Gay Uncle's "marriage"

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Oh for crying out loud, go. Someday you’ll stand in front of God to be judged and I’d hate to have to explain why I didn’t show love and respect for someone who was so good to me.
Nice going Reason. You are going to spend your first post chastising us with bad theology and guilt trips. Homosexuality is a “born” trait? Prove it. There isn’t one shred of concrete evidence that supports this claim. It is a strongly held opinion, nothing more. I have a strongly held opinion that the New England Patriots are going to repeat. Do I have any concrete evidence that this will in fact happen? Nope. Indeed, there is more evidence to suggest that homosexual attraction is a result of bad parenting. Not one of these threads even hinted that we “hate” homosexual people. We only voiced strong support of Catholic theology which denounces active homosexual behavior as morally disordered. Are you a heterophobe? A gay rights activist come here to save us from our religiously inspired “homophobia”?
The Reason:
What is wrong with you people? I absolutely understand being devoted to your faith, but I cannot fathom how one could denounce a person based on their sexual orientation. You are born gay or straight, end of story, and every reputable study done in the past 25 years has come to that conclusion. Why would anyone decide to be a homosexual when so many people hate them for it? Why would one choose to be hated?

The Bible tells us not to judge our fellow man, and if you condemn someone for being a homosexual, you are failing God. No one is perfect. Everyday we commit sins. Did anyone eat shellfish today? Did any of you men cut the hair on your temples at any point in your lives? If so, I recommend you hurry to confession. However, feel free to own slaves or sell your daughter into slavery when she is of birthing age.

The fact of the matter is that we pick and choose what to believe, sometimes based on our own fallibility and sometimes based on relevance. Personally, I choose not to hate or judge. It is my duty, and yours, to love others. If you make a conscious effort to despise others because of who they are, then I would not expect to be walking hand in hand with our lord in the afterlife.

To whomever started this post: If you do not go to your uncle’s wedding, shame on you. This man offerred his guidance, support, and a roof over your head at one of the most difficult times of your life. If that isn’t a Christian act, then I don’t know what is.
Oh for crying out loud, go. Someday you’ll stand in front of God to be judged and I’d hate to have to explain why I didn’t show love and respect for someone who was so good to me.
So now love and respect is shown by public support of sinning?

If this uncle was going to commit a murder and wanted her to come and watch, or if he was going to shop lift and wanted her to come and watch, would not going be not showing love and respect?

Afterall those could be life choices.

I would hate to stand before God and explain why I showed support for public sin.
So now love and respect is shown by public support of sinning?

If this uncle was going to commit a murder and wanted her to come and watch, or if he was going to shop lift and wanted her to come and watch, would not going be not showing love and respect?

Afterall those could be life choices.

I would hate to stand before God and explain why I showed support for public sin.
I agree and I am able to show love and respect by not attending. I really and truly feel after days of prayer and reflection that not only would I be doing a disservice to my uncle, I would be renouncing my faith and everything I believe in. Just because I would choose not to attend this faux marriage, that does not in any way mean that I do not still love my uncle. Maybe it is true that at 78 years of age it will be too late for him to change, but I will not stop praying for that change to occur.
Nice going Reason. You are going to spend your first post chastising us with bad theology and guilt trips. Homosexuality is a “born” trait? Prove it. There isn’t one shred of concrete evidence that supports this claim. It is a strongly held opinion, nothing more. I have a strongly held opinion that the New England Patriots are going to repeat. Do I have any concrete evidence that this will in fact happen? Nope. Indeed, there is more evidence to suggest that homosexual attraction is a result of bad parenting. Not one of these threads even hinted that we “hate” homosexual people. We only voiced strong support of Catholic theology which denounces active homosexual behavior as morally disordered. Are you a heterophobe? A gay rights activist come here to save us from our religiously inspired “homophobia”?
I am probably wrong and can be accused of being judgemental, but I am suspicious of anyone that registers with little or no information in their profile. He/she may be all of the things you say and yes…not one of us did use the word “hate” in describing anyone that is homosexual.
I am probably wrong and can be accused of being judgemental, but I am suspicious of anyone that registers with little or no information in their profile. He/she may be all of the things you say and yes…not one of us did use the word “hate” in describing anyone that is homosexual.
I agree, and if you read my first post, I tried to make the case where you could support and love your uncle as a person, while not condoning what you feel is sinful behavior. I have an uncle, an aunt, and a first cousin who are all gay. I love them dearly, but they both know my position on the lifestyle. Fortunately after much heated discussion, my uncle and aunt have both decided to at least attempt to maintain a chaste lifestyle.
He took care of you when you needed him. That wasn’t dementia. He sounds like a very caring, selfless, compassionate person to me. Now you know him and know what other signs of dementia he may be showing. But if taking in a man with a terminal disease and not being ashamed of it is the only sign, I don’t think you’ll make much of a case. In fact, I daresay that their “marriage” may not be about disordered sex, but about legally putting themselves in the position to take care of each other. Unless his very “out” friend has been sharing some very intimate details with you, for all you know they are from their point of view starting a monastery of two. At any rate, you don’t have to agree with gay marriage to see something worthy of deep respect there. You are lucky to have such a man in your family. A complicated sort of lucky is lucky nonetheless.
No one enters a “gay marriage” in an attempt to start a monastery. The reason one does such things is transparent. Why spin it? If one is concerned about so called legal issues they can see a lawyer privately and arrange their affairs accordingly.
The Reason:
What is wrong with you people? I absolutely understand being devoted to your faith, but I cannot fathom how one could denounce a person based on their sexual orientation. You are born gay or straight, end of story, and every reputable study done in the past 25 years has come to that conclusion. Why would anyone decide to be a homosexual when so many people hate them for it? Why would one choose to be hated?

