And just how does that absolve the Christian God of His knowledge? It doesn’t. Just insisting that God exists out of our time does not change the facts of what He created and that His omnipotence could have altered the situation.sigh.
This has been addressed, ad nauseum, already.
His foreknowledge is in the Eternal Now. That He knew, at the moment of the creation of the world, that I would be typing this response to you, in no way predestines me to be typing this to you.*** It’s all occurring at the very same moment–the creation of the world, and my typing this–to God. ***
What about omnipresence? “In the whole world there is no place which the eternal God does not fill, no boundaries which limit Him; He is omnipresent. God Himself gives us a sublime picture of this when He says: “Heaven is My throne and the earth My footstool” [Isaias 66, 1]. And yet the earth, this footstool of God, has a surface of nine millions of square miles and millions of stars sparkle like diamonds around the throne of God in Heaven, and these are mostly greater than this footstool, than the earth! God fills and preserves everything with His presence. The soul of man is a weak picture of this, which as an image of God is present everywhere in the body and preserves its life and its movements, for with its thoughts it hastens with the speed of lightning through the spaces of earth and can place itself now here and now elsewhere in its imagination. This latter presence of the soul is, to be sure, only an imaginary one; with God, however, it is real and substantial.” catholicculture.org/culture/library/dictionary/index.cfm?id=35261