It’s been obvious for some time now; when this poster first started in about Masonry various documents, and posters informed him that Catholics are forbidden to join or hold membership and gave him basic information to that effect.
Good to see ya again, Hagia - figured you’d eventually show up in this thread - the posse’s not quite complete without ya !
I believe it was also pointed out that in order to fully comprehend why the Church feels as she does, you have to do your reading of the history of it.
The OP has persisted in trying to demean those who follow the Church’s’rule and frankly I failed to ever figure out why anyone much kept paying any attention.
**Not true! **I’ve repeatedly acknowledged that I’m neither here to recruit Catholics - nor deny that Catholics are prohibited from joining the Masonic Fraternity by their Church.
People “pay attention” to these posts because they are entertained by the interchange, and are quietly making up their own minds…
He knows he’s on a Catholic board, the church’s position has been made clear, references offered and so I just don’t get the “agenda” here. Obviously he has some kind of personal need to keep up the drumbeat.
My “agenda” is to present the truth - my only purpose: to stifle medieval wives’ tales, hearsay - and to confront those*
militants who persist in spreading willful misinformation about Freemasonry.*
This Catholic board is for an exchange of ideas and dialogue - not to gloat ( the Saturday Night Live “Church Lady Dance” is expressly forbidden ! )
If I joined a forum and wanted to know how how the church membership felt and why, one my question was answered that we can’t affiliate with you and here is why- I think I’d take myself to somewhere else.
I’m not easily intimidated by militant Catholics who persist in their crusade of ignorance and purposeful defamation- “defending” the Church
at all costs - hiding behind 100 or 200 year old decrees and hostilities.
**These detractors know better -
but do it anyway. ** If something is said over and over again - without a truthful defense - *people will begin to believe it. *
Why do people object to the Masons ? The answer to that question varies. Some religious intolerants simply make stuff up - it’s sort of like:
if it’s a book - it MUST be true !
An outstanding example of this from Catholic detractors is:
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Hidden Enemy by Bro. Charles Madden, OFM. It packs more convoluted misinformation into less than 70 pages than do most anti-masonic books twice its size.
Christianity and American Freemasonry by William J. Whalen would be a prime example of a LARGER book- full of biased misinformation. **It’s no secret that inflammatory and sensational titles $ell book$. **
It’s no surprise that these books contain
no official Catholic Nihil Obstat ( no objection ) - “imprimatur” ( official Church endorsement of a printed document or publication by a bishop or archbishop) - simply because they
will not endorse them. Otherwise, they WOULD contain a bishop’s imprimatur- *** if** the authors could obtain one ! *
Religious detractors continue to fan the flames of mistrust and righteous anger - mistakenly thinking that they’re “defending the Faith” or being “good Catholics” - for carrying on the “tradition” of Mason-hating.
A look at these “True Catholics” pumping out printed anti-masonic books:
Freemasonry: Mankind's Hidden Enemy - Book Review)
IS Freemasonry promoting anti-Catholicism ? See for yourself:
Spurious Charges: Freemasonry is Anti-Catholic)
All of this bitter energy could be better channeled toward more charitable and productive goals - such as free children’s orthopaedic and burn hospitals - and dyslexic learning centers.