why would we choose to live in whatever circumstance puts us in a near occasion to sin
If by ‘near occasion to sin’ we mean ‘domiciled together’, I imagine the primary motivation is loneliness. I support a friend, a faithful Catholic and SSA, in her attendance at Courage (an orthodox LGBT ministry), and one of the prevailing concerns is of loneliness…
So a SSA Catholic trying to live faithfully according to magisterial teaching might decide to live in close proximity with another SSA Catholic, ultimately, for survival and support.
No, I totally get the loneliness factor. What I don’t get is why someone wouldn’t still choose a domestic relationship with someone they’re categorically
not sexually attracted to.
Like, I can theoretically see a SSA man and a SSA woman pairing off.
But I honestly can’t understand why two SSA men (or two SSA women), who intend chastity, mind, would strategically choose to live together. Unless each finds the other
really unattractive on the individual level in a way they believe will never change (and boy that sounds like it’d take a weird conversation to arrive at confidence on that front.)
I repeat that honestly, as an OSA (opposite-sex attracted) female, who also lives nowhere near family, etc… I understand that I might never be married or in a convent. I understand loneliness. I just don’t think a rational solution (for me) would be to seek remedy for my loneliness in close domesticity with anyone I’m attracted to but can’t marry.
I mean literally, I used to be in love with a man, and he wanted to live with me. But I couldn’t choose that (and ultimately the relationship even had to end, because I wouldn’t give up my Catholic faith and he was unable to agree to live in a way that wouldn’t continually shear me away from Catholicism, or lead any children away from Catholicism). Just because I experience OSA doesn’t mean I don’t ‘get’ making the sacrifice of loneliness, and sacrificing both sexual and romantic love, to God. I do ‘get’ it. I might be single until I die, same as anyone else — and I didn’t lack a tempting offer from the devil. I also have loved ones who experience SSA.
I guess what I find a little frustrating is the idea that we’re not supposed to give the same advice to a person with SSA as with OSA. This concerns me for the sake of SSA people. I
know how at-risk I’d be if I chose to live in close domesticity with someone with whom I share sexual attraction. So I currently live alone and if I ever do have a roommate I’ll make sure to select one with whom there’s no risk of sexual tension. I don’t understand why the same counsel isn’t equally wise and compassionate for all people. I don’t see the point in any of us taking on new burdens of temptation among everything else we have to deal with in life. It’s possible to arrange domestic living situations with people we’re at no risk of sexual attraction to.