Graphic antiabortion video to be shown on Independence Mall

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I would urge you to invite Created Equal to your college.

College Students are involved in aiding the Created Equal organization, very contrary to your views.

At Florida State:
Posters of controversial images of abortion were once again displayed on campus, as Created Equal (CE) set up presentations on Union Green Monday afternoon, and Voices for Planned Parenthood (VOX) set up a protest.
So students are in fact, helping “Created Equal”, visit their website.
What you see in churches is a tasteful artistic rendition with a serene looking Jesus not the gore and horror of the crucifixion. People aren’t shoving real-life photos in your face** depicting gaping wounds and mutilated bodies of people** who are tortured and crucified.
People? So you acknowledge that the unborn are people?
This is an area frequented by tourists i.e. families. Children have no need to be exposed to such graphic content. It will only confuse and frighten them.
It may indeed lend poignancy to the situation, they are not much older than those shown in those pictures.
This is an area frequented by tourists i.e. families. Children have no need to be exposed to such graphic content. It will only confuse and frighten them.
Agreed. I remember growing up and there was a car that had all types of horrific abortion photos plastered on it, my mom would try to pull me away or shield my eyes but it scared and upset me. I don’t agree with the approach.
This is an area frequented by tourists i.e. families. Children have no need to be exposed to such graphic content. It will only confuse and frighten them.
Perhaps children have no need to be exposed to such graphic conduct as well.

Some countries I read have waiting periods for abortion and the one seeking abortion has to get some counseling first as well. Perhaps if these kinds of measures to inform are not in force, there are other ways to get the message to the public and those considering this procedure.

I understand Planned Parenthood has a response to this video through counselors though I don’t know what this would be.
This kind of thing works to satiate those who are already pro-life. But if you’ve ever changed the channel when an ASPCA ad comes on, you already know how graphic images affect those who aren’t yet supportive. Several years ago, a student in a class wrote an argument against abortion and gave an oral presentation on her position. She showed her college classmates an abortion. What was the reaction? Universally – without exception – everyone in the room looked away. When I teach about genocide, I don’t begin with photos of piles of corpses. Doing so drives students further away from the topic. Should we all at some point see such things? Yes – it’s reality. But if we want to bring people into the conversation, I don’t think this is the way to do it. Share a living fetus’ heartbeat. Share a 3D ultrasound. Talk about how bizarre it is that when a baby is wanted, she’s described as a baby in utero but when she’s not wanted, she becomes tissue. Save the graphic images for a point further in the discussion.
So, what is the difference between showing graphic pictures of the victims of abortion as opposed to graphic pictures of the victims of the Holocaust or graphic pictures of victims of ISIS or pictures of children killed by our drone strikes?

I think graphic images have their place. Just not necessarily in a Mall…where there could be young children.
Yes, I agree with your points. The pictures of Jewish and Armenian human skeletons or discarded corpses that have been tossed in piles brings home the reality more than any words. I especially remember a picture of a naked Jewish boy being marched to the woods with his naked father where they would be shot by German troops. There is no getting around the truth of the barbarity in such pictures. I think such pictures are very important although I still refuse to watch any of the beheading videos.

It is a difficult question as so many minds would change after viewing the pictures which could make a real difference in stopping the reality of abortion and thus the need for such pictures anyway.

I agree with you that whereas there is a powerful place for such pictures to be shown the issue of children and sensitive people viewing these unwanted graphics is a real one.

I would not show them to my elementary class students for example. Perhaps on TV late at night? But then you have recordings. Perhaps next to gory movies or horror movies so that people have already made the choice to watch such things? Perhaps optional screenings at Universities or even late secondary school?
The pictures of Jewish and Armenian human skeletons or discarded corpses that have been tossed in piles brings home the reality more than any words. I especially remember a picture of a naked Jewish boy being marched to the woods with his naked father where they would be shot by German troops. There is no getting around the truth of the barbarity in such pictures. I think such pictures are very important although I still refuse to watch any of the beheading videos.
And abortion is pretty much a war, we see pictures of Abu Ghiraib, we see pictures of lynchings, there are famous pictures out of Viet Nam but for the pro-life cause, all of a sudden, we are going to have a nagging doubt about what is decent? I get it. :rolleyes:

There is a preacher from Scotland on our street, he knew abortion existed back in the UK and here in the USA but he told me, the effect didn’t really strike him until we saw the pictures.

We hear about ISIS, we see some pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, we can read about the brutality but it is those videos and pictures that have made them such villains.
Dear god. Why would they do that, with children present?

You “pro-life” guys have gone to far.

If this would have happened in a Catholic Church, y’all would have strokes.
Actually, I suspect it wouldn’t ever happen in a Catholic Church because Catholics - at least those who attend regularly - generally agree that promoting individual conveniences should not ever lead to depriving other human beings of their very lives.

I am not sure that “You ‘pro-life’ guys have gone to far” is making much of a statement when compared to how far abortion promoters have gone in aiding and abetting the dismemberment and deaths of over 55 million American babies since Roe v Wade.

If that is not “too far” in your estimation, then I fail to be impressed by your insistence that a group of protestors holding signs and speaking loudly is at all an issue to be treated very seriously.

