I have never approved of the feminists because of their immoral stances on abortion and contraception that lead to the death of children and enable men to treat women as objects. I have also been repulsed by their whiny, irate, accusatory, and selfish attitudes. I have also never been partial to “girl-power” fiction because I find that it often does not reflect reality. I understand that the feminist ideology ultimately leads to death, and it is self-loathing in its very nature. It rejects what it means to be a woman, which leads women to act in ways that are not true to themselves, which makes them unhappy. Feminism also enables fallen men to shirk their responsibilities and act in the immoral ways that I detest. Militant feminists do not possess the admirable qualities of either gender. Feminism has also served as a gateway for a variety of absurd and profane gender identity ideologies that have caused great suffering, loss of life, and loss of souls.
Although I do not agree with the feminists, I can empathize with them. We live in a world where personal achievements bring us earthly glory. It just seems as though men are privileged with the qualities that are necessary to lead nations, fight battles, advance technology, and pioneer every field of academic study, and all sorts of cool stuff that fascinate and inspire both men and women alike. The role of the woman, the mother, although vital for the formation of every person and the preservation of every culture, seems to be held in lesser esteem. Although widely appreciated, the feminine role seems to be less revered and glorified. In the spheres of both the worldly and the spiritual, it seems as though men get to do all the spectacular stuff. I am a competitive person and have my self-worth tied up with my achievements, so it’s hard for me not to feel inadequate.
I am a devout Catholic. I want to live and die for the truth, to do the will of God, to go to Heaven and help bring as many souls with me as possible. I know these things can only be done through the grace of God, through the intercession of Mary, and through the authority of the Church. Yet I am afflicted with a temptation to be resentful of the designs of God that are ingrained in the Faith that I love. The Church is led by men, and the heroes in the Bible are overwhelming male, serving as a typological representation of God, who is understood to be masculine. Men have the same pronouns as God, and I don’t; this bothers me for some reason. But I want to be who God wants me to be.
I know that the teachings of the Church are true, and that the precepts and designs of God are perfect. They are what allow humanity to flourish. Satan hates us and wants us to reject truth, and therefore deceives us to annihilate us. We are many parts in the Mystical Body of Christ, and we must do our part. I want to do my part, to be a part of it.
But how do I overcome these feelings of resentment, this perception of unfairness, this sense of self-loathing, and my lack of understanding and trust?