Ken, in Europe one minister is in jail and a Cardinal is on trial. In Canada they just passed a law that gives a 2 year sentence for saying what I say here. The US isn’t far behind. But I don’t think you care about homosexuals (or the truth). You don’t mind them being beheaded in Saudi Arabia. What you don’t like is the Catholic Church. You are for anyone who is against it. The priests who committed those acts were homosexuals. They did it because they were gay not because they were priests. And they did it even though it is contrary to our doctrines. It proves my point. Homosexuals were the main perpetrators.
I find that you tend to not provide real evidence. Also you are careful not to mention your church affiliation or sexual orientation. I challenged you to provide evidence that homosexual groups worked against lowering the age of consent. You have not done so. Therefore you lose. Put up or shut up. You didn’t put up, so now just slink away and sulk. If you had evidence you would have posted it. You didn’t. My point carries. Don’t post to me again unless you give PROOF. I will repeat this over and over again.
I accept that clerics have been jailed for speech in some countries. I do not accept that this indicates the same will happen un the US.
Those countries have long had laws forbidding expression against various religious and racial groups. So, they simply added homosexuals to the class of protected groups. All these laws are somewhat silly.
We can look at our history to see if it is probable that the US will follow those countries.
It has been forty years since the major civil rights legislation was passed. Yet there are no laws against speaking out against Blacks. Support for anti-discrimination laws was much stronger than the support for gays, yet we are still free to speak out against Blacks if we choose.
In the Seventies and Eighties legislation was passed to redress problems women had in the workplace. Support for women and this legislation was much stronger that support for gays. Yet we are still free to speak against women if we choose.
There never have been laws prohibiting speaking against religion, and religions have been in the US for hundreds of years and have strong support. Yet we are still free to speak against any religion we choose.
So, the history and tradition of the US does not indicate that laws prohibiting speaking against gays will be enacted.
Keep speaking out against gays if you choose. It’s your right to do so, and I support it. Nobody cares. Nobody is listening. Nobody will put you in jail.
I do object to the execution of gays in Saudi. It is rare, but it happens. I object because there is no reason to kill them. Do you favor killing gays?
I have never claimed that gay groups worked against the lowering of sexual consent age. I do claim that lack of protest does not indicate approval.
A subset of Catholic priests were sexual abusers over the past forty years according to the John Jay report commissioned by the USCCB. We did not see Catholic priests protesting that activity over the past forty years. Nor did we see an organization of Catholic priests protesting. This absence of protest does not in any way indicate that the full set of Catholic priests support sexual abuse.
Feel free to post whatever you choose as often as you choose… I support your right to do so.