The Bible tells us not to judge our fellow man, and if you condemn someone for being a homosexual, you are failing God. No one is perfect. Everyday we commit sins. Did anyone eat shellfish today? Did any of you men cut the hair on your temples at any point in your lives? If so, I recommend you hurry to confession. However, feel free to own slaves or sell your daughter into slavery when she is of birthing age.

The fact of the matter is that we pick and choose what to believe, sometimes based on our own fallibility and sometimes based on relevance. Personally, I choose not to hate or judge. It is my duty, and yours, to love others. If you make a conscious effort to despise others because of who they are, then I would not expect to be walking hand in hand with our lord in the afterlife.

To whomever started this post: If you do not go to your uncle’s wedding, shame on you. This man offerred his guidance, support, and a roof over your head at one of the most difficult times of your life. If that isn’t a Christian act, then I don’t know what is.
The bible tells aus not to judge another’s soul. The bible tells us to judge actions and words. Authentic love means instructing the ignorant and admonishing the sinner. Authentic love is praying and wishing eternal happiness for another. Authentic love is not glossing over sin. Authentic love is keeping the commandments.
I don’t think there has been any conclusive evidence to support the current popular notion that one is ‘born gay’. I think this is a belief put forth by gay activists, who want their lifestyle choices to give them special status and protections. Would the same people say that folks are ‘born pedophliac’? Probably not.

No, there are many complex factors in life that might lead someone into a certain conditioned responses. Once these become ingrained they are very difficult to overcome. Of course some folks might be predisposed, but I doubt if every homosexual is ‘born gay’. That is a modern myth, IMO
I am curious about something.

Has your uncle generally tried to get your family to approve of his gay lifestyle?

I guess I am wondering why he invited you in the first place. I think someone mentioned this earlier but why would he put you in the position of making a decision as to whether or not to attend this occasion. If you are as important to each other as you say, it seems a strange thing for this uncle to do. Do you think he really expects you to attend? Or is he trying to be polite? Is this really his partner’s doing and not the uncle’s?

You say that your uncle has perhaps ''lost it"? From what you’ve described here, it seems that this is just another example of it.

Perhaps you need to speak to your uncle in very practical terms. “Uncle, are you prepared to do everything it will take to enter this kind of arrangement so soon with someone who has an incurrable illness?” (This is a legitimate question to ask anyone. There are people who would decline a marrige invitation to such a wedding between straight people.)

I guess my point is that there are two issues you are dealing with. One is the homosexual aspect of the situation. The other is the issue of him wanting to marry someone with an incurable illness after knowing them for a short period of time. For your sake, you need to be clear about that on which you feel conflicted.
The Reason:
You are born gay or straight, end of story, and every reputable study done in the past 25 years has come to that conclusion. Why would anyone decide to be a homosexual when so many people hate them for it? Why would one choose to be hated?
If there are any reputable studies on this, I’d like to see them- if this really were proven, then it would definitely be public knowledge- believe me- the media would LOVE to get ahold of it.

Just because you feel a certain way does not mean you have to act on those feelings. Homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexual acts are- because sex belongs in marriage only, and marriage is between one man and one woman.

