Great Catholic Magazines

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What are some good Catholic magazines that you recommend?

Here are my favorites:
  • First Things – Sometimes a stretch for my vocabulary, but good essays on Christian religious topics, especially religion in the public square – a very important issue today, book reviews, and poetry. This is not specifically Catholic although many of the articles are written by Catholics and many of the non-Catholic Christian contributers are also interested in a more ordered society and public life where religious convictions aren’t something to be ashamed of. Especially love “The Public Square” written by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus
  • LayWitness – A publication of Catholics United for the Faith (CUF). Good articles on orthodox Catholic teaching, many of them short so you can read an article before heading off to work.
  • This Rock – A publication of ours truly, Catholic Answers (you knew that). Similar to LayWitness – Apologetical, orthodox, easy to read and understand articles.
Crisis - gotta love Deal Hudson and Ralph McInerny and the rest of the Funkee Fresh Crisis Crew.
I usually like “Latin Mass Magazine,” though it sometimes seems to lean to the schismatic side a bit. Its pictures make good eye-candy, though.
This is a link to Catholic Exchange’s reccomended reading, which I agree with.

I also agree that This Rock is an indispensable resource. It isn’t inexpensive, but it is 110% worth it!!

Oh, and don’t subscribe to US Catholic. ( It is very…shall we say… “progressive” )
Along the same lines as First Things (which I also highly recommend) is Touchstone. A little bit more ecumenical than F.T.–articles by Catholic and non-Catholic–but quite orthodox and thought-provoking.
Since milimac brought up this subject, I have a question about Envoy Magazine. I subscribed to Envoy back in December 2003. I received my first issue in January, loved it, and never received another. My question is – has anyone else had this expreience and/or is Envoy in financial dificulty? I hope not. And yes, Iknow, I need to follow up with Envoy.
Yah, Envoy’s delivery rate is quite sporadic. Sometimes the interval is three months.
I subscribe to *Envoy *(whenever it arrives!), This Rock, First Things, and National Catholic Register. (Steer clear of *America *and National Catholic Reporter – way too much questionable stuff!)

Although it’s not a magazine, *The National Catholic Register * is an excellent weekly newspaper.

I also highly recommend the free daily e-mail from Zenit. It’s great journalism straight from Rome to your e-mail box; you’ll know what the Holy Father did that day, get copies of his speeches, and get worldwide coverage of Church and cultural issues of the day. Zenit also offers a daily collection of articles (rassegna) from newspapers around the world, but these are in their original languages: Spanish, Italian, German, French, and English. There’s also a weekly edition that examines an issue or two in depth.

I second the suggested First Things. Fr. Richard Neuhaus’ “The Public Square” is a gem.
I read Crisis and This Rock cover-to-cover every month – both are good magazines. I used to get Cathoic World Report, but now I have an online subcription to , which includes a one-month-delayed online edition of CWR.

There are others that sound good, but I don’t think I can afford anymore right now!
I usually like “Latin Mass Magazine,” though it sometimes seems to lean to the schismatic side a bit. Its pictures make good eye-candy, though.
Given what I’ve usually thought eye-candy to mean, I can’t imagine how this would fit into a Latin Mass context.
Given what I’ve usually thought eye-candy to mean, I can’t imagine how this would fit into a Latin Mass context.
Latin Mass magazine features lovely traditional Catholic artwork.
Since milimac brought up this subject, I have a question about Envoy Magazine. I subscribed to Envoy back in December 2003. I received my first issue in January, loved it, and never received another. My question is – has anyone else had this expreience and/or is Envoy in financial dificulty? I hope not. And yes, Iknow, I need to follow up with Envoy.
All I can tell you is that about four years ago I tried to subscribe to envoy magazine with an online subsciption form. I got a confirmation email thanking me and telling me my delivery would begin soon. I never got a single issue and my credit card never got billed. I never bothered to follow up on what happened and i never tried to subscribe again.
I recently received a solicitation for St. Anthony Messenger. Based on what I saw at the website, it doesn’t appear to be objectionable like some magazines previously mentioned. Would I be correct in characterizing it as more “fluffy” than magazines like This Rock and First Things? Are there other light reads you would suggest?
Faith and Family– is a great, orthodox magazine for families. There are always wonderful ideas for how tocelebrate Feast Days and Holy Days. For example, the current issue gave the idea of having a birthday cake on Pentecost and celbrating the birthday of the Church…

And Magnificat is just an awesome publication. It is so nice to have the daily Mass readings and reflections together with the beautiful artwork!
Steve Grondin:
I recently received a solicitation for St. Anthony Messenger. Based on what I saw at the website, it doesn’t appear to be objectionable like some magazines previously mentioned. Would I be correct in characterizing it as more “fluffy” than magazines like This Rock and First Things? Are there other light reads you would suggest?
CAtholic Digest is a lighter read… here’s what’s in the current
I currently subscribe to This Rock and Catholic Digest. Of course, I love This Rock, but Catholic Digest has got to go. I will not renew that one. They post many articles that are not faithful to our faith.
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