The hypocrisy of the entertainment industry knows no bounds. We have had a resurgence of protection for women in the “Me Too” movement by a business which feeds misogyny in entertainment’s depiction of rape and violence. I found those rape scenes particularly appalling. If men are fed rape fantasy, some will grow in their sexual boldness toward women.Hollywood is an open sewer.
Yes, I know the show was trying to show the evil people, but that only brings me to the biggest problem I had with this film. It moral compass was out of whack. There were a lot of evil people, but there was no moral people, with the one possible exception of Ned Stark who served as a type of absolute morality, quickly dispatched to pave the way for the evil of moral relativism. Just as with Lord of the Rings, the beauty of the faith of the author shines through without conscious effort, so with GOT, the author’s lack of faith, along with the moral relativism of Hollywood, comes through. It is this latter problem I find more troubling than the excessive nudity, extended simulated sex, and rape scenes.