Gay Friend and support?

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Apologies if I have put this in the wrong thread. I have been good friends with this person for years, they would do anything for me and have always been a good friend. They have met someone in recent months, and now they want me to meet them, my worry is, if I support this am I committing a sin? Supporting a homosexual relationship? How do I approach this without hurting their feelings? Do I just meet their new partner and tell them I liked them etc but am I offending God?
Apologies if I have put this in the wrong thread. I have been good friends with this person for years, they would do anything for me and have always been a good friend. They have met someone in recent months, and now they want me to meet them, my worry is, if I support this am I committing a sin?
You’re to Hate the Sin as you Love the Sinner…
And in doing such - you are not committing a sin.
Thank you! My Catholic faith is very important to me, that has reassured me!
How do I approach this without hurting their feelings? Do I just meet their new partner and tell them I liked them etc but am I offending God?
I’m a gay man and have brought my partner with me when I went to see some of my relatives before. The only thing I expected from them was that they be polite and friendly like they would be with anyone else I introduced them to. I wasn’t asking for or expecting their approval. They smiled, shook my partner’s hand and said, “Nice to meet you.” And the conversation between them and my partner was the normal kind that takes place when talking to someone you’ve just been introduced to, i.e. the weather, what kind of work do you do, where are you from originally, what are your hobbies, etc. No one said anything about sex or religion or politics. It was all very friendly. No one’s feelings were hurt.
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We should not support any situation beside that of chastity in a single person.
I would just be honest and if the issue comes up, state it is across the board , for anyone who is not married.

I would not alienate anyone, but I would state I am Catholic and my stance is the church’s teaching and stance.
Two males or two females can be great and loving friends but should be chaste if single, just as a male and a female single , the difference is the church does not support or condone same sex marriages so they cannot marry each other.
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What would Jesus do?

Love your friend, even if you don’t love their lifestyle.

One of my ‘gay’ friends just wrote me a heartfelt email this week and in it, mentioned how he loves that I’ve never once, in our 15 years of friendship, focused on our differences… that I love and accept him as he is.

And I do. It’s not my place to judge. Just to love him for who he is.
and… Jesus ate meals with and hung out with the sinners anyway. He preferred to hang out with the sinners, as those are the people who needed him, and who needed to know God.
You are not committing a sin by meeting someone and being human. Love your friend as you have in the past. If you believe same sex activity is a sin, don’t engage in same sex activity. That’s no reason not to be kind to your friend. Jesus especially loved the marginalized.
and… Jesus ate meals with and hung out with the sinners anyway. He preferred to hang out with the sinners, as those are the people who needed him, and who needed to know God.
Yes… of Course - He went to Sinners and Importantly - led some of them away from Sin…

More than Anyone - Jesus Expounded upon Sin - and the Punishments which follow for those who Refuse to Repent

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Acceptance does not equal approval, and courtesy also does not equal approval.

To me love the sinner hate the sin means love the sinner and avoid sinning myself. We all have dark shadows and light. Hate the sin by confronting our own dark shadows, and praying that your friends do the same for theirs.

Otherwise you risk not only losing a friend but hardening them in their own sin. Of course for parents of minor age children or those with pastoral authority it goes beyond that, but still with the greatest reserve.
They have met someone in recent months, and now they want me to meet them, my worry is, if I support this am I committing a sin? Supporting a homosexual relationship?
You don’t have to support the relationship, you just have to be friendly or kindly disposed towards the person in a general way but not to their actions.
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We love the person, hate the sin, and leave everything else to God.
Yes. While pointing out to them the error of their ways, sometimes in very strident terms.
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And if any hurl the false “homophobe” club at you b/c you Hate the Sin - and claim you Hate the Sinner

Instruct them (nicely) of how - “homophobe” has lost its sting…
Although Jesus was adamant about sin, we aren’t Jesus. He had the authority to set others straight. Our authority is only to tell others about Christ and to show Christ’s love and to avoid sin in our own lives. Jesus pointed out the sin of the prostitute, but he reminded the onlookers about judging because none of us is 100% free of sin.

Love, acceptance and forgiveness goes a lot further in bringing others to Christ (and in view of their own sins) than any rock casting will ever do. Love, acceptance and forgiveness of others isn’t loving or accepting the sin. Show Christ, pray for the sinner, and leave the judgment and pointing fingers to God and Holy Spirit. They do it a whole lot better than we can anyway.

Plus we are also instructed not to be a stumbling block to others. That means we should avoid any instance of not showing God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. Going around setting everyone straight and acting holier than that person is will only cause them to turn from God further. Good for you for being a true friend and showing God’s grace! God will honor the love you are showing to your friend.
Just be a polite and friendly human as I’m sure you are with everyone else you meet 🙂
I believe things happen for a reason. God doesn’t make mistakes. Sometimes I honestly believe a bigger open gay population is his grand scheme to see how tolerant and if we truly can treat each other like brothers. Since we “all” are Gods children after all.
Sometimes I honestly believe a bigger open gay population is his grand scheme to see how tolerant and if we truly can treat each other like brothers.
One could never have come to that conclusion were one to actually possess Faith IN Jesus
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