Fr. Suarez banned from Philipines

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Father Suarez is a good priest and a good man. He may have problems with obedience or maybe it is just church protocol that he is unaware of but we all have problems of one sort or another. Obedience is always difficult and we all fail. I look at my posts and realize that I was being too negative and I apologize for this for it was not really my intent.
Hi everyone, I did go to mass yesterday, Fr. Suarez preaching on the power of the cross for the homily, the 1st of this 3 part mission here at our parish. Tonight he is preaching on the power of the Eucharist, and then tomorrow the healing mass…I didn’t hear anything wrong with what he had to say, and probably this “scandal” is just blown out of proportion.
I’m gonna go tonight and tomorrow as well, and if God will use him to heal my ailments then I will certainly be very happy and let you all know. 😃
Hi everyone, I did go to mass yesterday, Fr. Suarez preaching on the power of the cross for the homily, the 1st of this 3 part mission here at our parish. Tonight he is preaching on the power of the Eucharist, and then tomorrow the healing mass…I didn’t hear anything wrong with what he had to say, and probably this “scandal” is just blown out of proportion.
I’m gonna go tonight and tomorrow as well, and if God will use him to heal my ailments then I will certainly be very happy and let you all know. 😃
Thanks for posting this, please do keep us updated. 👍
Hi everyone, I did go to mass yesterday, Fr. Suarez preaching on the power of the cross for the homily, the 1st of this 3 part mission here at our parish. Tonight he is preaching on the power of the Eucharist, and then tomorrow the healing mass…I didn’t hear anything wrong with what he had to say, and probably this “scandal” is just blown out of proportion.
I’m gonna go tonight and tomorrow as well, and if God will use him to heal my ailments then I will certainly be very happy and let you all know. 😃
Thank you so much and keep in touch. Actually, could you pray for us also?😃 May the Lord bless you abundantly!:highprayer:
Hi everyone, I did go to mass yesterday, Fr. Suarez preaching on the power of the cross for the homily, the 1st of this 3 part mission here at our parish. Tonight he is preaching on the power of the Eucharist, and then tomorrow the healing mass…I didn’t hear anything wrong with what he had to say, and probably this “scandal” is just blown out of proportion.
I’m gonna go tonight and tomorrow as well, and if God will use him to heal my ailments then I will certainly be very happy and let you all know. 😃
👍 May God heal you and lead you on
well, Fr. Suarez did not preach tonight, his co-worker priest did, who also gave a very good homily on “the power of the Eucharist”…it was very good. After mass they had exposition of the blessed Host and the whole church prayed quietly, it was nice, there are more people at this “mission” at our parish than at some masses on Christmas!
So I guess this morning they had the healing mass for those in wheelchairs and unable to walk or whatnot, and our church’s permanent Deacon’s wife was deaf in her right ear and had her hearing restored! I trust our Deacon, so I am pretty impressed; I will definitly be going to the healing mass tomorrow and am trying to get my mom to come to, as she has some eye problem, (she’s not catholic, so wouldn’t it be good if she came and got healed!)
and my wife’s family are going to try and come, and I will pray for everyone on these forums too, that we may all be spiritually made whole throughout this Great Lent.
well, Fr. Suarez did not preach tonight, his co-worker priest did, who also gave a very good homily on “the power of the Eucharist”…it was very good. After mass they had exposition of the blessed Host and the whole church prayed quietly, it was nice, there are more people at this “mission” at our parish than at some masses on Christmas!
So I guess this morning they had the healing mass for those in wheelchairs and unable to walk or whatnot, and our church’s permanent Deacon’s wife was deaf in her right ear and had her hearing restored! I trust our Deacon, so I am pretty impressed; I will definitly be going to the healing mass tomorrow and am trying to get my mom to come to, as she has some eye problem, (she’s not catholic, so wouldn’t it be good if she came and got healed!)
and my wife’s family are going to try and come, and I will pray for everyone on these forums too, that we may all be spiritually made whole throughout this Great Lent.
Thank you Peso!:blessyou:
Well, the final chapter of the Fr. Suarez saga, the healing mass, was last wednesday at our church, I did attend, he gave a very good homily on the healing power of Christ in the eucharist and after mass was over began the personal prayers, there were a number of people claiming then and there to have been healed of their pains, one daughter was crying as she testified how her mother had not been able to walk for @ a year and a half due to the pain of a pinched nerve in her back and the mom was walking up and down the stairs. We got to sit VERY near the front, as my wife’s aunt has a lot of leg problems due to diabetes and so we got to sit in the section for the handicapped, basically, right up in front. Because of this, we left after not too long after the healing session began; I haven’t heard if my aunt-in-law is better, but my mother in law was waking up with wheezing and it has been gone since. Hopefully my little nephew will be better too, my sister in law says he’s acting better; he’s kind of a small baby @ 1 or so, and always getting sick, he has/had (?) asthma and got pneumonia, so hopefully he has been healed. I prayed for everyone on this forum, and my mother and her husband, who couldn’t and wouldn’t come, respectively, but so far, my tendonitis and exzema and foot pains, etc, are still there, so… maybe I am too much of a sceptic to be healed… but well see.
I hope someone out there may have been helped, I know many hundreds were there that night and many were healed.
I attended a Healing Mass of Father Suarez last week. There were more than 2 thousand people there. (Good Shepherd Church, Mira Mesa San Diego) It was an ordinary mass (but with A LOT OF PEOPLE) and after the mass people stayed for the blessing of Father Suarez where we all lined up and get Fr. Suarez’ hands laid on our heads. This was done individually. He had gave us instructions to pray in our hearts to God and ask Him what we needed healing for. I could not think of any physical healing I needed but I went there to have my spirits healed (bitterness, hate, and resentment) As he was praying over the whole congregation, he was enumerating diseases like cancer, arthritis, etc. where the congregation puts their hands on the particular body part which needs healing. Then he mentioned TMJ problems, I remember I had TMJ problems where my jaws lock when I yawn or chew crunchy food. So I prayed for my TMJ as well. When Fr. Suarez laid his hands on my head and I felt a beautiful force that made me go falling back I cried for a while and got up. Today, my TMJ seems better, it does not lock anymore. I give glory to God and thank Him for using Fr. Suarez as an intrument. There were many testimonials that day which was very inspiring. I was saying this prayer while waiting in line: “Holy Spirit, Enlighten whatever is dark in me, Strengthen whatever is weak in me, Mend whatever is broken and Heal whatever is sick. Straighten whatever is twisted and revive whatever Peace or Love that have died in me.” Father Suarez gives all the glory to God.
i think it is not the authenticity of Father Fernandez that is under attack but the actions of those around him. there seems to be many malicious people selling supposedly blessed items and attributing healing powers to them.
Fr. Suarez may be mistaken with some theological views but the gift of the Holu Spirit remains in him.

The charismatic gift of the Holy Ghost does not guarantee infallibility of the recepient. However, this gift-kmown as the external grace of the church remains effective in accordance of the will of the Holy Spirit.

Hence, if the proest would be band of healing practice groundd from a wrong premise the it is a way of blocking the holy Spirit-working upon Him.

Father Suarez is a good priest and a good man. He may have problems with obedience or maybe it is just church protocol that he is unaware of but we all have problems of one sort or another. Obedience is always difficult and we all fail. I look at my posts and realize that I was being too negative and I apologize for this for it was not really my intent.
Your accusation is very serious. Obedience is the virtues which the Catholic Saints are strictly following. To say that he is not obeying any hierarchal is a serious matter to God. Even Catholic Saints are martyred through the virtue of Obedience. What you are trying to project that its okay to disobey because we are all human. Is an insult to Gods Church and to the history of the Saints and especially to Jesus himself. Who was obedience even unto death. If such is true and you have a strong basis you need to post the article here. I don’t buy your word that we are all human. When one is doing something for God and is not in strict of orders of any Christian Church denominations. It is not from God at all. Never in the history you have seen any Saint that can do miracles without the virtue of obedience. plain and simple. Even if we don’t look at the life of any saints. You should know that the very first sin of human being was the sin of disobedience. Otherwise we can’t have a supernatural faith in God that those who are above us is not from his directions.
I would very much like to hear someone’s first hand impressions of this man and his message. Salamat Po.
I attended a healing service led by Fr. Suarez. I went up to be prayed over. I didn’t notice anything but my fiancee (now my wife) was slain in the spirit, as were a lot of other people there. People were going to the microphone to tell about their experiences and many people seemed to believe they had been healed of something.

The order he is from is well known here for their combination of charismatic gifts and loyalty to the teachings of the church.
I attended a healing service led by Fr. Suarez. I went up to be prayed over. I didn’t notice anything but my fiancee (now my wife) was slain in the spirit, as were a lot of other people there. People were going to the microphone to tell about their experiences and many people seemed to believe they had been healed of something.

The order he is from is well known here for their combination of charismatic gifts and loyalty to the teachings of the church.
And he is in good standing with the Companions of the Cross…
I served with Fr. Suarez at two healing masses. He is an extreamly humble man who takes no credit for the gift that he has been given. At the services there are a couple of CD’s sold with his homilies and wrist rosaries. The money goes to support his travels and to support a center in the Phillipines were he his assinged.

Even though I am skeptical of those who claim the have the gift of healing, I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit has given it to him. Through him the Spirit worked both physical and spiritual healing.
I don’t know this priest, but I noticed that the headline of the opening post is misleading. He was not banned from the Philippines. One bishop said that he would allow him to come into his diocese on a case by case basis. The article in the opening post shows that the bishops of Manila, for their part, freely allow him to come there.
Dear Family in Christ,

I would like to have some credible information about Fr Fernando Suarez, does he have any existing problems in any Diocese around the globe and is there any restrictions put on him by any Bishops, be it in the Philippines, Canada etc…

Your earliest reply is much appreciated.


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