GOP reps push resolution to ban Democratic Party over past slavery ties

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What this is, is an excellent, epic troll. 🤣 This is nothing more than that: to point a finger at cancel culture and show how ridiculous it is. They don’t expect it to pass.

I first read about this the other day, and couldn’t stop chuckling. The leftists have been canceling everyone and everything due to even a single remark someone made or a single event from decades (or centuries) ago. That has come back to bite them…
I first read about this the other day, and couldn’t stop chuckling. The leftists have been canceling everyone and everything due to even a single remark someone made or a single event from decades (or centuries) ago. That has come back to bite them…
In my lifetime (1960) some in the GOP wanted this as a part of their conference platform:" All Negroes should be sent back to Africa." Those people who paint Democrats with a broad brush should recall that.
Like who, pray tell?

Poor corrupt Roger Stone or Mike Flynn?

Perhaps don’t actively lie during an investigation?
  1. presume the FBI is not being honest with you.
  2. never, ever answer their questions without a lawyer, regardless of circumstances.
  3. Flynn is as pure as the wind driven snow compared to Mueller, Weissman, Brennan, Comey, Schiff and Nadler, but McFarland reveals the truth in all of this.
In my lifetime (1960) some in the GOP wanted this as a part of their conference platform:" All Negroes should be sent back to Africa." Those people who paint Democrats with a broad brush should recall that.
Source. … because actual Democrat Party platforms are out there to see
1.) ah so conspiracy then.
2.) do you think anyone involved in this investigation talked without a lawyer?
3.) Melt some snow. I think you’ll find it hiding a lot of dirt :). Maybe not a wonderful metaphor for you.
Source. … because actual Democrat Party platforms are out there to see
“The Goldwater forces rolled over the moderates that year, with a fervor that their Tea Party legatees would find difficult to match. At the Republicans’ California state convention, moderates barely managed to block a platform resolution to “send Negroes back to Africa.” However extreme the conspiracy-minded Glenn Beck may seem, he was outdone by Robert Welch, the conspiracy-minded founder of the John Birch Society.”

" The “lily-white” movement began within the Republican party after the Civil War. From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought “respectability” among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued “black and tan” involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses. The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents “lily-whites,” and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South…

The lily-whites reigned supreme under Republican presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Clark Hoover, despite the threats of blacks throughout the 1920s to bolt the Republican fold for the Democratic party, and despite efforts by Republican congressman Harry McLeary Wurzbach to court the black and tans in his fight for ascendancy with Creager. When black and tan factions appeared at the 1920, 1924, and 1928 Republican national conventions, they were shunted aside by Creager and his followers. Lily-white domination of the state GOP became academic during the 1930s, as Texas blacks joined the black exodus into Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal coalition."
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In my lifetime (1960) some in the GOP wanted this as a part of their conference platform:" All Negroes should be sent back to Africa." Those people who paint Democrats with a broad brush should recall that.
And yet in 1965 22% of House Democrats voted against the Voting Rights Act, (HR 6400), while only 17% of Republicans voted against. Democrats had more racists in 1860 and in 1960.

Today’s Democrats are more careful in some ways, but they still contend that minorities cannot succeed without the help of Democrats, despite the lack of actual progress.
And yet in 1965 22% of House Democrats voted against the Voting Rights Act, (HR 6400), while only 17% of Republicans voted against. Democrats had more racists in 1860 and in 1960.
It was a northern/southern split and the south had no Republicans in the House. That ‘percentage’ old saw which conservatives fling about is misleading. The civil rights movement was actually a progressive movement which conservatives opposed. Can you name 5 conservative civil rights activists? You know, people out there on the picket lines.

You know that those folks against the Democratic party’s embrace of integration fled the party to the open arms of the GOP? That is legislators like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Bo Callaway, segregationists all. Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights bill after it had passed in '64 and got the segregationist vote.

“Democrats had more racists” in 1960? They ended up as Republicans!

Reagan was no racist but he had a weird record:

" This was also the decade in which the civil rights bills that ended legalized racism were passed … and Reagan was on record opposing all of them, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Reagan continued this pattern as president by gutting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), fighting the extension of the Voting Rights Act, vetoing the Civil Rights Restoration Act (which required all recipients of federal funds to comply with civil rights laws) and initially opposing the creation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (he changed his tune when it passed Congress with a veto-proof majority)."
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1.) ah so conspiracy then.
2.) do you think anyone involved in this investigation talked without a lawyer?
3.) Melt some snow. I think you’ll find it hiding a lot of dirt :). Maybe not a wonderful metaphor for you.
No conspiracy. That would be concealed.
This is out in the open.
No one should ever talk to the FBI without a lawyer, if they come to you with questions.
Oh, the dirt is now revealed.
Democrats had more racists” in 1960? They ended up as Republicans!
Please name them.

