He said He did and the angel told Mary He would, so your premise must be incorrect.Prove me wrong.
How did you decide that there was such a thing as a “lack of potentialities”?
He said He did and the angel told Mary He would, so your premise must be incorrect.Prove me wrong.
The Bible tells us that He can and He did change his mind:God cannot Change his mind.
That is because of His omnipotence? However, how does immutability work if a person can change and take on a different nature, isn’t that a mutation of sorts?Since God is God, He can take on any “nature” He wants.
So there can be a change whereby Divine nature becomes man?Divine Nature can assume human nature and become man
There is a longer and more detailed discussion up thread regarding this. Divine nature is altogether immutable. It is perfect. Nothing can be added to God.Benadam:
So there can be a change whereby Divine nature becomes man?Divine Nature can assume human nature and become man
My friend BOTH Jesus as God with two natures happened and the Real Presence too is a reality; so how about YOU PROVING that they are notMy reason for rejecting pantheism is similar to my reason for being sceptical of the hypostatic union: God has no potentialities.
A form of pantheism holds that God is the changeless soul of the changing universe, which is his body. But I reject this because God’s lack of potentialities makes this impossible.
Now I know that the hypostatic union is very different to pantheism, but it’s the same principle: surely He can’t take on a human nature.
Prove me wrong.
Matthew 24:36 is often brought up by those who say that the knowledge of Jesus is less than the knowledge of the Father.let’s see YOU disprove them
REPLYlet’s see YOU disprove them
[1] John.10:30 “I and the Father are one.”
Much of what we CAN know about the Father is through Jesus’ Ministry
[2] Jesus is unique in the Blessed Trinity which is "Co-equal & Co-eternal; in that He alone has tow complete and perfect natures:
Jesus is always God
Jesus assumed a human nature which he possessed from the time of His Birth through Mary & the Holy Spirit Luke 1: 26-37
Your Bible reference is metaphorical: Jesus as GOD knows ALL THINGS {period}
Jesus was speaking here in his HUMAN-nature metaphorically to teach US a lesson.
God Bless you,