Uhhh… But since God knew ahead of time what Moses would ask, He didn’t actually change his mind; He allowed the illusion (for Moses’s sake) of a decision that appeared to change from one state to another. If we didn’t have the illusion of ‘changing’ God’s mind, we would not be able to grasp the point of prayer… It’s still a little mind-bending, but knowing everything ahead of time preempts any actual change by there mere act of foreknowledge.Agreed. Now the question becomes, is life contingent? The answer may vary depending on how life is defined.
Here I disagree. Does God exist? Then He falls into the category of “things that exist”. Is God necessary? Then he falls into the category of “things that are necessary”. Any adjective used to describe God: omnipotent, omniscient etc. places God into the category of things that possess that property.
Unchanging? I think not. Consider the following dialogue:
Moses: Lord, please part the sea for us so your people can escape the Egyptians chasing us.
God: I’m sorry Moses, I can’t do that. You see, I am unchanging and I did not part the sea yesterday, and because I cannot change, I cannot do anything today that I didn’t do yesterday. Sorry about that.
An unchanging entity cannot change, and hence cannot change how it acts. If it changes how it acts, then it is changing and so cannot be unchanging. Being unable to change is extremely restrictive.
Besides, your example isn’t entirely accurate, because GOD told MOSES He was going to part the sea; that particular solution didn’t occur to Moses. So God was not even in the appearance of changing His mind, but rather informing Moses of what He was already planning to do.