Future Mother in law

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Fifteen guests isn’t a big enough reason to estrange yourself from her.

Maybe if this had been one of many mean actions, or if it had been fifty guests…

Anyways, why not just buy some pretty but wholesale/buyout invitations on eBay and have them sent to her 15 people? You already sent out the “perfect” ones to the people on your guest list.

And based on my catering experience, you don’t have to worry about adding that extra tent. Typically with a special event, only about 70-75% of those invited actually show up.
I never said anything about estranging myself from her.

I don’t have enough time to shop for more invitations because they have to go out in 9 days. It’s also the principle of the matter. We finalized months ago, the invitations were already ordered, and you just can’t spring things like this on people at the last minute.
I don’t have enough time to shop for more invitations because they have to go out in 9 days. It’s also the principle of the matter. We finalized months ago, the invitations were already ordered, and you just can’t spring things like this on people at the last minute.
Exactly! Just explain it to your future MIL, it shouldn’t be hard for her to comprehend! If she is not an unreasonable person she should understand why you cannot add 15 more guests. I hope your fiancee understands as well so he can help get the message across to his DM. Be strong. 🙂
Please try to always be at peace with your mother-in-law.

Just watch a few episodes of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND and observe the relationship between Deborah and her MIL Marie Barone, and you’ll understand well why it’s best to be at peace with your mother in law.

God bless,
Jaypeeto3 (aka Jaypeeto4)
I never said anything about estranging myself from her.

I don’t have enough time to shop for more invitations because they have to go out in 9 days. It’s also the principle of the matter. We finalized months ago, the invitations were already ordered, and you just can’t spring things like this on people at the last minute.
You are starting to sound like a Bridezilla here :D. You only have to go down to Michael’s or even Target and purchase one pack of print-them-yourself invitations and print fifteen out with the same words you have on your purchased-from-the-printer ones and mail them to the fifteen extra - that will only take maximum 4 hrs. and you can get them out later than the rest! Your soon to be mil didn’t get them to you in a reasonable time and if you wish, since you are printing them yourself you can put a small note in small print at the bottom something like “I am sorry you are getting this so late but I did not get your name until two weeks ago” - your call on that one.

That of course doesn’t solve the problem of the possibility of the extra at the reception - hopefully you didn’t do a dinner and chose something more simple like finger sandwiches and crudetees - a little easier to add to and not so expensive either.

Of course all of this is only if you haven’t talked nicely to her explaining why this late in the game you can not invite these extra fifteen - like you need to purchase and make the extra fifteen meaning that those will go out later than the rest giving those guests less time to make plans, adding more people to the reception is costly too.

Brenda V.
I never said anything about estranging myself from her.

I don’t have enough time to shop for more invitations because they have to go out in 9 days. It’s also the principle of the matter. We finalized months ago, the invitations were already ordered, and you just can’t spring things like this on people at the last minute.
StratusRose, you are really adding extra stress needlessly.

Simply say, “I’m sorry, we won’t be able to accomodate 15 more people and their guests. We are already at capacity on our budget and facilities at the reception site.”

As to the addresses, instead of going through MIL, just get them yourself or have your FH get them directly.

And, if you don’t get the addresses, then they don’t get invited.

That’s how I handled things with my wedding-- be responsible for your tasks that you’ve been asked to do or else the people don’t get invited, you don’t get the hotel room at a discount, etc.
Fifteen guests isn’t a big enough reason to estrange yourself from her.
The issue is not estrangement.
Maybe if this had been one of many mean actions, or if it had been fifty guests…
At $50 a head and more, 15 guests can be quite expensive, and her parents are paying for the reception. Ultimately, it is their decision regarding the number of guests that they can afford to invite.
Anyways, why not just buy some pretty but wholesale/buyout invitations on eBay and have them sent to her 15 people?
She has explained that there are both facility and bugetary constraints.
And based on my catering experience, you don’t have to worry about adding that extra tent. Typically with a special event, only about 70-75% of those invited actually show up.
This assumption has caused disaster for many a bride. You can NEVER assume that those who you invite will decline or that those who accept the invitation will not attend.

I had a very high response rate to my invitations, and I had only two people who did not attend who had RSVPed-- one due to a cancelled flight and one due to a sick child. That is 2 out of 200 people.
It’s only 15 people, most of whom probably wont come anyway. Your fiancee may not remember him but they may be people who were good to him when he was a kid.
The issue is not estrangement.

At $50 a head and more, 15 guests can be quite expensive, and her parents are paying for the reception. Ultimately, it is their decision regarding the number of guests that they can afford to invite.

She has explained that there are both facility and bugetary constraints.

