This did not happen overnight. Some events were known at the time, others not until later. The poison was slowly, drop by drop, year after year, dripped into our veins. In the end, appeals to emotion - feeling good - overcame logic and reason. Then, you repeat the message, in various ways through various media, over a 40 year period, and people become conditioned and desensitized. That’s why Christianity had to be attacked during the same time period. The family had to be attacked. Norms had to be turned into the “wrong” way. Why bother believing or going to Church or caring about having children, or reducing relationships to: “the moment this gets unpleasant, I’m out.”? No self-disciple, not saying “I’m sorry,” not getting at the root of the problem. All that really matters is you. Sacrifice? For another person? Go through hard times with them (no, I’m not talking about abuse)? Hard work? Pleasure - just pleasure.
Let’s go back to 1973. The American Psychiatric Association is being targeted by radical gay activists and closeted gays in the APA, to get Homosexuality removed as a disorder from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. A vote is held and what was a disorder yesterday is not a disorder the following day. Years of research and published articles go out the window.
Move forward to 2013 and a similar lobbying effort has the same result for Transgendered persons.
“Whereas previously a man who “self-identified” as a woman (or vice versa) could have been classified as mentally ill, now the DSM-5 uses the term “gender dysphoria,” which means it is only a mental illness if you’re troubled by this self-identification. Elated activists in the “LGBT” community had lobbied the APA for the change for years.”
That approach is not logical or scientifically sound.
I also work in the media. Every word you read, image you see or sound you hear (people discussing homosexuality) gets stored on some level. I also understand the basics of Psychological Warfare, and it has all the same elements. Truths mixed with partial truths, mixed with lies. And delivered with the appropriate level of emotion.
Wake up, my fellow Catholics. Getting information the easy way is definitely not the best, especially on labeled “hot button” issues with a disproportionate amount of emphasis. Yes, it’s disheartening sometimes, but learn, ask questions. Don’t be confused. Learn what the Church teaches and why.