True, but I use the child and mother as an analogy for the essence of love. A child and a mother are human beings. God is God, he is the all powerful God. And therefore his love should be everlasting enough to bring sinners and unbelievers back into his life relationship even after death on earth.
You have a whole melee of concerns, issues, grievances, complaints and overall mis-conceptions about God’s Love; our free will choices; the existence of hell; purgatory etc etc etc etc. its all just to encompassing to enumerate.
What you are suggesting is that God should make people (against their will) do the right thing everytime - especially when He knows that they are withing a few days or weeks of their death.
And that even though He would obligate this or that person to not commit sin that He should bring them kicking and screaming into heaven. (??)
Or, that He should bring all sinners into heaven and clean 'em up afterwards (not in purgatory) and “detox” them until their will was in concordance with the will of God - because He doesn’t want people that love Him freely…He wants to make people love Him.
Or that we should “eat the apple, because we will surely not die”.
Or…how about the angels in the beginning? Maybe God should forgive Lucifer for his rebellion.
Maybe God doesn’t know any better and we need to teach God how to be a God of Love.!
There is an absurdity here but, God is not to blame. From day one of creation to the present moment God does everything to bring man to Him, without violating man’s free will of choice.
Sin is horrible and it has nor will it ever have any part in the Kingdom of God.
So lets do all we can and all we are supposed to do in our lives to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin…so that when our time is up…we may find ourselves in God’s mercy.
Purgatory is proof of God’s mercy.
The fact that there will be a Warning, a Miracle and a Chastisement will also be proof of God’s mercy!
And still…
There will be a final judgement where some will enter into God’s kingdom and some will go to hell.
Pray the rosary, daily
Go to confession, weekly
Recieve the Eucharist, also weekly
Pray for the poor souls in purgatory.
Love and serve the Lord and be a witness onto others.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscu