For me its better to understand my faith and be obedient out of respect and love cause I understand it instead of blind obedience cause of fear of going to hell. If that works for people then fine, but dont knock those who need to go deeper than “well its good enough for me cause the church says so”
People dont comes to the faith out of that mentality. They come from an exploration of weighing things.
I believe MORE about my faith than NOT. But I dont believe EVERYTHING as related at face value. And it makes me no less a Catholic than someone who blindly follows.
Jesus knew better than to show up on Earth and just STATE, he was the Son of God. He had to perform some miracles along the way and SHOW people.
Thats why I also have a slight problem when after he ressurects, he kind of reprimands Thomas for doubting cause he didnt see Jesus with the others. Why would Jesus show people miracles in the beginning to get them to believe, but then go all…“Blessed are those who dont see and believe”? Sure, its “Faith” and I dont question if he said it or appeared, I question WHY he said it after he did all that stuff. Sure, Thomas had Jesus there and seen everything, and all the others were telling and he should have believed…but why would Jesus then sy that about the very strangers who he knew he had to convince by SHOWING THEM earlier?
Theres a difference in questioning where a story is coming from as opposed to disregarding its validity all together.
And dont even me started on the selling of birthrights…
Noe/Noah being so drunk he didnt know he was having sex with his daughters…ON MORE THAN ONE NIGHT MIND YOU!
I could go on but wont, People may get freaked cause Catholics are asking questions