Greatest Threat to the Church

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What do you think is the greatest threat to our Church in the modern world? I was just curious because I just read an editorial from a priest who says its Secularism. I just wanted to hear other opinions.
I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without. When so many of the bishops and theologians aren’t faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church how are the laity going to learn their Faith.?

I have been told that in Australia only one third of the bishops are Faithful! :mad: The lecturers in the Catholic teaching colleges are largely not faithful and so they produce teachers who don’t teach the true Faith. We have a very good series of textbooks in Melbourne and Sydney but they aren’t used by the majority of the teachers who consider them “old fashioned” i.e. they present authentic Catholicism. 😦 It’s no wonder that less than 10% of school leavers are practising Catholics by the time they leave a ‘Catholic’ High School. Most are anti Catholic. 😦
I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without. When so many of the bishops and theologians aren’t faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church how are the laity going to learn their Faith.? 😦
I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without.
Yes, I think you are right about this. Personally, I call this cancer secularism, but isn’t that just the current form of modernism?

Of couse I think I should have added that no matter what the gates of hell shall not prevail against Holy Mother Church. Peter will safeguard Christ’s Church.
Just remember the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church, all threats are just that, the Church will never fall, but many church members probably will.
I agree as it is written…The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s church. 👍

I believe, too, that I am the greatest threat to the church today. How? By what I do not do and by what I do. By not living as Christ’s commands me to do day in and day out. By being a poor Ambassador of Christ.

It is my sincere prayer, as I pray it is for every Catholics, to be the best example of Christianity that one can be so that we draw people to the Church and to Christ in the Fullness of the Church. May I speak when it is appropriate, may my mouth be closed when it is appropriate. May I speak out against injustices and give praise where praise is earned.

If every Catholic were to live his/her life the way that Christ commands many would be brought to Him by our example.

It is only through Christ that we can do anything at all. So, my vote was ‘other’ and I have specified!
The greatest danger to the Church is indifference. Not caring is the opposite of Love. If there is no Love there can be no Church.

The greatest danger to the Church is indifference. Not caring is the opposite of Love. If there is no Love there can be no Church.
I would have to say that falls under Secularism
Two things:
  1. homosexuality, and
  2. a loss of the sense and knowledge of sin
I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without.
I third this.

If anything can hurt the Church the most it would be the lazy Bishops and Priests that are out there. It would be the Bishops that allow rainbow sash wearing people recieve communion, it would be the Bishops and Priests that allow pro-death people to recieve the Body and Blood of Christ.

Why alot of the Bishops and Priests are too scared to stand up for Christ is beyond me. They need alot of prayers, and a swift kick in the butt to get back in gear.
I voted “other”. I’d probably say that the Left (modern liberalism) is the greatest threat to the Church.

What judges ban religion? Leftist judges.

What group uses courts as a weapon to remove any public display of religion (well, christianity anyway. they don’t seem to mind other religions)? The ACLU, far Leftists.

What group makes Jews terrified of Christians to get Jewish votes? the Democratic Party, the party of the Left. Never mind that in a world that once again seeks to exterminate the Jews, the Jews most loyal friends are conservative christians.

Protestants aren’t our biggest threat. They should be regarded as allies in this battle. If they aren’t able to worship Jesus, Catholicism isn’t safe either (and vice versa).

Many Jews are siding with Christians regarding the lawsuit to remove the cross from the Los Angeles county seal–they know that once the Left blacks out the “sunday” group, the “saturday” group won’t be far behind. funny how the ACLU wasn’t concerned with the Roman goddess on the same seal. They aren’t for religious freedom, they are for secularism in general, and against christianity in specific.

A student in Dupo, Illinois was suspended from school for a month for violation of Church and State. His “crime”? When the school television show was signing off, he said something like “have a safe holiday, and God bless.” He was a protestant i believe (i could be wrong), but regardless of his denomination, no one should be suspended from school for saying “God bless” on TV. Oh, it goes without saying that those supporting the suspension were leftists.

And and our Supreme Court (the rising Judicial Dictatorship) walks all over the constitutional freedom of religion.

By far, the Left is the biggest threat to our faith.
I voted for other thinking of the Church’s vulnerability due to current internal problems and weaknesses, specifically the sex scandals. I think incoming priests and seminarians are very holy and wholesome, and as I’ve posted before, they are celibate because they WANT to be celibate. But yesterday the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon declared bankruptcy, and there is some chance that many dioceses will follow due to legal costs. The Church will always prevail, but I fear that what the French Revolution did in oceans of blood, the sex scandals will do in oceans of legal judgments.
How did Traditionalism get up there in the poll? Pope St.Pius X said “The friends of the people are not the revolutionaries but the traditionalists”.
I’d say the greatest threat to the Catholic Church are the extremists - the ultra liberals, the ultra traditionals and the infighting that goes on among Catholics.

Who was it who said, we have met the enemy and it is us? Pogo, I believe.
I put modernism. Catholics are the salt of the earth, but a great number of us have gone tastless. If we got our saltiness back, we would be much more effective in combatting secularism.
Tanais, I voted other due to what Jesus told us in Matt 10:28 **And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. **Our real threat is Satan and his demons, Jesus makes it very clear who our real threat is. Matt 16:18 **And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. **The Church will prevail but her members are to listen to Jesus’ warnings, John 8:44 He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Jesus is the Truth the Way and the Life and Satan hates everything about Jesus and us who fallow. Pope Leo XIII had a prophetic vision of the 20th century in which Satan was to do his most damage and so moved from this vision that he composed the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Let us continue to pray this prayer for the protection of our souls!

God Bless You 🙂
The greatest threat to the Church is ourselves and concupisence. We look to become self righteous instead of righteous, dissent over everything whether liberal or conservative regardless of the consequences to the Body, and cooperate with culture as opposed to co-operating with sanctifying grace.
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