Given the principles of evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest, etc, do you think belief in the supernatural will die out or become a m

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This is the real granny who has been rejected by this website.

Somehow your post appeared in my mail box. It is missing important information.

For example. The Catholic Church does not have doctrines involving Buffalo and
Bacteria because these are in the material world. Therefore, Catholics can
argue about evolution evidence and proclaim that the world appeared in six
days. Obviously, Catholics include God as in Genesis 1:1. And Catholics can
deny evolution.

The key point which people seem to ignore is that the real Science of Human
Evolution has a strict rule that new species is a population. This new species
population is more than two which is why the Catholic Church does not accept
that particular stipulation. Please note that “population” is a valid
particular stipulation rule in the basic evolution model.

I always enjoy talking with you especially since this website rejected my
presence. I am hoping to find the way to appeal the rejection.
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This new species

population is more than two which is why the Catholic Church does not accept

that particular stipulation.
Sorry if I misinterpret what you are saying but, I don’t believe evolution immidiately means population.
A species does not need to become a population, and there will always be one species that evolves first. The Catholic Church does not reject evolution, it only rejects polygenism which is the belief that Adam and Eve weren’t historical people, but instead Adam and Eve are meant as a metaphor for population. Their names do somewhat indicate that, but it does conflict with the doctorine of original sin. We might find a solution for this in the future, we might not. But I say lets stick to church teaching and let people believe in evolution, while not believing in polygenism.
Unfortunately, many original CAF participants do not understand what is involved
in the real evolution theory.

I am going to try to post a link which will give a few insights to the real
evolution theory. In addition, one might try Google for information on the
Science of Human Evolution. Another source is the chart of “Homo” descendants
from the Homo/Pan split aka a speciation event.
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Unfortunately, many original CAF participants do not understand what is involved

in the real evolution theory.

I am going to try to post a link which will give a few insights to the real

evolution theory. In addition, one might try Google for information on the

Science of Human Evolution. Another source is the chart of “Homo” descendants

from the Homo/Pan split aka a speciation event.
Interesting post, will keep it in mind. But yeah, in essence even if we did proceed from chimpanzees, God could still have used it as a way to create us and have just given us a soul.
I just posted an important reply.

While I am waiting for someone to
confirm that the reply was used –

Regarding this comment from

“The Catholic Church does not reject evolution, it only rejects
polygenism which is the belief that Adam and Eve weren’t historical people, but
instead Adam and Eve are meant as a metaphor for population.”

My apology.
That is not the actual meaning of the word polygenism. With
information, such as the above, it is important to understand what exactly is
the reference “polygenism.”

Polygenism refers to the scientific term
polygenesis which generally means that a new species derives “from more
than one ancestor or germ cell.” (American Heritage College Dictionary, fourth
edition) Thus, the Eve and Adam population of two is a no-no. Also, Eve
and Adam did not derive from a previous population. I really hope that the
link I posted works.

Another problem current Catholics face is how does one know what is
metaphor and what is literal truth in the first three amazing chapters of
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I am having trouble on this website …

I may have lost a response to you.

One needs to be extra careful when looking at information regarding the real
evolution theory.

For example. Humans did not proceed from chimpanzees. Chimps are our
scientific cousins. On the link toward to the bottom right, there is a short
diagram which illustrates how a species population can branch off and start a
new line of descendants. It is common knowledge that each point on the diagram
is a large population.

My apology. I do not have full access to this new thing. Therefore, I have to
wait until someone lets me know if what I posted is actually visible on the
thread. My e-mail is

Sometimes what I post eventually pops up. My current computer has been
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I can see all that you have written @grannymh
In case my message didn’t display, I said thank you for the correction, I accidentally said polygenism instead of polygenesis 😛
I did see your message. Thank you. It has taken time for me to figure out some
of the stuff in Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII, 1950.

When we look at the evolution theory with both eyes open, we discover something
marvelous, God’s gift of natural science. Medical research may use basic
evolution theory. May God bless scientists.

Medical research is not in the same category as a Catholic doctrine which is why
we make the effort to explore deep into the basic model of Evolution.

The Monk Gregor Mendal, known as the “Father of Modern Genetics” grew over
10,000 pea plants, keeping track of progeny number and type. He definitely
found that populations were necessary. The point is that “population” is
important in scientific research which can go back to Darwin and my favorite

In the spiritual world of God, Genesis 1: 27, each person is deeply loved not as
a human population but as individuals, male and female. That love is set in
stone because the human species began with two necessary individuals, Eve and
Adam. The originating population of two guarantees that Jesus Christ died for
all, no exceptions. All humans have the opportunity to be in the presence of the
Beatific Vision following bodily death.
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This may be a duplicate post because I am experiencing some problems.
I did see your message. Thank you. It has taken time for me to figure out some
of the stuff in Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII, 1950.

When we look at the evolution theory with both eyes open, we discover something
marvelous, God’s gift of natural science. Medical research often uses basic
evolution theory. May God bless scientists.

Medical research is not in the same category as a Catholic doctrine which is why
we make the effort to explore deep into the basic model of Evolution.

The Monk Gregor Mendal, known as the “Father of Modern Genetics” grew over
10,000 pea plants, keeping track of progeny number and type. He definitely
found that populations were necessary. The point is that “population” is
important in scientific research.

In the spiritual world of God, Genesis 1: 27, each person is deeply loved not as
a human population but as individuals, male and female. That love is set in
stone because the human species began with two necessary individuals, Eve and
Adam. The originating population of two guarantees that Jesus Christ died for
all, no exceptions. All humans have the opportunity to be in the presence of the
Beatific Vision following bodily death.
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