For anyone struggling with homosexuality who may read this…
No one enters a “gay marriage” in an attempt to start a monastery. The reason one does such things is transparent. Why spin it? If one is concerned about so called legal issues they can see a lawyer privately and arrange their affairs accordingly.
He’s 78. His friend is dying a terrifying death. Just possibly they have reasons you cannot possibly fathom, which might just possibly mean you have no idea what or who it is you are sitting in judgement of. If you want to stand on principle, fine, but do admit that just possibly you may not know all the facts.
There’s a great deal of nonsense going on in this thread. “it’s OK” … “go” … “don’t judge” … “show your love”


Look, if you go, your presence endorses the action. In being there, you’re saying “I approve. Gay marriage is OK.” In addition, people will look at you and see, “oh, well, see, Catholics are tolerant. It’s the pope and church teaching that is out of date.”

Trust in God. Worry ONLY of his love. If your uncle really does love you, he will not abandon you, as you will not abandon him. Huh, sweetchuck? Isn’t that a contradiction? No. Not going to an illegitimate “wedding” is different from abandoning someone. Don’t end the relationship. Express your displeasure, tell him you’re not going, and that you still love him and you’ll be praying for him that he’ll be able to overcome this temptation and turn from this lifestyle. If you cut ties, that would be merciless. Still be family to him. Talk to him. Send him birthday cards. If he loves you, he’ll get over it, and when things go awry with his “lover,” and he feels the incompleteness, he’ll remember your fortitude and may hear Christ’s call in his moments of weakness.

If my Catholic cousin decided he was going to raise his children Satanist, I would not go to any sort of induction ceremony they would have. Granted they analogies are not the same, but the path to destruction points in the same general direction.

There is one thing you MUST remember in all of this:

Love your God more than you love any of his creations. This world will pass away, God is eternal. Glorify Him today. Rarely in your life will you be given such a powerful time to witness to people. Be discreet, as much as is possible, do not tell others (other than your uncle) about your decision beforehand so that you do not overshadow the day. But people will notice you there. Some will judge. Others will wonder, she is so close to her uncle, why is she not here for him? But when will you ever again have the opportunity to sow so many grains of truth for your Lord? God has intracately woven us into his Divine Plan Pray that your absence touches souls and wins them for Christ. God will strengthen you.

God bless!
Alright, I’ve changed my mind. Absolutely ignore the wedding, Sandy. He’s gay, for crying out loud. Why would you want to associate with such a sinner? You, yourself, can look forward to eternal happiness in Heaven, while he no doubt will be burning in the fires of Gehenna for all eternity because of his gayness and most certainly because of this Satanic “wedding.” I would cut ties with such a person, pronto. You need to look out for #1, and, like Jesus did, avoid the sinner. Because it is we who are responsible for judging people as good or bad, not God, and your uncle is clearly a bad, bad man.
He’s 78. His friend is dying a terrifying death. Just possibly they have reasons you cannot possibly fathom, which might just possibly mean you have no idea what or who it is you are sitting in judgement of. If you want to stand on principle, fine, but do admit that just possibly you may not know all the facts.
I think you are way off base. The OP said there would be a ceremony attempting to join two homosexuals into a fax marriage and a reception to celebrate the faux union. I will judge such an event all day long. It is immoral. I do not know all the facts, I know what the poster posted. I am calling a spade a spade. Too bad our society has lost its moorings and we think we need to be silent in the face of patent immorality. Give me a break…
Alright, I’ve changed my mind. Absolutely ignore the wedding, Sandy. He’s gay, for crying out loud. Why would you want to associate with such a sinner? You, yourself, can look forward to eternal happiness in Heaven, while he no doubt will be burning in the fires of Gehenna for all eternity because of his gayness and most certainly because of this Satanic “wedding.” I would cut ties with such a person, pronto. You need to look out for #1, and, like Jesus did, avoid the sinner. Because it is we who are responsible for judging people as good or bad, not God, and your uncle is clearly a bad, bad man.
Perhaps you should read what posters have written with the mind of the Church, instead of the mind of radical secularism and immoral relativism.
You have issues. Seek professional help, soon.
Alright, I’ve changed my mind. Absolutely ignore the wedding, Sandy. He’s gay, for crying out loud. Why would you want to associate with such a sinner? You, yourself, can look forward to eternal happiness in Heaven, while he no doubt will be burning in the fires of Gehenna for all eternity because of his gayness and most certainly because of this Satanic “wedding.” I would cut ties with such a person, pronto. You need to look out for #1, and, like Jesus did, avoid the sinner. Because it is we who are responsible for judging people as good or bad, not God, and your uncle is clearly a bad, bad man.
Perhaps you should read what posters have written with the mind of the Church, instead of the mind of radical secularism and immoral relativism.
Huh? Don’t use those big phrases to describe me. All I am is a sin-hater. I hate, hate, hate sin in all its wily guises, and there few sins I can think of worse than for an elderly man to marry a younger person of the same gender infected with HIV. Just like you, fix, I will judge such an event all day long. I judge it wrong.
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