I am not a Catholic but am a Christian and a sincerely deep admirer of the Catholic faith. My question is about gay marriage and why the Catholic Church is against it. I can understand perfectly why gay marriage cannot be permitted within the Catholic Church but cannot understand not wanting them to have the right to marry in the secular world. Are we trying to retain or create a christian country? *Or is it about not wanting our children to be exposed to this temptation? * I am clear about why Christianity does not allow gay marriage or homosexual acts-- I am not clear on why it is against them having rights and dignity in the secular realm.
Why are Christians are against gay men and women having the right to at least have a civil union that affords them the same protections and benefits that married couples enjoy. A common example is a lesbian couple who have been married for twenty five years and one of them falls very ill and eventually dies. It seems to me that the surviving person would have a right to be in the hospital with her partner while dying and also that after death she would be the owner of all properties gained during that union.
Read or research the book After the Fall. It is a textbook on how to get people to accept every part of the SSA agenda. And they are well funded, so they get their messages broadcast in large media outlets.
The big deal? It won’t stop at gay marriage or it won’t stop at survivor rights afforded SSA people. Most, if not many, have those in place.
That the agenda wants to do is have preference acceptance, exploration, whatever, with NO PUSHBACK. Why did Pres. Obama have to waste taxpayer $ convincing African countries to change their policies? None of his business. But he has an agenda.
What happens in sex Ed classes when young kids are to explore their mansculitiy or feminity as a normal part of sexual develment? It won’t happen here. If you like a reprint of After the Ball, you will better understand. SSA marriage is a check box to further perversions of what God created sex for.
Can I ask, do SSA people care about those truly living dreadful lives ( like orphans, homeless, disabled, vets, etc.). This always seem a one topic discussion. Maybe in your research you can get my question answered: why are disabled kids beat up with nobody to protect their backs? This includes visible and invisible disabilities. Where’s their voice? It is not a multi million add campaign, I assure you of that.
I am as strict and devout a follower of Christ in the areas of trying not to sin as the next guy, I am a sinner but I am trying with the fullness of my heart not to sin-- I understand the benefits that come from this struggle. I cannot understand why we try to project our beliefs onto others who don’t hold the same beliefs. I see the supreme court decision to allow gay marriage as a tremendous victory for human dignity in a country that seems to have been founded on the idea of separation of Church and state. What am I missing?