority. Fox provides an “E-Z” to follow narrative structure to the news. *It’s a dangerous world out there, full of terrorists, crime, and cop-kicking protesters. The Democrats want to tax away all your money and have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. George W. Bush will keep you safe. Liberals control the media, and Fox News is the only place where you’ll learn the truth. *

It’s simple and comforting, at least for those who like simple and comforting. (This is not to say the people are simple) But there’s a price to be paid. Last fall, for instance, a **study ** by the Program on International Policy Attitudes and a polling firm called Knowledge Networks found that heavy Fox viewers were the least well-informed of all news consumers. Fully 45 percent of Fox viewers believed that the US had found ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, had unearthed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that the war was supported by most people in other countries. Among those who relied on CBS News, the figure was 15 percent; for PBS and NPR, it was just four percent.

Such findings argue powerfully that those who believe the mainstream media are every bit as biased to the left as Fox is to the right are just wrong. **However, while few would dispute the notion that the mainstream is suffused with a hazy cultural liberalism, that liberalism does not affect day-to-day news coverage the way conservatism — or, rather, Republicanism — does at Fox. **
I thought fair and balanced was the same as being on the right, being republican . . . 😃 😃 😃
Better to be legally tax-dodging, then to be tax-payer-funded leftist BBC news.
Really? You think it is ethical to tax dodge? ‘Pay unto Caesar’, etc.?

The BBC isn’t leftist. It’s doubtless far to the left of you though, if you think Fox News is ‘fair and balanced’ 🙂

Such findings argue powerfully that those who believe the mainstream media are every bit as biased to the left as Fox is to the right are just wrong. However, while few would dispute the notion that the mainstream is suffused with a hazy cultural liberalism, that liberalism does not affect day-to-day news coverage the way conservatism — or, rather, Republicanism — does at Fox.
Indeed so - thanks for that.

How it can possibly be balanced when Bill O’Reilly cuts the microphone of anyone who disagrees with him too much, or when the ‘balance’ show Hannity and Colmes has Hannity as Colmes’ de facto boss, or Greta - one of the supposed liberals - spends most of her program on ‘murder of the week’ rather than the politics that the ‘conservative’ hosts do - well, it’s beyond me.

While it doesn’t surprise me anymore, I thought this was pretty disgusting after the London bombs:,1524852,00.html

“They’d blow up Paris, and who cares?” And Catholics think this is acceptable?? :eek:

If its a night where my TV shows arent starting when O Reilly is, I’ll check in and see in the first 5 minutes if he’s gonna cover something interesting. However I never waste my time with Hannity and Colmes anymore. Its like a live action cartoon and I have grown to disdain “shout show” type talk shows.

I like this article I got from a blogger. Sums up how I view Fox News.

WHAT MAKES Fox News a success, I suspect, is that it provides a safe harbor for many folks who are uncomfortable with complexity…not all, but a vast majority. Fox provides an “E-Z” to follow narrative structure to the news. *It’s a dangerous world out there, full of terrorists, crime, and cop-kicking protesters. The Democrats want to tax away all your money and have forgotten the lessons of 9/11. George W. Bush will keep you safe. Liberals control the media, and Fox News is the only place where you’ll learn the truth. *

It’s simple and comforting, at least for those who like simple and comforting. (This is not to say the people are simple) But there’s a price to be paid. Last fall, for instance, a **study **by the Program on International Policy Attitudes and a polling firm called Knowledge Networks found that heavy Fox viewers were the least well-informed of all news consumers. Fully 45 percent of Fox viewers believed that the US had found ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, had unearthed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that the war was supported by most people in other countries. Among those who relied on CBS News, the figure was 15 percent; for PBS and NPR, it was just four percent.

Such findings argue powerfully that those who believe the mainstream media are every bit as biased to the left as Fox is to the right are just wrong. However, while few would dispute the notion that the mainstream is suffused with a hazy cultural liberalism, that liberalism does not affect day-to-day news coverage the way conservatism — or, rather, Republicanism — does at Fox.
See my earlier posts about the bias in the above survey. One additional example here: The survey talks about people not governments. So it would exclude Italy and Spain since popular opinion was against us, even though their governments supported us.

Also, your facts are wrong. There were ties to Saddam and Al Qaeda according to the 9/11 Commission. However, there is no evidence that Saddam had anything to do with the attacks of 9/11.

Your theory about Fox News is interesting, but similar theories can be made about the other networks. The gentleman above gave some very specific criticisms of CNN about their misleading bias. I’d love to see someone cite examples of Fox News so we can analize and debate it.
Really? You think it is ethical to tax dodge? ‘Pay unto Caesar’, etc.?

The BBC isn’t leftist. It’s doubtless far to the left of you though, if you think Fox News is ‘fair and balanced’ 🙂

I think you’re confusing tax evasion with tax dodging. We all tax dodge when we itemize on our taxes, claim charitable contributions, deduct IRA or 401(k) contributions from our taxes. This is all legal and OK. Tax evasion is not.

I think Fox News tilts slightly to the right. The BBC’s bias was essentially admitted when the head had to resign after falsely claiming that the British Government had falsified evidence to justify their invasion of Iraq.

But the point is, the need for taxpayer-funded news has long since past. Especially news that does not give all sides of the issue all the time.
Indeed so - thanks for that.

How it can possibly be balanced when Bill O’Reilly cuts the microphone of anyone who disagrees with him too much, or when the ‘balance’ show Hannity and Colmes has Hannity as Colmes’ de facto boss, or Greta - one of the supposed liberals - spends most of her program on ‘murder of the week’ rather than the politics that the ‘conservative’ hosts do - well, it’s beyond me.

While it doesn’t surprise me anymore, I thought this was pretty disgusting after the London bombs:,1524852,00.html

“They’d blow up Paris, and who cares?” And Catholics think this is acceptable?? :eek:

You’re information is false. I’ve watched Bill O’Reilly for the last several years. I’ve seen him cut the microphone twice. Both cases had nothing to do with whether he agreed or disagreed with his guest, but that the guest would not let either Bill or the other guest speak.

Lastly, getting your information from places like and the Guardian, is like me getting my information from Rush Limbaugh. It is to be taken with a large grain of salt.
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