Let’s look at exactly what Tony said:
Originally Posted by tonyrey:
I’m sorry if this is long, but you have to know the context:
What God did know is that in creating a being who could love, he was allowing for the possibility that these beings with free choice, could choose not to love.
Before the world was created, the innocent Lamb, the Word, His Son, was slain. In eternity, He took on all the sin that the cosmos would produce from these beings that participate in creation. This sacrifice was revealed in time as Jesus Christ.
God exists in eternity.
This moment exists as do all moments.
This place exists as do all parts of reality.
God is everywhere and in every time as its Creator.
God is one, indivisible.
He knows us at this time as he knows us at conception and at our death.
Everyone, in the present past and future relative to when we are now, exists in God’s eternal Now.
Unless someone is created, there is nothing to be known of them, they are fictional unless they are real at some point in time.
Having been created, their actions/choices are known.
Once created they cannot be uncreated, since they do exist in God’s one view.
God could create beings who behave in a manner that we would classify as good, but they would be unable to love because love has to do with giving of oneself freely.
I’m still not sure if this is clear. I will try again at a later time, if it is not.