Gender Roles

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Is anyone here feel strongly about gender roles or know some one who is?
Is anyone here feel strongly about gender roles or know some one who is?
do I know someone who is a gender role? I am not sure what your question is.
Is anyone here feel strongly about gender roles or know some one who is?
nouns have a gender, people have a sex: male or female.

I don’t understand your question about “feeling strongly” about these roles?
I have a strong feeling of a sorts. I am usually leary of those who *noticeably *go around making it clear that men have headship, like it is a big deal and needs to be proclaimed to all. There is some threshold that, once passed, turns my stomach sour.
I feel strongly about gender roles primarily because i was deceived so long by the so-called “women’s movement”. Feminism is so disgustingly anti-woman and so many women buy into it because it’s propagators appeal to your emotions and pride. Basically it tells women that we are worthless unless we try to be men. A woman who wants to raise her own children instead of dumping them into daycare is weak and primitive. A man who won’t consider staying home to rear children is unreasonable and primitive. So a man is to be applauded for doing what a woman is biologically designed for and a woman is to be condemned for it. When i say biologically designed, i mean that a woman’s body is the home of the infant for it’s first 9 months of life. Her body then produces perfect food for the baby for it’s first few years. Her voice is higher pitched than the father and is easier for the baby to hear. The newborn’s eyes see just far enough at first to look into it’s mother’s eyes as he breastfeeds so they can establish a comforting bond. God in His infinite wisdom designed this and the secular world teaches it is wrong.
The second thing i really hate about the women’s movement is the sexual revolution aspect of it where it expects women to sterilize their bodies so that multiple men can use them for sex and never be responsible to them. This is so injurious psychologically to a woman that it’s criminal. It continues unchecked, though, because we can’t see psychological scars. The reason so many women buy into this lie, though, is because since the Pill became available, society has basically condoned men staying adolescents forever. It is expected of them to sleep around and never settle down. Families are “bummers”. So women have had to pick up the slack in single parent families. We can see how men in this country are becoming less responsible because we have robbed them of their God-given duties by telling them responsibility is wrong. Fewer and fewer men are going to college. Fewer and fewer men are pursuing marriage. Fewer and fewer babies are being born. And the porn industry is fluorishing. We have a country of manly women running things and adolescent men treating them as sex objects. Is that what you were looking for? :mad:
P.S. With the influx of women in the work force, wages have gone down and now it is nearly impossible for the average person to support themselves without a roommate or significant other. It is also nearly impossible for my husband to support me staying home and raising our own children because wages no longer support that as a viable lifestyle. Which leads to children being raised in daycares by the government and then indoctrinated in their public schools and the parent becomes essentially useless. But i really have no strong feelings one way or the other on gender roles.
P.S. With the influx of women in the work force, wages have gone down and now it is nearly impossible for the average person to support themselves without a roommate or significant other. It is also nearly impossible for my husband to support me staying home and raising our own children because wages no longer support that as a viable lifestyle. Which leads to children being raised in daycares by the government and then indoctrinated in their public schools and the parent becomes essentially useless. But i really have no strong feelings one way or the other on gender roles.
Not all wages have gone done…I think it depends on what job or what skills you have. Usually the more skilled or more education the more $$ you make 😃

If you could, please read Mulieris****Dignitatem. The Holy Father has given us this gift of a letter, which clearly explains what Catholics think about a woman’s role and why we should all believe it. I think it will answer any questions you may have, and it’s really a great read!

God Bless,
Sorry about the question, it should have said “does” not “is”. The reason I ask is because sometimes I feel old fashioned and I know a lot of people who look down on me b/c I plan to finish college but to stay home with my family. I’m just glad I am not the only one who feels strongly about it, thank you for your post darfalax, it is exactly how I feel
I am a bit confused here…are you saying that “men” should work and support a family no matter what? What happens if the wife has better skills or a better job (better $$ benefits etc.) that would support the family better? Should the husband not stay home then?
I believe it is the responsibility of a married couple to decide how their family should work. I would have loved to have stayed home when my kids were young or at least work part time but my (now ex) husband could not hold down a job to save his life. I did what I had to do to ensure survival of my family. Do I think all women should stay home…absolutely not! I think that everyone should make that decision for themselves. I do wish there was more support for stay at home moms and homeschooling moms. I worked out of necessity, if I didn’t, we wouldn’t have eaten. That isn’t a choice at all. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world! My sister is an awesome mom, she stays at home with her kids, I often look to her for advice about things even though my kids are actually older than hers.
of course there are exceptions, afterall, the world doesn’t work the way it should anymore. Men are being taught to run from their responsibilities instead of taking care of them.
Karin said:
Not all wages have gone done…I think it depends on what job or what skills you have. Usually the more skilled or more education the more $$ you make 😃

