"God is a Woman" New Ariana Grande Album

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I grew up in the 90s, when nobody could escape Joan Osborne’s What if God Was One of Us?

Or there was that awful Damon/Affleck movie, Dogma, when God turned out to be a woman— played, of course, by Alanis Morisette. Ooooo. Shock value. :roll_eyes:

My response to all is a is a firm, heartfelt meh-whatever.
Ariana Grande believes she has suffered much at the hands of the Church because of forbidding SSM.

But she is also known for bizarre and erratic behaviors.
Not Sinead O’Connor level behaviors, but behaviors.
Just watched the whole stupid thing. It was like Aimee Semple MacPherson meets Madonna. At least she seemed to be calling pregnancy a blessing in one shot.

Groundhog was the only good part of the video. The rest is just the same old overheated sex-as-empowerment baloney we’ve been seeing since music videos were invented.
Ariana Grande believes she has suffered much at the hands of the Church because of forbidding SSM.

But she is also known for bizarre and erratic behaviors.
Not Sinead O’Connor level behaviors, but behaviors.
If Ariana is all about same-sex marriage, then why does the whole video seem to be about her having sex with a man? The lyrics refer to “boy” and “he” and in one scene she gets pregnant.

As for “not Sinead O’Connor level behaviors”, we’ll check back in when she’s Sinead’s age and the fame parade has passed.
I went to Mexico - as a Maryknoll missionary -
Oaxaca - and surrounding towns - basic chores and helpful deeds -
But we did visit - with these Maryknoll sisters -
This was about 20 years ago -
They spoke to us - as a group - about this and that -
Then said God is a woman.

So we left - there were gals in our group - walking night dusty road
I remember asking privately - a few of the guys - how they felt -
Same answer - eye roll - and a keep hushed look -
Also not understanding that it isn’t a teaching of the Church but a teaching that is given to the Church from Jesus. But maybe she does realize that which is why she left Christianity altogether. I shake my head at the ones who say they leave because of what the Church teaches and still claim to follow Jesus.
Well, it doesn’t take a weatherman to see that the main audience for most contemporary pop/ dance music in the USA is gay/ bi / into gay themes, so regardless of some artist’s orientation or belief, the marketing is going to focus on making it as pansexual as possible in order to appeal to the audience you’re trying to get. It’s always been that way for dance club music back to at least the disco era.

Today’s musical “artists” are creations of a marketing team. If they aren’t a controlling creative genius with actual musical skills on the order of Prince or Freddy Mercury, they likely have very little (name removed by moderator)ut into their output. I see most of today’s “pop divas” as warmed-over Madonna wannabes.
Douay-Rheims Bible
The Lord’s Prayer
(Matthew 6:5-15)

1AND it came to pass, that as he was in a certain place praying, when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him: Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
2And he said to them: When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.

It’s just total nonsense
It’s not an album but a song. It’s not even about God, it’s about her saying that she’s sooo good at sex that the guy will think God is a woman (aka she is God) after they’re done. So yeah she’s not saying God is a woman, she’s calling herself God.
🤨 Not an improvement.
I grew up in the 90s, when nobody could escape Joan Osborne’s What if God Was One of Us?

Or there was that awful Damon/Affleck movie, Dogma, when God turned out to be a woman— played, of course, by Alanis Morisette. Ooooo. Shock value. :roll_eyes:

My response to all is a is a firm, heartfelt meh-whatever.
My best friend at the time insisted on “sharing” Dogma with me. He was a good friend but his taste in entertainment was sometimes horrid.
Sure, but it’s important to have the details about it instead of arguing a point she wasn’t making tbh
Also not understanding that it isn’t a teaching of the Church but a teaching that is given to the Church from Jesus.
But what she has been quoted as saying isn’t Church teaching. Her erroneous belief or understanding would have to be corrected first. And I’m not talking about God being a woman.For starters she has said she learned that God doesn’t love her brother because he’s gay. If that was church teaching I’d leave, too.
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Sure, but it’s important to have the details about it instead of arguing a point she wasn’t making tbh
Granted. If we’re going to disagree with someone it’s best to make sure we know what they actually said.
I grew up in the 90s, when nobody could escape Joan Osborne’s What if God Was One of Us?
Hmmm. I was around in the '90s, and I’ve never even heard of Joan Osborne. Guess I was concentrating on other things.
I never heard of her either. I just figured I was old and she was probably somebody popular with the teens
Well, by the end of the '90s I was thirty-seven years old, so by pop culture standards I was practically Methuselah.
I think there are way too many expressions of art that are in opposition to a Catholic view of reality to respond to them all.

Oh my yes. Does anyone here remember Piss Pope? 😡
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