Grade your Bishop

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I gave Archbishop Dolan a B. He’s a wonderful bishop but I graded pretty tough because I want him to be a little tougher in some areas - areas he hasn’t spoken out on yet. Although I reserve the right to give him an A. It was close.

God Bless,
Is this a true statment?
He gets a F - Proof that the Church does make mistakes.

If you give your Bishop an “F” it’s proof that the Church makes mistakes? Did Jesus make a mistake when He picked Judas?

I’m not sure about that!


PS: Would Judas get an “F”?
I have opinions about my bishop to be sure…but I’m not going to grade him.

I agree with John’s post above. Would any of you give Jesus an F for picking Judas?

I bet the 99 sheep would give their Good Shepherd an F because He left them to get the 1 lost sheep.

It is not my place to grade my shepherd.

If you do think your shepherd deserves a failing grade, follow St. Paul’s advice and tell him in private first (today, that means write him a letter). Paul says if that doesn’t work, then take it to the Church (today, that means write to Rome).

And above all, pray.

Respectfully abstaining from this vote,
If you do think your shepherd deserves a failing grade, follow St. Paul’s advice and tell him in private first (today, that means write him a letter). Paul says if that doesn’t work, then take it to the Church (today, that means write to Rome).
I HAVE talked with our Bishop, but to no avail. I don’t know that writing to Rome would help - he was appointed by the Pope. He’s a good fund raiser & business manager. Just a lousy shepherd.
Archbishop Sean Patrick O’Malley of Boston is great! Needs a lot of prayers for all that he has inherited!!!
Amen Anunciata! Archbishop O’Malley is leading the flock of Boston in its most perilous time. He needs our prayers! Where I live, in the central part of the state, Bishop McManus was just recently installed. I’ve only gone to two masses in which he was the celebrant, so I can’t accurately give him a grade as of yet. He seems like a very intelligent man, I look forward to hearing more of his homilies 👍

You missed an option! I am in a diocese currently without a Bishop. I voted “A” for our former Bishop, Raymond Burke, now leading the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

Is it breaking a Commandment to covet another diocese’s bishop?
Amen Anunciata! Archbishop O’Malley is leading the flock of Boston in its most perilous time. He needs our prayers! Where I live, in the central part of the state, Bishop McManus was just recently installed. I’ve only gone to two masses in which he was the celebrant, so I can’t accurately give him a grade as of yet. He seems like a very intelligent man, I look forward to hearing more of his homilies 👍

I’ve heard only good about Bishop McManus…my former diocese by the way.🙂
Our bishop, the Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop of Lincoln, gets an A+ ! We often thank God for him!
Diocese of Belleville, IL

Not a heterodox bishop but a very weak one- Liturgical abuse rampant even at the Cathedral, poor vocation numbers.
Tyler Smedley:
ArchBishop Alexander From Seatle isn’t bad, I feel that he is a very passionate and smart man, who is doing the right thing.
First, it’s Archbishop Alexander Brunett, and I must disagree. He’s a go-along, get-along, make-no-waves administrator.
Sure., it could be worse, but it sure could be better!
Ordinaries like Bruskewitz, Chaput, Burke, Meyers and George are the kind of men who can pilot the Church out of Her troubles and foster tne New Springtime" I keep seeing glimpses of.
Bonnie :amen:

I couldn’t agrea with you more. We went to Rome in 97 when our former Bishop George was made a Cardinal. I also met him and found him to be very approachable. He visited our parish of Crist the King more times in the short stay in Yakima than all the other bishops combined. Maybe with the exeption of Bishop Skilsted who as you say gets a D-.
My Bishop would be Todd Brown (Orange County CA) who’s a protegee of Cardinal Mahoney

He gets an F
I am also from Orange County. I was going to give Bishop Brown a “gentleman’s C”, but I am feeling somewhat generous today and gave him a B.

Too bad I cannot go and change it back to a C.
I think some Bishops should be purged from the church! Am I wrong? Am I uncharitible? aM i A nUT?

I gave Cardinal Maita a C mainly because he seems to be ‘wishy-washy’ when it comes to taking a stand against evils in his own diocese. I have written him a few times in the past about his approach to combatting dissent, namely one of ‘continuous dialog’ with the dissenter. I even offered my opinion that Bp. Bruskewitz’s no nonsense excommunication of certain groups of dissenters (CTA, etc.) was an approach that bishops today need to consider. Anyway, Cardinal Maita was gratious enough to reply that continuous dialog was his approach. I’ve thought of writing him again and telling him that if “If you’re going to sup with the devil, use a long spoon.” :rolleyes:

And now we Michiganders have a pro-abort Catholic Governor who has no intention of being swayed by her bishop’s ‘dialog’.

Please pray for our Bishop of Rochester, Matthew Clark, he needs your prayers very much.
Archbishop Hart of Melbourne Australia is a faithful bishop but he has a very big Augean Stable to clean out. 1. The seminary still has some dissident lecturers. 2. ’ Catholic’ Hign schools are shockers; only one faithful boys’ High school in Melbourne and no faithful girls’ High schools to my knowledge. We have a great set of mandated religion text books; To Know Love and Worship but the primary school teachers, in the main, don’t use them correctly. 3. RCIA content is diabolical 4. Catechetics is very Protestant in flavour. 4. The majority of parish priests are either dissident or lukewarm. 5. The faithful parish priests are close to nervous breakdowns because some parishioners complain non stop that they are ’ too orthodox’!!! :eek: :banghead:
I’ve been impressed with Bishop Murray in Kalamazoo every time I’ve heard him speak. There have been one or two incidents I’ve heard about where he may or may not have known about liturgical irregularities of a Priest and done nothing about it, but I prefer to believe he acts on those matters in private.

Thanks for the encouraging words. We just registered in St. Rose of Lima parish in Hastings after ten years in the Grand Rapids diocese, which, unfortunately, is tainted with a lot of modernism.
My bishop is like an ostrich. :whistle: He is happy go lucky and about as effective as a cotton ball. Nice man, but very go with the flow, make no waves, status quo, aren’t we one big happy family.

Unfortunately, in my diocese, nothing could be further from the truth. Dissent is RAMPANT here and respect for him or his authority is nonexistant. If he would quit attending silly meetings all over the world and SHEPHERD, ADMONISH and CORRECT his flock here I think people would actually respect him, even if they didn’t agree with him. People respect someone who has an opinion and backs it up with action. Talk is cheap.

The Catholic Church needs true leadership, not a bunch of wusses wringing their hands!

I pray that a holy fire of courage and boldness be poured over all of our bishops and that they cannot contain their fervor and zeal for the Lord and His Church! It’s time to turn over tables, baby! :bigyikes:
We, the laity, should not wait for a divine thunderbolt to fix the abuse and dissent situation in the Church. We have to roll up our sleeves, read the documents, find what is permitted and not permitted, organise a whole lot of people to write to the bishop itemising the abuses and quoting the relevant documents to support what you are saying. If the bishop still sits on his hands send a copy of your letters to the Bishops’ Commission and if they do nothing send a copy of your letters to Rome; the address is given in Redemptionis Sacramentum I think. :mad:

Spend as much time praying for the bishop and the dissenting priests as you spend writing letters etc

Today is the feast of St Jean Marie Vianney, patron saint of priests. Pray to him to intercede for our dissenting shepherds.
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