I guess your definition of “entering the Church” is unclear to me. What do you mean by “enter the Church”? Attend Mass, go to Confession, etc? Fully partake of all the sacraments?(cont’d)
If an LGBQT person enters the Church (in spite of the harsh language) he or she is entering to begin a conversion process. From personal experience I know that entering the Church thinking you are already converted, is wrong-headed. Eventually you will fall flat on your face as your inclinations catch up to you. It leads to a bitter dark night of the soul, but eventually you come to understand why God had to send a redeemer.
You write:
“From personal experience I know that entering the Church thinking you are already converted, is wrong-headed.”
It seems to me that “entering the Church” fighting against basic teaching like “you have to be in a state of grace to receive the sacraments (except Reconciliation)” itself is wrong-headed.
For instance, it took me eight years to enter the Church as I was reading, learning, and attending RCIA a total of three different years. That was my beginning a conversion process. I didn’t formally join the Church, and then figure out afterward where I disagreed with it, or was offended by it, or insulted by it. I figured that out first, decided whether the Church was speaking truth, then joined the Church.
I realize what you are saying - - if people feel so hurt and offended that they are immediately turned off, then they will never get close enough to discover the Church. I can see that using language more delicately might help that early discovering process. What are they going to do when they read the Bible? They’re not going to be too happy with that, I would guess. If the Church says one thing, and the world says another, then I know which one I am going to follow.
I also want to apologize, I know I have come across as combative. I’m sure you and your daughter are both lovely people who are genuinely struggling with these issues. I think we all have different struggles at different times as well. As long as we’re progressing toward sainthood is the main thing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: