Freemasonary not being warned about?

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Well, according to SPOKENWORD Masons who honor and use Bible Scripture in their ceremonies, name their lodges after Christian saints ( St. John’s Lodge in New York safeguards the Washington Bible ), and honor St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist as their patrons are devil-worshipin’ satanists.

Oh well. Can’t please everyone.
=================================================================================================Hi James Again just another smoke screen set up by masons. Catholics seem to be great candidates to prey on. Naming thier lodges by saints name only reinforces how deceptive Masonary can be. :eek: ,
The Bible that President Bush will be sworn in upon is the Washington Bible - the first U.S. President sworn upon it was George Washington.
And everyone loves George Washington, right? I for one would not want to follow that Mason’s lead.

I saw a Masonic video of the reenactment of the George Washington-presided ceremony in which the cornerstone of the Capitol Building was “consecrated”. I have never seen such a mockery of the Catholic Mass!

By the way, this reenactment was a very public event. It was performed right on the Mall across from the Capitol Building and there were bleachers for the spectators to sit in.
The unclear part is what is meant by “plots.” If poliotical intrigue doesn’t count, then just what did the Masons do?

That may be a rule, but to apply it to Masons, one should say just what they plotted.
If you are interested in plotting theories you should read The Broken Cross by Piers Compton.

Now that’s a plot!!!

As long as I can remember the Church has always forbidden joining secret societies. Catholics who were members of the Lodge were branded " Left Handed Catholics".

Freemasony teaches Christ was no different than any great spiritual teacher and does not believe in the divinity of Christ.
All religions are equal dispensations.
The underlying truth in masonry is there teaching is esoteric borrowing from the ancient rites of Egypt,Kobballah, and Paginism. So above, So below.

Soldiers in Christ, good Catholics, are advised to stay clear of Masonry it is incompatible with Catholiscm.

If you are interested in plotting theories you should read The Broken Cross by Piers Compton.

Now that’s a plot!!!
What else did you expect ? * Piers Compton is a conspiracy specialist. *

He thinks that John XXIII subverted the Catholic Church to “the Illuminati” in 1958. He also questions whether or not the current pope “is a Catholic” .

[](Makow - Is the Pope a Catholic? 'The Broken Cross' by Piers Compton)

Read what you will, but check out the author’s agenda first. Piers is “out there”…
As long as I can remember the Church has always forbidden joining secret societies. Catholics who were members of the Lodge were branded " Left Handed Catholics".

Freemasony teaches Christ was no different than any great spiritual teacher and does not believe in the divinity of Christ.
All religions are equal dispensations.
The underlying truth in masonry is there teaching is esoteric borrowing from the ancient rites of Egypt,Kobballah, and Paginism. So above, So below.

Soldiers in Christ, good Catholics, are advised to stay clear of Masonry it is incompatible with Catholiscm.

By now, I would say that if you continue comparing the Fraternity which is Freemasonry to the Church, you will lose every time.

It is illogical to continue to quote Albert Pike and Leo XIII - both long dead - both lived in a different time. Pike was a Masonic writer and leader - a Pope leads a Church. There is no single mason ( nor was there in 1883 ) who speaks for all of Masonry.

Both Church and Freemasonry have changed and evolved - for better or worse - since the low point of their mutual relationship in the late 19th Century.

You are correct - we are not a Christian organization. We are a fraternity of men of many religions - that’s the point which seems to irk the zealous of other religions. Masons see it as one of their strongest points.

The Lions Club does not recognize Jesus Christ, nor is it a Christian organization. It has an oath, and allows men of all beliefs ( even unbelief ) to join. It probably even has members which are left-handed.

Yes, Masons study many ancient belief systems - to know about them and appreciate them is not the same as “following” them. Witnessing a degree that exemplifies the teachings of Mithra or Ahura Mazda does not cause me to resign from my local Episcopal parish - any more than reading War and Peace makes me wish to move to Russia.

As a Catholic, I certainly would not join an organization if the rules of my church forbade it.

But, I am not a Catholic, and my church does not control which fraternities I should or should not join.

It is for now an open and shut matter that Roman Catholics should not join nor “dabble” with Freemasonry according the its laws and teachings…

As a Catholic, I certainly would not join an organization if the rules of my church forbade it.

