Gay Friend and support?

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I want to love and be friends with everyone, I sincerely do. What am I to say to people who say that living openly in sin is OK?
No, they should not be shunned. The first commandment, which the CCC reiterates, is to love the “other”. Once we’ve made them aware of the Church’s teachings, which are the teachings of Christ, and they’ve made it clear they don’t want to do with that, then leave it be, and continue to love. We’re not here to change people. Each person is entitled to their God-given right to choose.
Once they’re aware of the teachings of Christ (which they probably already are), there are two things that you can do:
  1. Pray for them.
  2. Love them.
Continue to evangelize by living out the Gospel, not by shoving it down people’s throats.
“shoving it down people’s throats.” I heard that in the late 1960s. Let’s talk about sinners who love to sin and who want us to go along with them. Because all they have is their anger about Church teaching. They love porn, they love morally loose women and they love booze and illegal drugs. They want us to love those things too. Why? So they can feel comfortable even when they sin in private.

No one needs my permission to do what they want, right? But what do I get from LGBT groups if I don’t agree with this or that? Anger. Name calling. They do want to shove their views down people’s throats.
So your immediate response to is return that same evil back? Because they are angry, you’ll be angry? Because they name call, you’ll name call? (Matthew 5:43-44)

You are called to love the other. And when you say “let’s talk about sinners”, you’re talking about the both of us. We are both sinners, and no less sinful than somebody who is in a same-sex relationship.

Christ doesn’t call us to hate our neighbor or to bash them, or anything of the like, He calls us to love. We have a Gospel of Love. And we are severely lacking love right now in our world. You know how Jesus says that we are the light of the world, let’s replace “light” with love. You MUST spread the Love and Peace of Christ with others.
How do you love gay people? Go to their same-sex wedding? Bake a cake for their same-sex wedding? At what point do you start calling any of these things sinful? Does love mean they are no longer sinful? How does that work?

I’ve worked with gay people. Whatever they did in private was unknown to me. The most I saw was two women embracing in a parking garage. At that time - late 1970s, early '80s - they wanted the government out of people’s bedrooms. They wanted their privacy. Today, they want the world to know about their sex-change operation and their gay wedding. They didn’t need my permission then and they don’t need it now.

I don’t shun people. Jesus ate with sinners and prostitutes but He didn’t party with them.
Firstly, I’d like to share an insight of wisdom: once you realize that the “other” (who you call “they”) is your brother/sister, your actions radically change.

You speak of our siblings in such demeaning ways.

What is inherently sinful in baking a cake? Nothing. What’s inherently evil in denying someone a cake because of their expressions? Many things.

How do you love SSA people? The same way you love your family, friends, and yourself. You cannot love God while hating your neighbor. You cannot.

Just because you love someone, doesn’t mean their sins disappear. When you are loved, your sins don’t disappear either. We’re not ignoring each other’s sins, we’re looking at the much bigger picture. The fact that we are ALL children of the Most High, the Living God.
Fact: Try to make gay OK. That’s all we’re talking about here. I’m a sinner, you’re a sinner and it’s all good? No way. It was never meant to be that way. That’s why Jesus was born, to call sinners to repentance.

The “it’s all good” fiction has poisoned too many people over the years. I have nothing against gay people. And they, yes, we all fall into some category, have labelled themselves. What? They are going to start getting romantically involved with women? You are confusing people. Please stop.
How am I confusing people?

I’d prefer if we took this to PMs to avoid flooding this thread and because I feel that we are not fully understanding each other’s points…
I’m understanding everything clearly. I watched ‘gay rights’ and same-sex marriage being shoved down people’s throats. What did I see at the ballot box? ‘Should same-sex marriage be legalized?’ When it wasn’t, what did I see in my local paper? My state being called a slogan: “The great hate state.” That’s all they have to work with, anger and accusations. Do you think the US Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage was a good thing?
I feel that we’re about to go into the political side of this which is not at all what I intended. The original question was whether or not it is OK to meet said person’s best friend’s same-sex partner.

I’d be more than happy to discuss this in PMs so that this thread isn’t clogged with our back-and-forth.
I’d rather not. People should understand that they have been, and still are, being lied to. And I have no problem meeting people like my friend’s gay cousin. Same-sex partner clearly implies sexual behavior.

And just so you know, I have no political affiliation.
Which is still endorsing a mortal sin which is a mortal sin in and of itself…
To have dinner is to satisfy the need for food - and to do it with others is to be sociable. It is not a public endorsement if immoral behaviour such as might be joining a wedding celebration.
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Context is everything. If I don’t know who everyone is is one thing but if someone who is a man introduces his partner, and I know both are gay, then that’s different. Jesus didn’t eat with prostitutes and sinners to encourage them. He came to call men to repentance.
No one said anything about sex or religion or politics.
Love the sinner - Hate the sin…
People say that a lot but sometimes have a difficult time figuring out how they’re going to actually do it while also maintaining a friendly relationship with the person they think is sinning.
People say that a lot but sometimes have a difficult time figuring out how they’re going to actually do it while also maintaining a friendly relationship with the person they think is sinning
make that ‘some’ people… 🙂
When I was involved in that lifestyle I have to admit I wouldn’t have listened to any lecturing or even gentle reproofing. I would have taken it the wrong way. Truly it would have been pearls before swine.

Towards the end however it would have gotten to me a bit. Even before I considered becoming Catholic I began to feel lingering doubts. If someone had said something to me gently then? I don’t know. I could have reacted with anger and just committed even more to that lifestyle. Or I may have listened. I can’t say.
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Context is everything. If I don’t know who everyone is is one thing but if someone who is a man introduces his partner, and I know both are gay, then that’s different. Jesus didn’t eat with prostitutes and sinners to encourage them. He came to call men to repentance.

Our Bottom line - is neither feelings nor always being agreeable…

Epistle of Jude
  • Be merciful to those who doubt;
  • save others by snatching them from the fire;
  • to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
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