Get Ready to Call Your Representative and Senator on Monday 2/26

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I’ll contact them to encourage them to first fund the border wall, improve enforcement, hire more border patrol & ICE agents, mandate E-Verify and maybe then we’ll do DACA!
LOL. What is the old adage about “fool me once?” Trump runs on deporting criminals and gang members to make America safe. Great idea, if he could have been trusted. Then it was focus on deportations of all with a misdemeanor of felony conviction. Still pretty good. However, when it comes to what has been done, all are being deported, and all the talk was just baloney. So now ICE wants to enter local courthouses, saying they will just deport those being convicted, and maybe a few others. Who in their right mind would trust them? Witnesses or victims with any sense at all of who the president is will steer clear of all public buildings and public responsibility.

So when I read, “Do this and do that and maybe we will do DACA,” I too say there is no reason to trust Trump, ICE, the GOP, or conservatives, to keep their word. Compromise must be worked out in advance.
The GOP has been down that road, they were promised border security after the 1986 amnesty and the Dems backed out. I have no trust the Dems are going to meet any of their promises, which is why they should take the President’s very generous offer before it’s too late!
A logical fallacy isnt a critical thinking tool. That is why its called a fallacy.
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I have no trust the Dems are going to meet any of their promises, which is why they should take the President’s very generous offer before it’s too late!
By too late, do you mean the election? They may well be in control of one or both houses afterwards. I would say rather the clock is ticking on the Republicans to reach a compromise while they have both houses and the presidency.
Yet they keep using them. I think I will just post what fallacy it is as a reply
Yet they keep using them. I think I will just post what fallacy it is as a reply
That would help. The last two, I had no idea what fallacy you thought it was. Analogies and thought experiences are not fallacies, but tools to determine it there might be some error in thinking.
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God help us if the pro-abortion, pro-euthananisia ‘Catholic’ Democrats (hi, Teddy Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, et all) win control of Congress.
Wel, He wouldn’t be able to tell the unborn babies he murdered who were waiting for him at the gates of Heaven about the women’s so-called right to abortion.
We need a Godwin’s law corollary; something to the effect that all threads lead to abortion.
I think it’s because American liberals selectively use to the Pope’s authority whenever it’s convenient for them.

Sorry that you both missed that point.
Well I’m not someone that has 100% agreement with the Democratic platform and I also don’t have 100% agreement with the Republican platform. But I do find my views lining up with the bishops’ quite often. So I’m not really the poster child of “Oooh. Let’s quote the bishops only when it’s convenient.”

I’ll take the good from aside and acknowledge when it’s good, but I’ll also recognize that political parties aren’t where we should form our concsience.
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You’re just being silly. Immigrant parents in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the standard current immigrants have been held to, refused to teach their kids their native tongues so they would assimilate. Now the standard has suddenly changed? Why?

If I got dropped in Poland, Lithuania or Czechoslovakia for no good reason (my heritage), I’d consider it punishment.
Oh brother. You think people lately have been hewing to the standard of the 1880s and 1890s? Have you ever heard of diversity? I assure you that the politically-aware immigrants of the last 20-30 years are aware of it. You think the standard has “suddenly changed”?
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As I said, there are competing interests, and finding the balance between them is not facilitated by assuming the loosest controls represent the most moral solution.
I absolutely agree with you, which is why I have asked, multiple times, how people disagree with DACA have come to that decisions via a moral perspective.

I can understand concerns when it comes to other kinds of immigration but I do not see, and no one has explained, what “the other side” is when it comes to this specific legislation. Who is harmed?
There are folks who get all of their news from Fox News and Friends of Fox, a network that does not do a ton of education about what DACA requires:

You may request DACA if you:

Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;
Came to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;
Have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time;
Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making your request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
Had no lawful status on June 15, 2012;
Are currently in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and
Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor,or three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Do you believe that following the laws of a country where one is a guest is a form of morality?
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LOL. What is the old adage about “fool me once?” Trump runs on deporting criminals and gang members to make America safe. Great idea, if he could have been trusted. Then it was focus on deportations of all with a misdemeanor of felony conviction. Still pretty good. However, when it comes to what has been done, all are being deported, and all the talk was just baloney. So now ICE wants to enter local courthouses, saying they will just deport those being convicted, and maybe a few others. Who in their right mind would trust them? Witnesses or victims with any sense at all of who the president is will steer clear of all public buildings and public responsibility.
No, I was refering to when the DACA protections expire in March.

I fully support our border patrol and ICE agents, I have very little sympathy for people in this country illegally.
Do you believe that following the laws of a country where one is a guest is a form of morality?
Yes. Please see the prior post regarding DACA eligability and criminal activities.

As mentioned before, it is not a crime to come into the US as a child and it is not a crime to be here without citizenship. I believe you mentioned that deportation is an administrative procedure not a punishment for illegal activities.
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