A single universe can contain distinct things. You and the planet Jupiter are distinct things and yet both are contained in the material universe, in the created universe and in the ATE universe. There is no problem with a universe containing distinct things with different properties.
Agreed. Yet, Jupiter and I share certain properties: we’re created, we’re made of the same kinds of stuff, we had a beginning in time (and we’ll both have a physical end in time). On the other hand, Jupiter and I do not share properties with God – in fact, God is distinct from all of creation. The only thing that Jupiter ‘shares’ with God is the “created” relation (Created[God, Jupiter]). The only additional thing that I share with God is that I was created “in God’s image and likeness.” Therefore, God is distinct from all that is created (whether material or immaterial); your ‘set’, then, is a set that contains two mutually exclusive subsets (with members either in ‘creator’ or ‘created’, but not both). Therefore, when you attempt to generalize over them, the generalization breaks down, since there’s no relation that exists that applies to members of both sets in the same way. In other words: it’s not a helpful construct.
Again, a watchmaker can create a watch. Why cannot the watchmaker and the watch both exist in the same universe? I fail completely to see that different properties always require that things be in different universes.
I’ve noticed that.
The thing is that you’re using ‘create’ equivocally of God and a watchmaker, but they do not ‘create’ in the same way: a watchmaker is himself a creation, and takes already created materials and assembles them in a novel way. God, on the other hand, creates everything from nothing. The watchmaker assembles and walks away; God creates merely by force of will, and then keeps everything in existence through that eternal will. The watchmaker co-exists with the materials with which he works; but God is in a different relationship with creation. So, yeah – the situation is vastly different between the two, and therefore, for the sake of drawing proper inferences, it’s necessary to deal with God and creation in particular (and careful ways), and not just lump them in all together.
I have defined that ATE universe as “All That Exists”. Anything with the property of existence is ipso facto a member of that universe. The definition of the universe does not mention any other property except existence, so all other properties are irrelevant when deciding if something is a member of that universe.
Fair enough; for the sake of a definition, it holds. That’s not what we were discussing, though, was it? We were discussing whether this is a
helpful construct or not. I’ve pointed out a few reasons why it is not, and a few ways in which it muddies the waters and creates misunderstanding.
That’s what we’re talking about… isn’t it?
Of course we can. Have you never stood with one foot inside your house and one foot outside it? Because we have parts (feet in this case) we can be in two different places simultaneously. You need to be more careful when you say God is “outside” the material universe.
I’m not saying that – at least, not in the way you’re hearing it. God exists in a context that transcends the creation that He’s created. He’s not “inside” or “outside” of it (in the way that you can be “inside” or “outside” a house) – in fact, using that analogy as the basis of your understanding creates problems and paradoxes.
Only part of God is outside; the other part is inside.
Again, we disagree that God has parts.
Also, being omnipresent, God obviously has spatial extension
Wow. Just…wow. No, ‘omnipresence’ does not imply ‘spatial extension’. God is spiritual, not material. God created the universe. Only the things that are created in the universe and are material have spatial extension.
If you want to convince me of the assertion “God has spatial extension”, you’ll have to work a bit harder, because the assertion is not self-evident. Perhaps our disconnect comes from the differences in our religious backgrounds? Perhaps there’s something in Buddhism that leads you to presuppose that ‘God’ has spatial extension and is a composite being?
It was based on your assertion that God is “outside” the material universe. You would probably have done better to say that God was partly outside and partly inside. I know your assertion is common, but it has logical problems.
I say neither/nor. It’s not that God has physical extension ‘outside’ the universe: it’s that His existence transcends the universe He created. (Does that work a bit better, and is a bit more clear, than “exists outside the context of”, perhaps?)
- Is God entirely inside the material universe? Yes or no?
- Is God entirely outside the material universe? Yes or no?
- Is God both partly inside and partly outside the material universe? Yes or no?
- Is God neither partly inside nor partly outside the material universe? Yes or no?
God is not entirely ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ the material universe; God is not physical, and so, you cannot create a mapping of physical extension between ‘God’ and ‘universe’. God is neither ‘partly’ anything, so neither of your next two questions works, either.
God transcends creation. He is omnipresent, but not in a physical way. He is simple, not composite. (I think that answers your questions, since they seem to come from the perspective of an understanding of God in a ‘created’ (or at least ‘material’) sense.)