GOP reps push resolution to ban Democratic Party over past slavery ties

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Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis all have Democratic Mayors and Governors.
Hence the out-of-control rioting and destruction. (We’re both doing a good job using the word “hence”.)
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Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis all have Democratic Mayors and Governors.
Hence the out-of-control rioting and destruction. (We’re both doing a good job using the word “hence”.)
But what of the big cities with Democratic mayors which did not experience ‘out-of-control rioting’? Is this in spite of their mayors? Did someone not get the memo?

What happened the the big cities which have Republican mayors? Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the US and has a Democratic mayor. I don’t remember rioting there but some bottles and rocks were thrown.
FBI list of the 20 cities with the most violent crime, the top 10 of which all have Democrat mayors:
So do you think the Democrats made the cities violent or let the cities be violent? Or is there some other cause?
So do you think the Democrats made the cities violent or let the cities be violent? Or is there some other cause?
Incompetent leadership, poor policies, and they don’t have to fear being voted out of office in a one-party city.
their party’s stance as to issues involving minorities
Perhaps you’ve confused the 2 Parties.

Republicans are the ones who favor funding the police in order to protect those who need it most. Republicans also favor school choice for those kids who have the misfortune of living in a bad school district.

Democrats favor reducing police funding, amazingly even at this time of riots and destruction. Democrats also oppose Charter Schools and school choice.
Incompetent leadership, poor policies, and they don’t have to fear being voted out of office in a one-party city.
Well Chicago is a no-party city for the mayoral race (I can tell you why its non-partisan!). I wonder what they don’t have to fear here.

Even in two party cities, don’t they still have party primaries?
Even in two party cities, don’t they still have party primaries?
When they have the unconditional support of the media and the establishment, no, they have nothing to fear. And the numbers speak for themselves: 17 of the 20 most violent cities have Democratic mayors, and only 1 of the top 20 most violent is ruled by a Republican.
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or Joe “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” Biden
Well, the obvious difference is that Horton’s picture was darkened to make him look more sinister, his name is “William” but he was renamed “Willie” to make it sound more ethnic and the ads only ran in white areas. Finally, the GOP operative admitted (before he died) that the Horton campaign was race-baiting.

Now, does that compare to a Biden mangled phrase? The two are worlds apart.

You ought to check conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg on the history of modern Republican racism and the racism of birtherism.

"Fast-forwarding to more recent times, it’s easy to acknowledge that many on the right failed to appreciate the racial undertones in some Obama criticism, most obviously the “Birther” conspiracy theories that so exercised some on the right. The mere fact that so many on the right were, for a time at least, willing to embrace the alt-right as part of the conservative coalition doesn’t prove that the left was right all along about the right. But it does demonstrate that something had gone terribly wrong on the right. And the fact that there are still people, including the president, willing to play footsie with alt-right is a shameful thing. "

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Even in two party cities, don’t they still have party primaries?
When they have the unconditional support of the media and the establishment, no, they have nothing to fear. And the numbers speak for themselves: 17 of the 20 most violent cities have Democratic mayors, and only 1 of the top 20 most violent is ruled by a Republican.
This is another example of confusing correlation with causation. The correlation here is simply that fact that large cities tend to be lead by Democrats - for whatever reason. Maybe people in large cities just trust Democrats more. I don’t know. But that is a fact. Large cities tend to have Democratic Mayors. Another independent fact is that large cities, because of their high population density compared to rural areas, tend to have higher rates of violent crime. The two characteristics of having Democratic mayors and having comparatively higher violent crime are both related to the size and density of the city. But the two characteristics are themselves not causally connected. At least it has not been shown to be so.

If one wanted to show that having a Democratic major brings about higher rates of violent crime, how would one do that - scientifically? Well, you would have to hold all other variables constant and vary only the mayor between Democrat and Republican. For example, if you could find a large city that has had both Democratic and Republican mayors in recent times, and if you could establish that the crime rate was higher during the Democratic administration, that would do it. But it would have to be during comparable times. You can’t take Philadelphia in the 1800’s and compare it to Philadelphia in the 21st century. That introduces too many other variables that could affect the crime rate.

So just remember that the next time you see this “Democrats bring violent crime” trope trotted out for review.
Well the GOP would have to ban their own party as well.

