There is no future for God! He knows all events influenced by all
created persons regardless of when they are born. Not surprisingly, events influenced by
non-created persons are non-existent.
Well, I hate to be pedantic, but future events influenced by people who are in existence right now are also non-existent.
You are also saying that God knows as a fact the events which I will influence. But…those events will be influenced by people not yet born. And you say He knows nothing about them.
It’s a nonsensical proposition, but I’m not sure how else to put it. Tell me where this scenario is incorrect.
Tony: God, here’s Bradski. Seeing as he has free will, do you know all events associated with this person?
God: Yep. I know everything about anyone who exists. So I know without any doubt what his future is.
Tony: So there’s no ifs, buts or maybes about this. He is created, he exists, he has free will, so you know all events influenced by this man.
God: Yes…didn’t I just say so?
Bradski: So you know what I am going to be doing in twenty years time?
God: Well, yes, obviously. As a created person, I know everything about you. You’ll be taking the grandson for a walk in the afternoon, then having a couple of beers with a mate, then going for dinner with your wife.
Bradski: There are a lot of people going to be born next year. Do you know anything at all about events that they may influence?
God: Obviously not. Didn’t you read what Tony said?
Bradski: So what happens if someone born next year decides, in 18 years time, to kill me? Did you know he was going to do it?
God: Ummm. No, as I said…
Bradski: So you could be wrong about what I’ll be doing in twenty years time?
God: Well…ummm, of course, I can’t be definite about literally everything, can I…
Bradski: Doesn’t that apply to everyone? If freely made decisions made by people who are not yet born will affect people who exist right now, then you have no idea what’s going to happen to the people who exist now.
God: Maybe omniscience isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Bradski: Are you sure?
God: Well, who can be sure about anything…