The only 2 Dixiecrats that I’m aware of who switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party were Strom Thurmond and Albert Watson.

Democrats prefer to deflect their history of racism with nonsense.
Please name them.

The only 2 Dixiecrats that I’m aware of who switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party were Strom Thurmond and Albert Watson.

Democrats prefer to deflect their history of racism with nonsense.
Please consider Jesse Helms, Bo Callaway and a host of others. You paint with an awfully broad brush.
I don’t see this as a joke at all. Leftists demand the removal of our history, and often claim they’re trying to eliminate references to racism. Well, I’m not sure who was a more powerful organization than the Democratic Party in fighting for racial inequality:

99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. (Two Republicans also signed it.) The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Democrat William Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That filibuster continued for 83 days.
Speaking of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, let’s review (since they don’t teach this in schools): The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans.

The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence the Ku Klux Klan. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, of Reconstruction, of anti-lynching laws, of the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960 and 1964,
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Please consider Jesse Helms, Bo Callaway and a host of others. You paint with an awfully broad brush.
You might also want to include Democrats on the Supreme Court in 1965, like Justice Hugo Black. I knew he had been a KKK member, but I just found this little tidbit of Alabama history tonight.

This account was apparently not written by a Catholic because the murder victim was identified as the pastor of the cathedral rather than the rector.
The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent . House Republicans? 80 percent . In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans.
You ever been in NYC? They say Riverdale is in the Bronx but that is about half the story.

Percentages by party means nothing – the Civil Rights movement was fostered by liberals and progressives and the parties have changed far too much since 1964. List the split between progressives and conservatives as to voting on the Civil Rights Act…
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You might also want to include Democrats on the Supreme Court in 1965, like Justice Hugo Black. I knew he had been a KKK member, but I just found this little tidbit of Alabama history tonight.
He was a Klan member more because it was expected for ambitious young men than anything else. He also voted not only for Brown v. Board of Education but also for blacks to be able to use public libraries.

“On the Supreme Court, Black was the steady advocate for equal rights and an opponent of racial injustice, but as a lawyer in Alabama he was a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan. And, finally, no one loved the South and its white people more deeply and was hated by them more vehemently than Hugo Black.”
Neither Callaway nor Helms were Democrats in the Senate or House of Representatives during the 1964 Civil Rights Act, so your argument doesn’t hold water.

Again, a higher percentage of Republicans in both the House and Senate voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.

And no, those Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did NOT switch to become Republicans.

This is one reason I don’t always like to get into these discussions because I am often called to waste time arguing against irrelevant arguments.
He was a Klan member more because it was expected for ambitious young men than anything else. He also voted not only for Brown v. Board of Education but also for blacks to be able to use public libraries.

“On the Supreme Court, Black was the steady advocate for equal rights and an opponent of racial injustice, but as a lawyer in Alabama he was a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan. And, finally, no one loved the South and its white people more deeply and was hated by them more vehemently than Hugo Black.”
I would find your defense of Justice Black more compelling if you also granted the same deference to a man who was formerly pro-choice, but has been the most pro-life President ever.
Neither Callaway nor Helms were Democrats in the Senate or House of Representatives during the 1964 Civil Rights Act, so your argument doesn’t hold water.
Both were Democrats and segregationists who left for the warm arms of the GOP. And they were no alone.

You quibble around the edges. Name 5 Republican civil rights activists who were out there on the picket lines.
I would find your defense of Justice Black more compelling if you also granted the same deference to a man who was formerly pro-choice, but has been the most pro-life President ever.
I give everyone great deference. Even Reagan.
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And, here’s more:

In 1857, the Supreme Court, with seven of the nine justices being Democrat, decided that Dred Scott was not a citizen, but property.

After the Civil War, Republicans pushed through the 13th Amendment, adopted Dec. 6, 1865, officially abolishing slavery in America. Once Southern Democrats were forced to free their slaves, they effectively attempted to re-enslave them by passing “black codes” and “Jim Crow” laws, which required former slaves to be “apprenticed” to “employers” and punished those who left.

To force Southern states to extend state citizenship rights to former slaves, Republicans in the U.S. House passed the 14th Amendment, May 10, 1866, as did the Senate, June 8, 1866. One hundred percent of Democrats voted against it.

The Republican Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, April 20, 1871, outlawing Democrat-affiliated groups which oppressed African-Americans.

Democrat President Woodrow Wilson segregated the U.S. Navy. During World War II, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower overcame racism and made the decision to arm African-American soldiers with weapons.

In 1957 and 1959, Republican President Eisenhower proposed civil rights bills to enforce the 15th Amendment, strengthening the rights of African-American to vote. Senate Democrats filibustered the bills and watered them down.
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