Because the physical universe is not an attribute of God. To believe that it is a divine attribute is to embrace the heresy of Pantheism. God and the universe are not equivalent. God is infinite and everything he has created is finite. The universe comes from God, but it is not an eternal and infinite extension of God. According to your view, a portrait on an easel is an attribute of the artist who painted it. But it would be more accurate to say that the portrait is the product or result of the artist’s internal attribute of creativity with the help of physiological attributes of perception,dexterity, and balance. In a sense, the created work is an extension of the creator or artist, but insofar that the work is a distinct visible expression of an original idea. The artist and the portrait are not substantially equivalent. If either the artist dies or the portrait is destroyed in a fire, the other would not necessarily cease to co-exist. God created the universe. The universe is not God nor an attribute of God, so it cannot be infinite as a part of God himself. There is no question of a double standard with orthodox Jews and Christians who will not compromise or reject their fundamental beliefs in the nature of God.
Pax vobiscum
Good Fella