This assumption has caused disaster for many a bride. You can NEVER assume that those who you invite will decline or that those who accept the invitation will not attend.

I had a very high response rate to my invitations, and I had only two people who did not attend who had RSVPed-- one due to a cancelled flight and one due to a sick child. That is 2 out of 200 people.
It is quite the exception for all but 2 out of 200 people to actually present at an occasion.

I am expecting more than a 75% turn out simlpy because 90% of the people invited are family who have practically confirmed coming already and are just waiting for the ceremony to get started.

Perhaps you had the same situation?

That being said, it really is just stressing out too much over 15 people. Like others have said, get a little pack of invites from a retail store (or eBay) and send them out.

If there is a realistic reason to believe that more than 75% of the people will show up, then tell the MIL she needs to fork over the money to pay for her extra guests. There’s absolutely no reason OP’s parents have to be put upon for MIL’s wants.

Right now the OP has a decision to make and it’s not really about 15 guests. It’s about who wants to be the better person here. She can get all upset and tell the MIL to jump in a lake. She can even do it nicely, but the bottom line is that’s what she’ll be doing if she refuses the 15 people. Yes, MIL is out of line. So how is the OP going to respond? For $20 plus stamps invite the people and let MIL know that you value new family.

Now, this is based completely on the thread at hand. If, for example, the MIL has a past history of being overcontrolling or thoughtless, I might weigh that in on the decision making and use this situation as a statemend that MIL won’t have a say in a new unity and family. But I haven’t noticed anything like that in the thread.
You are starting to sound like a Bridezilla here :D. You only have to go down to Michael’s or even Target and purchase one pack of print-them-yourself invitations and print fifteen out with the same words you have on your purchased-from-the-printer ones and mail them to the fifteen extra - that will only take maximum 4 hrs. and you can get them out later than the rest! Your soon to be mil didn’t get them to you in a reasonable time and if you wish, since you are printing them yourself you can put a small note in small print at the bottom something like “I am sorry you are getting this so late but I did not get your name until two weeks ago” - your call on that one.

That of course doesn’t solve the problem of the possibility of the extra at the reception - hopefully you didn’t do a dinner and chose something more simple like finger sandwiches and crudetees - a little easier to add to and not so expensive either.

Of course all of this is only if you haven’t talked nicely to her explaining why this late in the game you can not invite these extra fifteen - like you need to purchase and make the extra fifteen meaning that those will go out later than the rest giving those guests less time to make plans, adding more people to the reception is costly too.

Brenda V.
She isn’t being a bridezilla at all. I can astound you with horror stories of bridezillas in my past. His mom was given a task : Names and addresses by X date. She not only did not get them to her on time, she added more people. She has probably told the caterers already that she has X amount of people invited, now she has to change it.

Having been in a bajillion weddings, and in 5 more this year to boot, I can tell you that planning this kind of thing for a shower is a lot of work. Getting names, addresses, of who the bride, her mother, and the grooms mother wants invited, while working with caterers, florists, and reception halls, is difficult and time consuming.

Adding people late in the game, after the invitations have been ordered, caterers estimates, seating arrangements, favors, etc, is rude. And sending out invitations, especially one’s that are different, looks sloppy. Add to the fact that when 98% percent of the individuals get a pretty professionally done invitation, and start talking at the reception about the beautiful invitations, someone is going to overhear it who got the cheeseball target ones. Yet another way to find out you were on the B list. Which, even if the intentions were good, comes across as “hey 10 people sent their regrets… thats like a thousand dollars in potential gifts we’re missing out on! Invite some more people STAT!!!”

I’ve been in weddings with 350 people invited. I’ve been in weddings were 100 people were invited. I can’t tell you how many times in the big weddings, I’ve asked the bride and groom who some people were and they had no clue. I hear something like It’s my mom’s manicurist. What the??? why invite them if you don’t know them?

She’s stressed out, and juggling a whole lot of things, and she wants the day to be perfect. It’s not a bridezilla tactic to ask for something to done in an appropriate amount of time, within the guidelines that were set. Think of it this way. You’re at work, your given a task to come up with a budget for a particular program by March 1st. On April 1st you hand your boss an almanac entry for the country of Ghana. Would your boss be a royal jerk if he was unhappy that you not only did not hand it in on time but then did something else entirely?
It’s only 15 people, most of whom probably wont come anyway. Your fiancee may not remember him but they may be people who were good to him when he was a kid.
The reception hall for DD wedding held 130 people. That’s how many invitations we sent out. We had only 6 guests who could not make it. You never know who will show to a wedding so you have to be careful when sending out invitations! Why send invitations if you cannot accomodate them? As far as the last sentence of your post, just because someone was nice to the Bride or Groom as a child dosen’t warrant an invitation IMO. What warrants an invitation is are they a special part of their lives now or all of their lives? If we invited everyone who was nice to the Bride & Groom in my case, we would have had hundreds of guests. At between $50.00-$60.00 a person, at least 15 extra guests equals $750.00- $900.00!!!:eek: The line has to be drawn somewhere and StratusRose said that was done months ago.
**We invited 200 people to our wedding out of those we had 125…Now when we reserved our reception place a year in advance we gave the number at 200 but during the last few weeks before the wedding they usually ask for a final head count of how many guests.

