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Stephen Mills:
So what is exactly the philosophy of Freemasonry? This is what I really want to know. I understand that the church thinks it is wrong, but I want to know why the church feels this way.

For years I’ve simply thought of Freemasons as protestant Knights of Columbus.
The church knows it is a part of something much bigger. I suggest reading “and she shall crush thy head” by Stephen Malhowicz.
I am a member of both the Knights of Columbus, and the Masonic Lodge. The Knights proclaim their allegience to the CHURCH and her bridegroom, JESUS CHRIST. The Masons have allegience to the “HIGHER BEING”. One organization is more inclusive then the other. Maybe at one time, there was suspicion and paranoia of one vs. the other, but what I see is two organizations, that are benevolent to the community. I would clearly denounce my membership in any organization that I felt was misleading, untrustworthy, and evil-spirited!
better do your homework. you are violation of church law. before you tear down fences better find out why they were put up.
lets see if I got this straight. theres a catholic, who is a mason, who is on a catholic web site, teaching masonry. Its clear he knows more about masonry than doctrine, and he calls himself flameburns? did I get that right? The catholic doctrine is not a book of suggestions. its our law. it says stay away from masonry of any brand. so lets head back to a catholic thread. we dont need to know this garbage.
. . . . and he calls himself flameburns?
My nic is a pun on my name. At the time I selected it I thought it would be a striking and memorable nic. I had not expected to see it held up to mockery as it so often is done on this forum. By the way, you’ve gotten just about everything else wrong in your post, viz:
. . . . .lets see if I got this straight. theres a catholic, who is a mason, . . . . .
First problem: I am not a Roman Catholic. Had you checked my threads or my profile you would know that I am an Anglican. By the way: it is customary to capitalize the first letter of a sentence.
who is on a catholic web site, teaching masonry . . . . .
NO. I am certainly not ‘teaching Freemasonry’ in any public forum, which would be a violation of Masonic principles. Freemasonry is taught ‘mouth to ear’ in a regularly constituted Lodge, though I have pointed out that the ‘teachings’ of Freemasonry are ‘open secrets’ readily available in books and websites I have recommended. I am on a Roman Catholic website answering people who are posting inacuracies about Freemasonry and pleading for people to take greater care with the facts about the subject; but I am not ‘teaching Freemasonry’.

Freemasons ( at least in the USA) do not recruit nor solicit membership. All who join the Lodge must approach a Mason of their own free will and accord. And, had you read any of my prior posts with any degree of care–I have made it clear that I DO NOT advocate that Roman Catholics violate the strictures of their Church vis’a’vis Freemasonry. I have suggested that the restrictions are foolish and unworthy of the Church, that they are needless and based upon old prejudices and misapprehensions, but this is a very different thing. And I have suggested that some Catholics, who believe for whatever reason that they are free to join the Lodge and remain Catholics in good standing,have expressed to me wonderment that the Catholic Church ever forbade membership in the Lodge. Finally–I have taken pains to point out that there are things in Freemasonry to which some Christians might conscientiously object, even if Freemasonry is taken for what it truly is and for what it says about itself. I posted several running posts to illustrate that fact. So, while I think those objections also can be answered, I don’t claim that everyone would always and everywhere accept those answers.
. . . Its clear he knows more about masonry than doctrine, did I get that right? . . . . .
Actually I have been complimented publicly several times on the breadth and depth of my awareness of Roman Catholic doctrine–admittedly on threads NOT related to the issue of Freemasonry.
See, the problem I have is, even though you dont think the church is justified in condemning masonry, the laws (for us) are not for negotiation. It is a forbidden fruit. A knowledge we (catholics) are supposed to avoid. I confess, I have only been on this web page for a week or so and I thought we were all catholic. I apologize for that. I read just enough of your replies to get the gest of the message as I dont really have any desire to know about the subject. I have read about it and what I read conflicts with your discription but I dont need to know whos right. It dont matter to me cause my faith says no. I merely wanted to get the Catholics to return to Catholicism and stop dabbling in the dangerous. Too many red flags here.
I am curious about one thing, why are you on a Catholic website if our doctrines unjustly discriminate?
I am a member of both the Knights of Columbus, and the Masonic Lodge. The Knights proclaim their allegience to the CHURCH and her bridegroom, JESUS CHRIST. The Masons have allegience to the “HIGHER BEING”…
Better contact your GK, DD and State Deputy on this one. You clearly are in violation of the principles of Knighthood.

As per a prior response, the Illinois State Deputy specifically replied that no knights were to join or remain a part of FM.

You can not serve 2 masters, and the Church has clearly deemed Masony off limits.

So it’s either Brother Knight or EX-brother Knight.
wc, PGK
I am a member of both the Knights of Columbus, and the Masonic Lodge.
Better contact your GK, DD and State Deputy on this one. You clearly are in violation of the principles of Knighthood. As per a prior response, the Illinois State Deputy specifically replied that no knights were to join or remain a part of FM.
James L. Chambers; Iowa State deputy

You are correct brother. That directive is from Supreme. I spoke with the Supreme Membership Dept. Our friend Danb forfeited his membership in our order when he pledged as a Mason.
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