I don’t care what Johah Goldberg says.
What a coincidence! Here’s what Goldberg wrote for today. Remember, he was a personal friend of Breitbart:
"The Birtherism 2.0 brouhaha began the way so many do.
A Trump sycophant, in this case Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis, handed the president a hot-take opinion piece as if it was breaking news. Mere hours later at a press conference, he acted as if that op-ed was a settled legal ruling from a court or perhaps his office of legal counsel: Kamala Harris is ineligible to be vice president because her parents weren’t yet U.S. citizens when she was born — on American soil.
When asked about the claim, Trump took the bait.
“I just heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump said. “And by the way, the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer.”
It’s all so pointlessly ******…
What’s pointless and stupid is using Harris, Joe Biden’s half-Jamaican, half-Indian but legally all-American running mate, as the poster girl for the issue. At least Eastman had something of an excuse in that birthright citizenship has been his white whale for a long time, and any news peg will do when you’re obsessed with a topic, I suppose.
On the other hand, Eastman and his co-religionists on this issue weren’t as enthusiastic about using the presidential bid of Republican John McCain (born in Panama) as fodder for their theories, not to mention Ted Cruz (born in Canada). It seems that having elected officials who are supposedly less than 100 percent American is only terrifying when those officials are Democrats, particularly nonwhite Democrats."