I agree with that evaluating whether he wants to be friends with this person is probably in order. But I’m just skeptical that if he just says “busy, sorry.” that’s going to be the end of it. It depends on how close they still are or aren’t. Admittedly, I may have misinterpreted “oldest” as “best.”This is a guy who the OP describes as having “drifted apart” from them and who also sounds like he’s a big bully, not an actual friend. An “oldest friend” should be understanding. Otherwise, it’s time to let them go.
As I said, I may have overestimated how close they still are, but if my oldest/best friend was getting married and I said “can’t make it, sorry.” I think he would have been pretty hurt and said “you can’t reschedule whatever else you’re doing?”I’m not that close with my oldest friend anymore.
I could turn down an invitation from her without eliciting a whole lot of astonishment.
And besides, invitations aren’t commands.
Nobody should let others pull their strings.
It’s an invitation to a wedding, not a barbecue. Not saying OP shouldn’t decline, but he should do so knowing there are probably going to be follow up questions if he just says he’s busy. Simply stonewalling is probably going to be perceived as a snub. But again, maybe it’s best to let the “friendship” go anyway.