They are in a state of hell. I suspect that they are totally incapable of feeling any pleasure in anything. And I certainly think that deprivation of the beatific vision must at least feel like the worst thing ever, certainly more than a “knuckle wrapping.”Punishment of the fallen angels is a token punishment only.
Angels and God’s servants. We are his children, heirs to the kingdom, to whom the whole of the world was given to be our playpen. If your servant spits in your face, that’s bad, but if your beloved son does, that’s much much worse.They rejected God outright to His face, therefore they should receive total incarceration to an extent greater than humans, who have never had a one-on-one proximity to God.
We don’t know the “success rate.” It hasn’t been revealed, at least not publicly. Perhaps you have insider information?Secondly, he knows those who He WILL create that won’t make it. He gives them a poor success rate, (reprobate) THEN he creates them.
Impossible, absurd. You have to exist before you can be aware, and once you exist, you can no longer “choose to not be created.”i]I say every aware being has an inalienable right to CHOOSE TO EXIST.
Once you do exist, you would need the power of God to cause you to cease existing. But if you accept God even a little, you’re de facto in purgatory, which is really just a part of heaven. If you slap God to the side, you’re in hell and thus have already refused his help.
And… why do we have this right, exactly? From where does it come?
Just because God hasn’t done something or won’t do something doesn’t mean he can’t.i]It is not this way because of one possible limitation of God. It would seem that He has no control over the non-existing, nor that it has ever been proven that he can return anyone to it.
And that which doesn’t exist – doesn’t exist. It is incapable of being affected because there’s nothing to affect. It’s not like a ghost or something from some alternate dimension. If something doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist at all, not anywhere, not at any time or in any way, shape, or form. By definition. Even speaking about it is just this side of insane, and it’s a contradiction in terms to speak of it like a thing.
If you love someone, you see both: you applaud the good and you seek to burn away the evil. I might love my friend dearly, but if he has a drinking problem, I can’t just ask for his recommendation on what kind of beer I should get for my Super Bowl party. Maybe I need to step out of his life for a few months so he hits rock bottom and finally bounces up to ground level.Thirdly, original sin. It would seem that from the onset if one loved a creature, I mean truly loved a creature, one would be first inclined to the aspects of it that are positive first, not negative.
And, of course, you’re forgetting that God has, shall we say, more than two eyes.