Graphic antiabortion video to be shown on Independence Mall

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The video opens with the black-and-white footage of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s stirring clarion call for equal rights at the 1963 March on Washington.
It quickly goes full color, and cuts to gruesome close-ups of the bloody remnants of abortions. It is fair to say that what is shown is disturbing.
On Friday, the images will be displayed on a 10- by 12-foot screen set high on Independence Mall, the heart of Philadelphia’s tourism zone, as the antiabortion group Created Equal brings its high-tech assault on the practice to Philadelphia.
Tactics like this make me ashamed to be pro-life. I don’t want these people on my side, they make conversations something between difficult and impossible.
Tactics like this make me ashamed to be pro-life. I don’t want these people on my side, they make conversations something between difficult and impossible.
This has all piqued my curiosity.
  • People may say they are too graphic, or that they aren’t real, but this is undisputed photographic evidence that abortion is an act that kills a baby . . . Very few people will say, ‘That’s real. That’s a baby. I’m still pro-choice,’ . . . Instead, they will do all they can to discredit the argument and ignore that there’s a white elephant sitting in the living room that cannot be ignored.[5]-* Mark Harrington, apparently, he is the Founder of Created Equal.
I don’t know what his faith is but the organization is nondenominational. Apparently they have done this same thing in numerous places, it sounds like Cincinnati, Washington DC and San Francisco.

The organization has quite a history.

Jill Stanek speaks highly of them:
Ohio Abortion Advocate Disrupts Pro-Life Demonstration**
A YouTube video was released after the demonstration Wednesday, which shows an enraged abortion advocate hurling the poster boards backwards while shouting profanities.
“This is disgusting. The fact that I have to look at this – you don’t share my views,” the unnamed opposition said in the YouTube video. “To do this outside of a high school is fricking ridiculous.”

Another article on the same story.

Wow. I have mixed views on this. I think we need to be peaceful and not show objectionable images but nonetheless, I find it difficult to be judgmental of those who do such things.
Just from my own experience, I don’t know who put out those slick-papered brochures I saw as a kid but I know, in part at least, they had the “objectionable photos”, I’ve never considered being anything but pro-life since.
Father Frank Pavone has said america won’t ban abortion until america SEES abortion. How else do we get them to realize these are HUMAN BEINGS? Biology class obviously failed!
Tactics like this make me ashamed to be pro-life. I don’t want these people on my side, they make conversations something between difficult and impossible.
I’m always amazed that people seem to be more outraged at pictures of what is going on in abortion clinics that there are of what is going on in abortion clinics
I agree with estesbob that the images are just of the reality. Why shouldn’t pro choice supporters see what they are supporting?

but at the same time, I recently drove by an abortion clinic and the prolife protestors were rather intimidating. They had 2 RVs, many signs and were shouting with bullhorns. I think if I were a genuinely confused, worried, scared woman who felt she had no choice I think I would be terrified by them, rather than feel that I could approach them for help. But they say they are able to save a few babies a week, so that’s something for sure.
I agree with estesbob that the images are just of the reality. Why shouldn’t pro choice supporters see what they are supporting?
If they were showing pictures of open heart surgery they would also be bloody and graphic. That doesn’t mean that open heart surgery is wrong, simply that it is ugly.

And I still think it kills off the opportunity for a conversation with someone. When someone starts a conversation with a line like “did you see those idiots with the signs?” it doesn’t lead anywhere productive.

I work on a university campus where “idiots with signs” have demonstrated. All it does – at best – is force people to agree that free speech can be difficult to tolerate sometimes. The idiots with the signs do as much good for their cause as the Westboro Baptist Church.
If they were showing pictures of open heart surgery they would also be bloody and graphic. That doesn’t mean that open heart surgery is wrong, simply that it is ugly.

And I still think it kills off the opportunity for a conversation with someone. When someone starts a conversation with a line like “did you see those idiots with the signs?” it doesn’t lead anywhere productive.

I work on a university campus where “idiots with signs” have demonstrated. All it does – at best – is force people to agree that free speech can be difficult to tolerate sometimes. The idiots with the signs do as much good for their cause as the Westboro Baptist Church.
… but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
1 Corinthians 1:23-24
So in most Catholic Churches, we see an image of Christ Crucified.
So in most Catholic Churches, we see an image of Christ Crucified.
What you see in churches is a tasteful artistic rendition with a serene looking Jesus not the gore and horror of the crucifixion. People aren’t shoving real-life photos in your face depicting gaping wounds and mutilated bodies of people who are tortured and crucified.
So, what is the difference between showing graphic pictures of the victims of abortion as opposed to graphic pictures of the victims of the Holocaust or graphic pictures of victims of ISIS or pictures of children killed by our drone strikes?

I think graphic images have their place. Just not necessarily in a Mall…where there could be young children.
So, what is the difference between showing graphic pictures of the victims of abortion as opposed to graphic pictures of the victims of the Holocaust or graphic pictures of victims of ISIS or pictures of children killed by our drone strikes?

I think graphic images have their place. Just not necessarily in a Mall…where there could be young children.
It won’t be in a Mall Mall, this is a historic area of Philadelphia.
Independence Mall is a three-block section of Independence National Historical Park (INHP) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, bounded by Chestnut, Race, 5th and 6th Streets.
Buildings on the Mall include the National Constitution Center, the Independence Visitor Center, the Free Quaker Meetinghouse, and the Liberty Bell Center. It also houses the headquarters of Alteva, a telecommunications provider and Cloud Communications Alliance/SIAA member.
Buildings surrounding the Mall include Congress Hall, Independence Hall, and Old City Hall to the south; the Philadelphia Bourse, the National Museum of American Jewish History, Christ Church Burial Ground, and the Philadelphia Mint to the east; the approach to the Benjamin Franklin Bridge to the north; and WHYY-TV, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the James A. Byrne Federal Courthouse, and the Rohm & Haas Building to the west.
What you see in churches is a tasteful artistic rendition with a serene looking Jesus not the gore and horror of the crucifixion. People aren’t shoving real-life photos in your face depicting gaping wounds and mutilated bodies of people who are tortured and crucified.
Maybe you should visit the Catholic Church more often. Ever see the Passion of the Christ? Is that a “tasteful artistic rendition with a serene looking Jesus not the gore and horror of the crucifixion”? Sure, that’s a movie, people are going to say that. But it is a representation that is popular in the Catholic Church, find an older conventional Church, you will have the Stations of the Cross, if you have ever heard of those and a Crucifix. Or note the decades in the Rosary that are called the crowning of the thorns or the Scourging at the Pillar, the whipping of Christ.
If they were showing pictures of open heart surgery they would also be bloody and graphic. That doesn’t mean that open heart surgery is wrong, simply that it is ugly.
So if one sees a picture of an aborted fetus, according to you, that doesn’t make it wrong??:confused:

I guess if we see pictures of persons beheaded by ISIS, that doesn’t make it wrong. :confused:
And I still think it kills off the opportunity for a conversation with someone. When someone starts a conversation with a line like “did you see those idiots with the signs?” it doesn’t lead anywhere productive.
Maybe if they want a Conversation at a College, they can take Conversational French or Spanish.
I work on a university campus where “idiots with signs” have demonstrated. All it does – at best – is force people to agree that free speech can be difficult to tolerate sometimes. The idiots with the signs do as much good for their cause as the Westboro Baptist Church.
You are comparing these pro-life protesters to Westboro Baptist.

Perhaps you should see an abortion demonstration, go outside of an abortion mill where people pray, read pro-life literature, become more acquainted with the pro-life movement.
Father Frank Pavone has said america won’t ban abortion until america SEES abortion. How else do we get them to realize these are HUMAN BEINGS? Biology class obviously failed!
👍 This is very true and it’s the unfortunate truth. I think I had heard this before. It might even be on the Priests for Life website. I forget now.
This story made me think, they probably won’t let this be aired on TV generally speaking.

Created Equally is only presenting the truth. I find this less objectionable than possibly some magazines at the grocery store. They are trying to get the truth out. Some abortion websites like Black Genocide also present the truth.
Path Finder,

I’m about to bow out of this conversation. I want to wish you luck in changing people’s hearts and minds about abortion. I’ve never found that insults and ridicule are useful in that effort, but I assume it must work for you since you use it so much.
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