Rau ]Reading your posts franklinstower, I sense (perhaps wrongly) something disingenuous in what you right. I apologise if I’m mistaken.
I think you don’t understand where I am coming from so you are misunderstanding my motives on this issue. I am not being disingenuous. Please don’t take offense, this is meant and said with kindness. I have found that it is very difficult to really understand someone while also trying to form arguments against them. If you could put your strongly held positions on the shelf (just for a while) and really listen you could understand my take better. That is what I am doing here with others on this thread .
We are talking about “marriage”, not “Christian marriage”, and certainly not “your marriage”, That you don’t care that SSM and marriage are declared by the force of law to be the same …
I think my other posts, if you read them carefully, address most of this.
I also asked, but you didn’t reply:
But how do you get from that step [the right to access “benefits”] to the rather more momentous step of broadening the meaning of marriage? Is there no other way (clearly there is…); are there no downsides to changing the definition of marriage, and thus to the means of family formation, to give you pause?
The ill-treatment is reprehensible, no argument. But - seriously - how would the present demands have been averted had society behaved much better? Would the demand to redefine marriage have not arisen? Would all that flows from that (as per the list I gave you) evaporate? *Actions should be justified because they are right - not because they are a “deserved retaliation for past injustices”… *
There are downsides but there were some pretty serious downsides to the lack of empathy towards gay men and women, life threatening downsides, and deeply emotionally damaging downsides. I can see why they have fought so hard to gain equality in the eyes of the country. It is horrible to feel threatened by the entirety of society you live in, to know that your life could be put in danger, is called into question regularly, to feel you have no one who cares for you.
I think if there had never been ill treatment of the LGBT community. If there had been genuine compassion and love offered them all along we would still be having the discussion to legalize gay marriage in a secular country. I think what would not be present is the retaliation against christian businesses and an overstepping of equality into persecution and a forcing of LGBT views. I suspect there would be no need for that if there had been love and good will all along-- instead there would be dialogue had in the aura of love and goodwill. I don’t think its to late. I wonder who has access to a love that could accomplish this.
So it’s not a good choice, but it is good for the society to declare and acclaim SSM and marriage to be the same, with all that that implies for the meaning of family… By the way, what makes you think SSM advocates are not Christian? Many certainly are - by baptism at least, and many participate in Christian denominations.
My other posts state all of my thinking on this.
The mistreatment was from society at large, is reprehensible, but has nothing to do with the access to benefits. My point, to which you respond here, was that securing “benefits” ceased to be a major goal of SSM advocates long ago, since in many jurisdictions, benefits equivalent to those attaching to marriage have been available to all de-facto couples (including same sex) for many years. Clearly, that fact did not change the drive for SSM one iota.
Curiously, you support the State declaring yours to be the just the same as SSM.
I don’t care how the state defines my marriage, again I appreciate living in a secular county, No one can take away what my marriage IS, what your marriage IS.
No, we’re not. I said your statement was “motherhood”.
I am a man-- we had a misunderstanding.
If you prefer not to debate, you might prefer a blog format. Discussion and debate is inherent to a discussion board such as CAF.
I use these forums to dialogue with other Christians.
Be generous and charitable and respect my desire not to enter debate on all of this further. I am grateful to you for helping me understand your position and where you are coming from with it.
I am surprised your inclination was ever to “demonise” the position that marriage is between a man and a woman. If you’ve given up that inclination, I am pleased. For your info, here is the booklet that has caused SSM advocates in Australia to pursue an anti-discrimination action against the Australian Bishops:
Lets put my use of the word demonize into perspective. My position
coming into this discussion was softer and more generous towards your side of the issue than yours is towards mine now. I have learned a lot. I am not saying that means anything as to the validity of my position, I am just explaining my use of the word.
Do you find anything in here - communicated from the Catholic Church to the families of children attending Catholic schools - justifying such action?
No, but again as I learned from the self examination method I was taught-- when people harm us we can almost without exception find that our own past actions that were based on “self” have placed us in a position to be harmed. If there had been genuine love and compassion towards this community ***all along ***I do not think we would be here at all.
God bless you Rau.