As I recall, Jesus also interrupted - by shouting and lashing - the money changers at the Temple who would have, likewise, preferred a less intrusive demonstration. :rolleyes:
This kind of thing works to satiate those who are already pro-life. But if you’ve ever changed the channel when an ASPCA ad comes on, you already know how graphic images affect those who aren’t yet supportive. Several years ago, a student in a class wrote an argument against abortion and gave an oral presentation on her position. She showed her college classmates an abortion. What was the reaction? Universally – without exception – everyone in the room looked away. When I teach about genocide, I don’t begin with photos of piles of corpses. Doing so drives students further away from the topic. Should we all at some point see such things? Yes – it’s reality. But if we want to bring people into the conversation, I don’t think this is the way to do it. Share a living fetus’ heartbeat. Share a 3D ultrasound. Talk about how bizarre it is that when a baby is wanted, she’s described as a baby in utero but when she’s not wanted, she becomes tissue. Save the graphic images for a point further in the discussion.
If the world had known the Holocaust was happening in 1942 through picture evidence of “piles of corpses”, I would have hoped the world would have acted with more urgency to liberate those death camps but we only had rumors, it was suspected. I doubt saying such pictures would “satiate” those who wanted to close the camps would be looked at as a kind statement.

So because the Holocaust is an event that already transpired in discussing it with a class, I don’t think one can make a comparison of something that is currently happening to the score of over a million a year.
And abortion is pretty much a war, we see pictures of Abu Ghiraib, we see pictures of lynchings, there are famous pictures out of Viet Nam but for the pro-life cause, all of a sudden, we are going to have a nagging doubt about what is decent? I get it. :rolleyes:
I think there is agreement Path_Finder right up until the point where children are forced to watch this. People are simply looking for a way to have a similar impact without scaring children.

I would not want ISIS beheadings to be broadcast in Malls for a similar reason.
If the world had known the Holocaust was happening in 1942 through picture evidence of “piles of corpses”, I would have hoped the world would have acted with more urgency to liberate those death camps but we only had rumors, it was suspected. I doubt saying such pictures would “satiate” those who wanted to close the camps would be looked at as a kind statement.

So because the Holocaust is an event that already transpired in discussing it with a class, I don’t think one can make a comparison of something that is currently happening to the score of over a million a year.
First, please note that I didn’t refer to the Holocaust in my post – I referenced teaching about genocides, several of which are happening right now aside from abortion. These students are dealing with contemporary events. Second, there was plenty of evidence available in the US and elsewhere in 1942 that atrocities were taking place in Germany and occupied countries. The US and other nations chose to focus on military targets instead of attempting to end the genocide. Finally, I am speaking of what works to immediately engage citizens. Throwing graphic images at community members and expecting them to do anything other than turn away may be naive. As I said, these images should be shown at some point but they should be saved for at least a second or third step in an ongoing dialogue.

(And I trust you understand that the word “satiate” means satisfy and was used to reference who will be satisfied with the use of graphic images to illustrate a larger point about murder – it is not those who have yet to entertain the conversation, who will not find the use of these images to satisfy any specific goal.)
I think there is agreement Path_Finder right up until the point where children are forced to watch this. People are simply looking for a way to have a similar impact without scaring children.

I would not want ISIS beheadings to be broadcast in Malls for a similar reason.
How are children forced to watch it? I assume children young enough to be affected will be accompanied by adults who can turn them away form the presentation. Older children probably see worse in the video games they play
I think there is agreement Path_Finder right up until the point where children are forced to watch this. People are simply looking for a way to have a similar impact without scaring children.

I would not want ISIS beheadings to be broadcast in Malls for a similar reason.
How is anyone being forced to watch this??

I haven’t seen any of the ISIS beheadings, I understand they have happened, they have been reported on TV and internet but as far as I know, no one is being forced to watch it.
How is anyone being forced to watch this??

I haven’t seen any of the ISIS beheadings, I understand they have happened, they have been reported on TV and internet but as far as I know, no one is being forced to watch it.
Again we see for more outrage in this country towards pictures of what is happening in state sanctioned abortion clinics than what is happening in the clinics .

I am sure part of this is guilt-if you voted for pro-abortion candidate you are complicit in what
these picture show . Better to bury one’s head in the sand and whine about protecting our ch

ildren from graphic images than be confronted with pictures of the evil one supports
It is interesting gracepoole, to parallel your two comments with “what is going on today.”

You state:
Second, there was plenty of evidence available in the US and elsewhere in 1942 that atrocities were taking place in Germany and occupied countries.
And then add…
The US and other nations chose to focus on military targets instead of attempting to end the genocide.
The question you should consider is whether choosing to ignore and not be influenced by graphic images of abortion is precisely like "the US and other nations” choosing deliberately to focus on something other than the genocide of abortion and by doing so being distracted from its reality “instead of attempting to end the genocide.”

It would seem that your larger point is that those who choose not to look at the graphic images and, thereby, fail to realize a complete understanding of what abortion is, are willfully ignoring the “plenty of evidence available” that “atrocities are taking place” today.

What is particularly galling is that individuals who defer from looking at that evidence cite some kind of moral principle that they shouldn’t be forced to look at graphic images because those images “upset” them.

From where I stand, that is precisely the position of the “US and other nations” ignoring the “plenty of evidence” because they did not want to be distracted from other preoccupations. In the case of modern pro-aborts, they do not want to be distracted away from an indefensible moral position (right of women to kill the unborn) by viewing images of what abortion really signifies.

I think that point ought to be pushed very hard until those in denial wake up to the fact that atrocities are being committed today that far outweigh those committed by Nazi Germany and a desire to be sheltered from the evidence because it is too “graphic” is no excuse.

If you have the will and means to commit or permit those atrocities you ought to have the stomach to fully realize what it is you are doing when you commit or abet them.
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