But, I am not a Catholic, and my church does not control which fraternities I should or should not join.============================================================================================= Hi James. For some strange reason you believe because you are not catholic you think its okay to be a Mason.My dear friend you are under false pretenses.It doesnt matter that you belong to this church or that church. The truth is masonry goes against Gods principles. You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other.You have put your salvation in jeopardy if you continue on this path.Come out in Jesus name James.Its your choice. :eek:
As a Catholic, I certainly would not join an organization if the rules of my church forbade it.

But, I am not a Catholic, and my church does not control which fraternities I should or should not join.============================================================================================= Hi James. For some strange reason you believe because you are not catholic you think its okay to be a Mason.My dear friend you are under false pretenses.It doesnt matter that you belong to this church or that church. The truth is masonry goes against Gods principles. You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other.You have put your salvation in jeopardy if you continue on this path.Come out in Jesus name James.Its your choice. :eek:

Even to this day the Chuch teaches that all secret societies that are subversive to it’s teaching are forbidden by Catholics to membership.

A solution in the great lodges of the world display the crucified Christ, not the mystical christ mind you.

What are the chances of this happening nadda none.

Lucifer was cast out of the heavenley realm for a revolt against almighty god. His battle continues to this day against his Church and believers. It is the only victory that he can hope for, for man is both spirit and body and has free will.

There is ony one true Church, the Catholic Church, who’s teachings taken from Christ himself have endured to this day.
Even though Satan works tireously for it’s demise.

Satan is against everything that leads man to eternal salvation for every soul that gains salvation weakens his cause and glorifies the Father.

Remember it is a spiritual battle, for nothing else matters.


Even to this day the Chuch teaches that all secret societies that are subversive to it’s teaching are forbidden by Catholics to membership.

A solution in the great lodges of the world display the crucified Christ, not the mystical christ mind you.

What are the chances of this happening nadda none.

Lucifer was cast out of the heavenley realm for a revolt against almighty God. His battle continues to this day against his Church and believers. It is the only victory that he can hope for, for man is both spirit and body and has free will.

There is ony one true Church, the Catholic Church, who’s teachings taken from Christ himself have endured to this day.
Even though Satan works tireously for it’s demise.

Satan is against everything that leads man to eternal salvation for every soul that gains salvation weakens his cause and glorifies the Father.

Remember it is a spiritual battle, for nothing else matters.

Piers Compton The Broken Cross :

Its claims were monstrous. They passed beyond human reckoning. For it claimed to be the one divine and authoritative voice on earth; and it taught, gave judgment, and asserted, always in the same valid tone, confident that its message would outlive the transitory phenomena of doubt, change, and contradiction. It stood secure, an edifice of truth behind the ramparts of truth which defied the many and various attacks launched by its enemies. For it claimed a strength that was not of itself, a life-force and vigour imparted by a power that could not be found elsewhere; and because it could not be likened to any earthly thing it provoked fear, bewilderment, mockery, even hate.

But through the centuries it never wavered; never abandoned one item of its stupendous inheritance; never allowed the smallest rent to appear in its much derided mantle of intolerance. It inspired devotion and admiration even in those who scorned its mental discipline. It rose above conjecture, likelihood, probability; for the Word by which it had been founded was also its guarantee of permanence. It provided the one answer to the immemorial question–what is truth?

One of our essayists told,[[1]](file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/My%20Documents/books/broken_01.html#n_1_) as many of our schoolboys used to know, of its place in history; how it saw the beginning, as it was likely to see the end, of our worldly systems; and how, in time to come, a broken arch of London Bridge might furnish a foothold from which a traveller ‘could sketch the ruins of St. Paul’s.’

But it would still stand monumental, unique, presenting as it did the symbols of endurance in this life and admission to an eternity beyond–a Rock and a Key.

It was the Catholic Church
SPOKENWORD…It doesnt matter that you belong to this church or that church… [/QUOTE said:
Where is that in the Bible? Any Bible version. So LDS, JW, Branch Davidian, Heavens Gate Jones Town or any other church is OK too?:confused:
SPOKENWORD…It doesnt matter that you belong to this church or that church… [/QUOTE said:
Where is that in the Bible? Any Bible version. So LDS, JW, Branch Davidian, Heavens Gate Jones Town or any other church is OK too?:confused:
Hi Malachi. You are reading out of context. :eek: God bless
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