Of course. As is an infinite God. Anything to do with infinity is logically impossible. infinity defies logic. Which only means that as a tool, logic is inadequate to “measure” or address infinity.
A timeless being is incomprehesible, but not illogical, since such a being transends time and space…
the same applies to god. what if the universe itself is god?
not yet.
God exists outside of time and therefore is not subject to the same flaws and parodox’s that an infinite universe would have. The universe is potentialy infinite, in respect of going on into the future, but it cannot have an infinte past.
Our universe moves from one moment to the next. It is a chain of being which is dependent on previous links in the chain for its continued existence; if you remove the past links in the chain, then the chain loses its justification and foundation for existing. If we go on forever down the chain of cause and effect, then the chain fails to logically exist, because it has no
ultimate root, no suffcient reason for
being a chain of cause effect in the first place. So although i cannot prove
emprically that our universe isn’t ultimately
iirational, it is quite self evident that there is no “
logical” reason to believe in an infinite chain of events, which lead endlessly into the past. As far as my best freind “logic” is concerned, the universe began to exist, and that is why empirical science( another buddy of mine
) has shown that to be the case.
Gods nature of incomprehesibility, does not show a logical flaw in the God premiss, but rather shows our inability to comprehend beyond our finite boundries. What we can know however, from existing in a universe such as this, is that the universe cannot ultimatley explain itself in a way that confoms to logic, and any “cause” would quite literally, according to the laws of
necessity, have to transend the space-time continuim; since time began, and has to have a begining if it is to be logically accounted for. Your inability to comprehend what it is to be a
timless cause does nothing to change the
necessity of such a cause, if the universe is to reasonably exist. This is one reason why God cannot exist in time, but rather must be the foundation of time itself.