If we had less than the final number on the day of the wedding the place would refund those charges per person…

As for a B list i don’t feel its rude as long as its done correctly…and not sending an invite out 2 weeks before the wedding.Besides about 2 weeks after all RSVP were supposed to be in you’ll have to call guests anyways to see if they are planning on coming. By then you should have a better idea, and then immediately send out the extra invites…

Or you can do what a PP suggested and let your MIL know that she needs to cover the cost of the extra 15 since they weren’t in your original budget that your parents were given.**
maria29;1924587[COLOR=teal said:
** during the last few weeks before the wedding they usually ask for a final head count of how many guests. **

If we had less than the final number on the day of the wedding the place would refund those charges per person…****.

It has been my experience around here with weddings, birthday or anniversary parties that once you give the final head count, that is just it. The FINAL headcount. If we give them the number 200 for the final count and by the time the party rolls around only 150 show up, then we are charged for 200. That’s the way it is where I live.
I hope that my daughers never want a wedding. This all sounds like such work and too much stress.😦
I hope that my daughers never want a wedding. This all sounds like such work and too much stress.😦
That all depends on the parties involved.

My wedding did not include drama or large amounts of stress.
I hope that my daughers never want a wedding. This all sounds like such work and too much stress.😦
Deb1 It is alot of work and it can be stressful. Thankfully we had very little stress(but NOT stress-free;) ) and no problems or complications from the in-laws. My DD is very organized and started planning well in advance. Her now MIL was pleasant and easy-going to deal with and just went with the flow. That was truly a blessing! Careful planning (including enough time), knowing what the Bride & Groom want and expect is key. You also have to know what your financial budget is, too and if you and DH are footing the bill, make sure DD knows what that budget is. In the case of my DD wedding, DH & I paid for most everything but DD & her fiancee paid for the videographer and 1/2 of the Photographer. The Nuptial wedding was beautiful and emotional and the reception at the beach which is where the Bride & Groom wanted it to be was beautiful & perfect! It was worth it! Lot’s of wonderful memories. Another thing is that even though sometimes it was stressful between my DD and me during the planning, it was mostly a bonding time for us. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!🙂
It has been my experience around here with weddings, birthday or anniversary parties that once you give the final head count, that is just it. The FINAL headcount. If we give them the number 200 for the final count and by the time the party rolls around only 150 show up, then we are charged for 200. That’s the way it is where I live.
That’s how it is around here. And I’m getting charged 50 bucks a head for a brunch bridal shower. Weddings go for about 90-130 a head.

I can tell you as a bridesmaid I would be livid if someone invited more people at the last minute.
That’s how it is around here. And I’m getting charged 50 bucks a head for a brunch bridal shower. Weddings go for about 90-130 a head.

I can tell you as a bridesmaid I would be livid if someone invited more people at the last minute.
I got married in Texas and we looked into several places and they all did that (refund difference) Maybe its different in Texas (austin area) I don’t know…My SIL reception was the same way and she got married in PA…
It has been my experience around here with weddings, birthday or anniversary parties that once you give the final head count, that is just it. The FINAL headcount. If we give them the number 200 for the final count and by the time the party rolls around only 150 show up, then we are charged for 200. That’s the way it is where I live.
maybe its a southern thing:) I don’t honestly know…But i will say by Final Head count time rolls around one shouldn’t have a varience of 50 people since its a week before your wedding…
But i will say by Final Head count time rolls around one shouldn’t have a varience of 50 people since its a week before your wedding…
That scenario happened at a party we hosted and 20 people did not show out of 120. These are people who sent in a R.S.V.P. saying they WERE coming. They just didn’t show for whatever reasons. The same happened at my Daughter’s wedding only on a smaller scale. 3 people didn’t attend that sent in an R.S.V.P. saying they WERE attending. That’s 20 people at $35.00 per person for the B’day party and for the wedding 3 people at between $50- $60 per person! You really just never know who won’t show and if you have already included them in the final count, you just have to “eat” the cost.
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