Republican Presidents that owned slaves:
Thomas Jefferson 600 +
James Madison 100 +
James Monroe 75
Ulyssses S. Grant 1

The vote to free slaves
Democrats 39% voted yes
Repubicans 20% voted no
Democrats 31% voted yes
Repubicans 18% voted no
And the numbers speak for themselves: 17 of the 20 most violent cities have Democratic mayors
Most densely populated cities have democratic mayors.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
“Most densely populated cities have democratic mayors.”

And… how does this matter??
Now, does that compare to a Biden mangled phrase? The two are worlds apart.
No they’re not. Biden slipped up, but he said what was in his mind. To him, “poor” means “black”. Where’s the evidence about the GOP operative. I remember the Willie Horton commercial. It was sinister, but because of the danger of letting people like him out of incarceration, not because of his color.
You ought to check conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg on the history of modern Republican racism and the racism of birtherism.
I don’t care what Johah Goldberg says. I’m not a Republican and never have been. In my opinion (and that of others as well) the real racism is on the Dem side. That Klacik woman says it as well as anyone during her walk on the streets of Baltimore. I don’t imagine she’ll win over Mfume, but it’s refreshing to hear someone say it.
No they’re not. Biden slipped up, but he said what was in his mind. To him, “poor” means “black”. Where’s the evidence about the GOP operative.
First of all, a vocal slipup is not a campaign promotion – the two are far different in scope and intent. Secondly, the designer of the “Willie” Horton campaign admitted that it was a racist campaign designed to alarm white folks about the specter of a black criminal. That admission seems like enough evidence. A Republican newspaper censured GHWB for the campaign ads.
I don’t care what Johah Goldberg says. I’m not a Republican and never have been. In my opinion (and that of others as well) the real racism is on the Dem side.
Well, he’s called out Republican racism before also. I think that ‘who’s the most racist’ allegations are pointless and get us no further on. Let’s call out current statuses and incidents and not try to rate distant history. Both parties had sea changes after the sixties.

The young lady is Baltimore seems to have no chance but is highlighted by Trump and others because she appears to mirror his worldview. That does not make her or her campaign newsworthy and smacks of rank opportunism. She is reminiscent of Candace Owens, who recently made ignorant remarks about Kamala Harris: What are the Baltimore woman’s credentials? Is she an authority on any subject? Morial appears far more experienced.
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I don’t care what Johah Goldberg says.
What a coincidence! Here’s what Goldberg wrote for today. Remember, he was a personal friend of Breitbart:

"The Birtherism 2.0 brouhaha began the way so many do.

A Trump sycophant, in this case Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis, handed the president a hot-take opinion piece as if it was breaking news. Mere hours later at a press conference, he acted as if that op-ed was a settled legal ruling from a court or perhaps his office of legal counsel: Kamala Harris is ineligible to be vice president because her parents weren’t yet U.S. citizens when she was born — on American soil.

When asked about the claim, Trump took the bait.

“I just heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump said. “And by the way, the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer.”

It’s all so pointlessly ******…

What’s pointless and stupid is using Harris, Joe Biden’s half-Jamaican, half-Indian but legally all-American running mate, as the poster girl for the issue. At least Eastman had something of an excuse in that birthright citizenship has been his white whale for a long time, and any news peg will do when you’re obsessed with a topic, I suppose.

On the other hand, Eastman and his co-religionists on this issue weren’t as enthusiastic about using the presidential bid of Republican John McCain (born in Panama) as fodder for their theories, not to mention Ted Cruz (born in Canada). It seems that having elected officials who are supposedly less than 100 percent American is only terrifying when those officials are Democrats, particularly nonwhite Democrats."
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the designer of the “Willie” Horton campaign admitted
Your evidence for this is???
Both parties had sea changes after the sixties.
I don’t see that they did, with the sole exception that the South turned Republican.
That does not make her or her campaign newsworthy
I think it is newsworthy because she’s telling the truth and showing reality. She doesn’t have to be an expert on any subject other than the ability to see that some neighborhoods in Baltimore have become derelict. It’s the Democrats refusal to acknowledge such truths that causes me to acknowledge their racism.

I don’t think it’s limited to the Dem party, but there is a lot of “virtue signaling” going on over trifles while disasters like Baltimore, South Chicago and East St. Louis are allowed to get worse and worse because nobody really cares about the people who live there, other than at elections.
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