LOL. What is the old adage about “fool me once?” Trump runs on deporting criminals and gang members to make America safe. Great idea, if he could have been trusted. Then it was focus on deportations of all with a misdemeanor of felony conviction. Still pretty good. However, when it comes to what has been done, all are being deported, and all the talk was just baloney. So now ICE wants to enter local courthouses, saying they will just deport those being convicted, and maybe a few others. Who in their right mind would trust them? Witnesses or victims with any sense at all of who the president is will steer clear of all public buildings and public responsibility.I’ll contact them to encourage them to first fund the border wall, improve enforcement, hire more border patrol & ICE agents, mandate E-Verify and maybe then we’ll do DACA!
So when I read, “Do this and do that and maybe we will do DACA,” I too say there is no reason to trust Trump, ICE, the GOP, or conservatives, to keep their word. Compromise must be worked out in advance.