Greatest Threat to the Church

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I think that the greatest threat is Catholics whom do not know the religion like they say they are catholic but pro choice etc. . . and what non catholics think our religion means. Usually repeating
something stupid from something they heard somewhere. Not
knowing the full truth:)
I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without. When so many of the bishops and theologians aren’t faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church how are the laity going to learn their Faith.?

I have been told that in Australia only one third of the bishops are Faithful! :mad: The lecturers in the Catholic teaching colleges are largely not faithful and so they produce teachers who don’t teach the true Faith. We have a very good series of textbooks in Melbourne and Sydney but they aren’t used by the majority of the teachers who consider them “old fashioned” i.e. they present authentic Catholicism. 😦 It’s no wonder that less than 10% of school leavers are practising Catholics by the time they leave a ‘Catholic’ High School. Most are anti Catholic. 😦
much kudo to that! one’s greatest enemy always resides within one’s self…
I think that in real earthly terms it will be one or two thousand years before the end of the world. Why? Because I think Jesus came at the middle of History, exactly in the center of time. Whatever amount of time between Adam /Eve and Jesus will be the same amount of time between Jesus and the end of the world. It’s been 2,000 years so far, so I’m guessing we have a thousand or two years more to go.

You have got to quit climbing over the giant redwood in your eye to pick the splinter form the eye of the person who disagrees with you…

You will only be judged with the same harshness that you judge… the only mercy shown to you will be the mercy that you show to your brother…

be kind! 👍
Scandal in the Church/Pedophile Priest/Cover-up by Church officials
The Catholic Church has failed to protect the most innocent and that, in the end, will do the most harm.
I selected other. I believe the greatest threat to the Church in the not so distant future will be Islam. Secularism and moral relativism are a good second in my opinion, but the secularists and moral relativists have such a low birth rate i think ultimately they won’t be a major factor in the distant future, whereas adherents of Islam have perhaps even a higher birth rate than Catholics or Evangelicals.
I selected Secularism, but see it largely the same as modernism. I don’t believe that these are threats to the Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church will be fine; it is the members who are threatened. Anything that diminishes or distracts our pursuit of holiness is a threat to our salvation. These challenges are permitted by the Lord because we are expected to step up and meet them. I remember something that Fr. John Corapi said in one of his talks. Something to the effect that we know how the story ends. We are in a war, and the Lord will win. But we have to avoid being casualties of that war. Secularism and modernism are the weapons the enemy has chosen because he knows they produce occasions of sin for us, and because they weaken our hope.

In this army the K (yrie) Ration is the Christ! Receive the Eucharist as often as you can. Pray for those who succumb to the temptations of the world. Don’t criticize them. Hate the sin, not the sinner who is a fallen comrade.

There but for the Grace of God,

I agree as it is written…The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s church. 👍

I believe, too, that I am the greatest threat to the church today. How? By what I do not do and by what I do. By not living as Christ’s commands me to do day in and day out. By being a poor Ambassador of Christ.
I agree that the greatest threat is “we” the people of God. I see much criticism of the Bishops, the priests, Vatican II and little criticism of ourselves. You are one of the few who seems to realize we all are a threat to the church if we do not grow in our own personal holiness. God gave us the church in all it’s fullness of truth. He protects and guides her faithfully.

I see many complaints about how the church is run on the boards but little suggesting we get to work and become holy as WE are expected to do.

Thank you for bringing up the real cause. WE in the pulpit and the pews are called to holiness, We are not guaranteed Holiness. It is our apostolate to first take the board from our own eyes before we can witness to the board in others eyes. It is our job and vocation to seek to spread Gods word by living it faithfully, first and foremost.

When ever I read of Pope Leo’s dream or Don Bosco’s dream of the two pillars, and the bark of Peter being attacked by all the little boats, I see we the people as responsible for those little boats trying to sink the Holy Bark. We the people who do not serve faithfully and yet dare to attack the Holy See and Christ by not living holy lives.
I think the greatest danger is Catholics who don’t know or care to know the core beliefs of their faith. This goes for clergy and laity. Many Catholics need to be converted to Christ.

