I honestly think (thankfully) this isn’t a “Catholic men” thing.
Rather, it’s a generic secular western trend among certain embittered men (mostly atheists, in my experience), that perhaps to degrees has seeped into the thinking of certain people who happen to be Catholic, just because they also happen to be experiencing the other cultural influences that lead to this. But I’d actually reckon being Catholic slightly immunizes someone against this kind of thinking, rather than makes them more prone to it. I mean, who could meditate on Mary and still have such absurd ideas about what ‘women’ are like?
And I think it’s more niche and fringe than you may be concerned about (it’s just artificially over-represented on the internet).
Basically I think it can largely be traced back to “Pick-up artist” types. You know, those guys who cultivate a community of paid followers then try to develop and ‘teach’ them grand ‘theories’ about male/female interactions… so as to better manipulate females into casual sex (or, more rarely, relationships) with them. Teaching each other little ‘techniques’ like negging, peacocking, that sort of nonsense.
That manipulative approach tends to lend itself to objectifying the people involved, reducing them to base assumed ‘motives’. Like idiotically limiting one’s idea about women to: “All they care about is money, power, or looks,” so that then they can find an easy ‘answer’ to obtaining what they want from a woman (by tricking her into thinking they have money/power, or improving their looks). They have to turn women into a mechanical problem in their heads, if they’re going to try to superimpose a mechanical ‘solution’.
Basically… yeah. I’d say don’t worry about it too much. Pray for the guys involved but know that they’re actually fairly rare, and are mostly immature, frustrated lonely people grasping for any ‘theory’ or technique that might help them find the kind of company they long for and have so far felt excluded from (and unfortunately, gross communities of ‘pick-up artists’ exist online to feed them such theories. Don’t even google ‘red pill’).