If you can find a job. I’ve known people that have had trouble getting jobs because they were “overqualified”, the company has to pay them more for having higher degrees (eg Dr vs Bachelor’s)and they can’t or aren’t willing too. That was happening to quite a few people a couple years ago. When I worked as an intern in a big company that was some info that I was given also. 😉 But yeah, on average that should be true (I think at least 🙂 ).
The reason I ask is because sometimes I feel old fashioned and I know a lot of people who look down on me b/c I plan to finish college but to stay home with my family.
Here is the dirty secret of the academia - you are the majority. About 60% of college women plan to cut back on work or stay home when they have children. In other words, you are the normal one.

Maggie Gallagher wrote a column about this recently.

This statistic can actually be a problem when you consider that 55% of college enrollment is women and that trend is increasing. The problem is that there are not going to be enough college educated men for the women who plan on cutting back or quitting work to take care of the kids… uh oh.
Sorry about the question, it should have said “does” not “is”. The reason I ask is because sometimes I feel old fashioned and I know a lot of people who look down on me b/c I plan to finish college but to stay home with my family. I’m just glad I am not the only one who feels strongly about it, thank you for your post darfalax, it is exactly how I feel
It is NOT the responsibility of the couple as to how the family should work. God has already decided for us. He made women the nurturers. Men the natural breadwinners. It makes no difference it the woman could earn better $, better benefits, etc.

The best thing you can do for your children is to give them the best example of a family that you can. Dad goes to work, Mom stays home with the children. We can’t continue to deny the Motherly instinct to mother and the Fatherly instinct to provide and protect.

Instead of trying to ignore our strenghts and weaknesses we need to celebrate them. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Women make better Moms. Men make better Dads.

Of course in extenuating circumstances the Mom may need to take a job and help out while Dad finds that elusive job. And Dad may need to pitch in a do a bit of Mothering while she’s away. But it is far from the ideal.

There is a reason Dads don’t feel comfortable talking about “girl” issues with their daughters and Moms arent’ comfortable talking about “boy” issues with their sons.

Ok libbers, fire away.
Hey Chris you won’t get beat up by me 😉

All that being said…mothers…make sure your daughters are educated and able to fend for themselves in case of emergency…such as the bread winner going elsewhere with the loaves.
This statistic can actually be a problem when you consider that 55% of college enrollment is women and that trend is increasing. The problem is that there are not going to be enough college educated men for the women who plan on cutting back or quitting work to take care of the kids… uh oh.
**All the more reason for making more babies!😉 **
What’s the old saying?
Everyone should try to have at least 1 for your family, 1 for your country, and 1 for your God. Something like that??

Our elderly and the baby boomers need care givers, but as they only had 1 or 2 kids - there’s a problem with the numbers there too.

Personally, I think we’re probably set up fairly well for at least a mild depression, if not another great depression.

Back on topic though…

**I don’t believe in gender roles the way most people do. I think men should act like men and women should act like women - but I don’t think which one works or does the dishes or changes the most diapers has anything to do with that. What makes a marriage work is 2 people who do what’s best for their family. It is not a 50/50 thing divided by gender roles. **

I think the feminist movement did a great harm to many women. They were told many lies and given many misconceptions about what a loving relationship really is. But now we’re seeing a generation of women raising by those feminist. This new generation is choosing to try and find a better balance.
Hey Chris you won’t get beat up by me 😉

All that being said…mothers…make sure your daughters are educated and able to fend for themselves in case of emergency…such as the bread winner going elsewhere with the loaves.
👍 Fathers, do the same. My daughters are taught to do well in school and be prepared to use the gifts that God gave them to their fullest.

My oldest daughter has taken an interest in cooking lately and it has shown no signs of letting up. In spite of the fact that my wife has not pushed it in the least. I think the fact that she likes to eat has something to do with it. And the fact that my wife hasn’t been the most creative in the kitchen since she took on the part time job. She likes to show up Mom.

But a college education is definitely in the works for both our sons and daughters. I agree that a woman should have a backup plan in case that provider turns out to be a loser.
Chris G:
But a college education is definitely in the works for both our sons and daughters. I agree that a woman should have a backup plan in case that provider turns out to be a loser.
Quite offensive. My husband is an intelligent, gifted, caring man. He is also a Stay at Home dad. In the 4 homes in a row on our street, one man is retired and the other 3 are SAHDs. These men are FAR from losers.

What works for you and your family is great for you and your family. What works for us and our family is great for us and our family.

“Dad works outside the home while mom stays at home with the kids” is not the 11th commandment, sorry.

Every child deserves a caregiver parent at home.
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