Great Catholic Magazines

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I like many other readers enjoy Crisis, especially the book reviews. Also the publication for the Knights of Columbus *Columbia * is also very good. I dumped my *Catholic Digest * subscription years ago.
I am a long-time subscriber to *Crisis, *but would like it a lot more if they weren’t so pro-Bozo … er, I mean, pro-Bush and so pro-war. Bush is NOT what I would call “Pro-Life,” all things considered, and is much to arrogant for my tastes. Of course, John Kerry is more suited to be a stunt chin for Jay Leno than to be President; we’re back to the “If God had meant for us to vote, he would’ve given us candidates” scenario. BUT, that’s not what this thread’s about, is it?

I generally like the* New Oxford Review, *but tired a bit of their seemingly negative take on nearly everything. I just subscribed to The Catholic World Report and find it well put together and informative.

A good website for getting solid evaluations as to the orthodoxy and fidelity of various publications and other websites is, Dr. Jeff Mirus’ site.
I wish I could subscribe to some of these but as I am in Canada there is a higher subscription rate, sometimes extra s&h and once you convert that to Canadian dollars sometimes it comes to… :eek:
Sorry I can’t justify the expense.
You probably aleady know this, but a good number of the magazines mentioned are available online. 🙂

Ugh. Back in the day I was somehow led to subscribe to “U.S. Catholic.” The first issue I got had a picture of a “talk to the hand” pose of some woman with gaudy rings all over it with the caption: “This is NOT your father’s religion!”

It went downhill from there. I cannot recommend strongly enough NOT subscribing to that piece of trash.

(In a related note, on missionary Sunday a couple years ago, a mission who promoted the magazine desecrated the altar area with Lima Beans, and made everyone say “Wow!” after each line of the Creed. Oh, and he used props during the gospel reading. Egad!)
It looks like Faith and Family was the only parenting/family oriented magazine here. Do any of you know any other good parenting magazines with a conservative perspective? My husband and I are going to try to get pregnant in about a year, and you can’t prepare too soon!

I’m a new subscriber to Crisis and I really like it. It’s got a lot of timely articles relative to the current hot topics like politicians/communions. St. Anthony Messenger was a result of a telephone sales job, and I didn’t find it very interesting at all. Includes short stories and reflective pieces. I currently get New Oxford Review; its articles tend toward the meanspirited and I’m thinking of dropping it as a result. U.S. Catholic and National Catholic Reporter are pretty heterodox as has been pointed out; sadly, these two are the publications I found in my parish library!
I usually like “Latin Mass Magazine,” though it sometimes seems to lean to the schismatic side a bit. Its pictures make good eye-candy, though.
I too like the Latin Mass Magazine. One of my favorites. I also like the Catholic Family News.
Along with First Things, I enjoy reading Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture. It is published by the Catholic Studies department at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN. They are similar to First Things in that they are not “light” reading (although they aren’t too difficult either), they cover the entirty of Catholic culture, from politics, to patristics, to morality and ethics, to art and literature (Chesterton, Tolkien, and St. Therese’s works have been promoted, to name a few! :))

You can find it at:

Now, before anyone leaps to their feet to complain that UST is not considered an orthodox Catholic university, let me first say that I am a student there, and a major in the Catholic Studies program. I will agree that the university as a whole needs a good refresher course in what it means to be a Catholic university, but the Catholic Studies department itself is totally orthodox, and over the past few years has become one of the larger departments on campus (and thus has begun to have some influence on the overall campus Catholic atmosphere…) I will add that many Steubenville graduates are in the UST Catholic Studies Master’s program 😉 and will stand by it with me!! 🙂


I also love The Latin Mass Magazine. Its articles provide stuff you can really sink your teeth in, such as articles on liturgy, Catholic history, morality.

I also subscribe to First Things. Lots of good articles by Catholics and Christians of other denominations.

New Oxford Review provides lots of commentary on the state of the church and our culture.
Crisis is a good magazine. I sometimes can’t get from cover to cover but the primary articles are always well done.

The National Catholic Register and the Catholic Standard and Times are both excellent newspapers (I always look foreward to the “Know Your Faith” section of the C.S.A.T. with it’s good chunky nuggets of Catholic Truth).

I also started a subscription to The Catholic Answer from Our Sunday Visitor Press. The trial issue they sent me had a lot of good apologetics mats.

I had been receiving The Ligourian but I never reveived a renewal notice and I have not received an issue in about a year. It had some good material but I don’t know if it has ceased to be .
I know that a lot of magazines are available online but I sort of feel guilty reading them and not financially supporting them. :o
Living in Australia means that the cost of magazines from the US is prohibitive but I recently took out a subscription to This Rock and the first issue was great; I am passing it around my friends. I have also taken out a subscription to Envoy Magazine online. I heard that it was in financial trouble; I hope that it survives. I also subscribe to AD2000 which is produced in Australia and is available online at .
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