Graphic abortion pic outside of Catholic Church

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The Altar is to be used solely for the consecration of the Eucharist.

When you have a funeral for anyone, they are cleaned, dressed, and placed in a coffin. Not naked.
When there are 4000 of these babies being murdered everyday in this country and no one says a word about them or in defense of them. You would get all sanctimonious about Fr. Povone placing the body of a murdered baby on the altar??? Redirect your anger at the silent priest who say and do nothing in their defense!
I think these pictures are not effective and are traumatic to mothers who have lost children to miscarriage o following premature birth.

Also, children, who are still innocent don’t need to see these disturbing pictures.
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The Altar is for the consecration of the Eucharist. ( Jesus)

The baby was an actual baby who was first murdered, then instead of being treated with dignity of being prepared for funeral, was used as a prop.
ok, so father pavone has talked & talked & talked against abortion and gotten nowhere

somehow, he was banned from EWTN, his strong multii-media platform

Priests for Life is running out of money (because NO CATHOLICS from blue blue states donate)

Father Pavone was trying to make a very serious point
i am 100% certain that the remains of that poor dead child were treated in a humane, christian & catholic way at the end of the day

i never see such outrage over ISIS beheadings, crucifixions, throat-slicing here
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The point is not to declare them who are there excommunicsted, but to serve to show the gravity and weight of the sin, as well as let them know that it is an offense not only mortal, but worthy of excommunication.
So it doesn’t matter that the baby was displayed naked on an altar. Points need to be made. As long as by the end of the day.

He did this to promote Trump by the way.

I disagree. This is the world we live in. I can’t stand this Disney approach to parenting. The bible itself includes the killing of Jesus and never made a secret out of the existence of death. It’s kind of ridiculous if people ask the OP to ask the “mother’s” permission for showing the pictures of her dismembered fetus. She did not want this human to live, disposed of it, but now has the right over his/her picture? Strange world we live in.
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No-one knows a stranger’s journey, nor what brings them to have an abortion. We mustn’t assume that all women who choose to end their baby’s life do so lightly and will little regard. There are many women out there in terrible circumstances who no doubt didn’t want that abortion, but were pressurised to go through with it.

I used to work in obs and gynae and I can assure you, the decision to abort isn’t always freely made by the woman. I don’t believe we should further traumatise people - we should show them kindness, help them heal and pray that they will feel able to choose life, not abortion.
Funny you say that. I have a dear friend who is a priest who fully supports this and might even be there holding a sign with me. (He’s retired so no need to worry about forced sabbaticals, lol)
There are many consequences that can be visited upon any priest, including a retired priest, who chooses to go against the will and wisdom of his Bishop.
OP it would be prudent to consider whether you are doing this because you believe it will do good or doing it to feed your ego.
There’s a difference in telling your child that Jesus died and letting them watch the passion
There is a higher level of authority to whom one can appeal if they are still unhappy with a decision made by the bishop, correct? I recall that a local bishop invited a pro-choice politician to speak at a diocesan fundraiser some years ago - over the objection of several people in the diocese - and I seem to recall there was some action from further up the hierarchy.
Wow. So, basically, the body of a fetus can be used to make a point.
I understand and sympathize with your concern, but I can think of a few counterpoints. Christians have since the beginning used corpses. We have whole bodies on display in churches. We have parts of bodies on display. Every church has an image of Jesus dying or dead and this to make a point. Also, graphic images of people killed by a mob have been used to encourage man to not descend to such brutality.
I disagree. This is the world we live in. I can’t stand this Disney approach to parenting.
Are you a parent?

Yours is poor reasoning. The world we live in is brimming with pornography, violence, hatred, child abuse. Is it loving or responsible to expose our children to the reality of these evils before they are have the tools to cope with them?

My children are well aware of death. We pray for those who have died. We discuss Jesus and how he was whipped and scourged and nailed to a cross. I don’t mince words. But I would not show them the Passion of Christ.
That is the proper term for a baby “in utero”. It has no negative connotations.
I can’t stand this Disney approach to parenting.
Young children don’t have the ability to contextualize horrific imagery like an adult. You show them the picture of a dismembered baby, and all they’re going to see is a dismembered baby. Some kids (and adults, for that matter) could wind up with PTSD. It does no favors at all for the pro-life movement.
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