. . . the inherent sense of the supernatural is the same as belief in the supernatural.
This inherent sense of the supernatural, I would call an awareness of the spiritual.
I don’t see it is a matter of belief, but rather of finding the words that communicate that knowledge to ourselves and others.
What we are addressing when we speak of the supernatural is of a structure to existence that is something other than that of the material and of the psychological.
That structure pertains to the person, who is a unity, one who perceives, feels, thinks and acts.
We may deconstruct persons into their many and various components and basically intellectually kill them off, ideologically reducing ourselves to illusions.
But, in the end we meet ourselves in the undeniable reality of our own individual existence.
That existence that pertains to the person has a structure.
We know it to be finite in that it is not the totality of the universe.
Our individual existence is in the form of a relational self-other.
It’s triune nature is an image of Existence Itself, He who brings us into being.
This is one aspect of being which involves the realities of goodness and compassion, truth and knowledge, time and eternity, beauty and joy.
There is clearly a material structure to our being as well as a psychological and there are different approaches to their study.
The spiritual is sometimes understood as being supernatural, where nature is restricted to what we observe through the lens of empiricism.
Spiritual, metaphysical, supernatural, existential, and ontological are words tied to that aspect of reality which is explored in oneself through introspection and meditation, and externally through philosophy, sacred scripture and ultimately known through loving relationships.
A scientific view that has at the very best a very tenuous metaphysical foundation, as does the theory of evolution will ultimately reveal that flaw.
And, this is what leads the OP to ask, “Given the principles of evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest, etc, do you think belief in the supernatural will die out or become a minority worldview?”
My respose would be John 14:26 - “. . .the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
I would say that the sense and belief in the supernatural are aspects of the same phenomenon which rests on our response to God’s call.