I agree that the greatest threat is “we” the people of God. … We the people who do not serve faithfully and yet dare to attack the Holy See and Christ by not living holy lives.
:amen: Nice post.

Every member of the Church from the Pope to the new convert has the responsibility to live their faith in all they do. When we fail, we weaken the church. When we succeed we strengthen the church.

A lax member may respond to a strong positive witness of Christian Living from another member.

In our baptism, we have all become Priests, Prophets, and Kings. We are called to live these roles of service and not to abdicate them.
I think the greatest danger is Catholics who don’t know or care to know the core beliefs of their faith. This goes for clergy and laity. Many Catholics need to be converted to Christ.

Almost IMO. I think the great danger to the Church are “Catholics.” Many Catholics need to be converted to Christ.

I’ve not seen so much incivility and self-righteousness towards others of different opinions as that by “Catholics” on some of these threads. There is so little charity towards others, and so much in-your-face attitude.
Re: Greatest Threat to the World

If my change of the subject is not allowed, grant me the ability this time. The Church is indeed in danger, but its ultimate victory is assured so why be worried about the details

However, there is a continuning danger to the world because a command of God issued through Mary at Fatima has yet to be obeyed: The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary done in concert with the Pope by all the Bishops of the world at the same time for her conversion.

A book, Fatima Priest by Francis Alban details the struggles Father Nicolas Gruner and the Fatima Apostolate he has led for over 20 years has had with Vatican bureaucrats and other modernists who regard the consecration not part of their plans.
I initially thought that secularism was our greatest threat. But after thinking about this for a short while, the truth became evident, and it is something we all encounter frequently in our own particular communities (parishes). If our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ continue to remain ignorant of their own faith, we will be faced in the not too distant future of a community of believers that have not the slightest idea of what they believe. What is our church then ?
I selected Secularism, but see it largely the same as modernism. I don’t believe that these are threats to the Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church will be fine; it is the members who are threatened. Anything that diminishes or distracts our pursuit of holiness is a threat to our salvation. These challenges are permitted by the Lord because we are expected to step up and meet them. I remember something that Fr. John Corapi said in one of his talks. Something to the effect that we know how the story ends. We are in a war, and the Lord will win. But we have to avoid being casualties of that war. Secularism and modernism are the weapons the enemy has chosen because he knows they produce occasions of sin for us, and because they weaken our hope.

In this army the K (yrie) Ration is the Christ! Receive the Eucharist as often as you can. Pray for those who succumb to the temptations of the world. Don’t criticize them. Hate the sin, not the sinner who is a fallen comrade.

There but for the Grace of God,

I agree totally with your comments.
MattG said:
Re: Greatest Threat to the World
there is a continuning danger to the world because a command of God issued through Mary at Fatima has yet to be obeyed: The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary done in concert with the Pope by all the Bishops of the world at the same time for her conversion.

A book, Fatima Priest by Francis Alban details the struggles Father Nicolas Gruner and the Fatima Apostolate he has led for over 20 years has had with Vatican bureaucrats and other modernists who regard the consecration not part of their plans.

Peace be with you,
Sorry to interject, but Gruner the whiner is no friend of the church nor Our Lady nor is he a spokesman for Fatima. The 20 year scenario sounds good but the fact of the matter is he is out of union with the church, has been condemned by the church and in this case Sister Lucia herself. The consecration was done, is done and Gruner is the devils agent. There are numerous threads on this subject with supporting evidence so I shall not repost, but use the search tool and you will find the answers.

I have been devoted to Fatima since the beginning, I am no young whipper snapper and I am older than said apostate Gruner. I know the devil and his agents are now, more than ever trying to destroy it. Gruner is not Gods agent, he was sanctioned for disobedience. He is NOT to be believed. Be aware the consecration has been done and Sister Lucia has attested to the fact. Satans goal is to deceive. Gruners goal is to confuse and he is Satan’s agent knowingly or through his own pride and stupidity, but Satans agent none the less. I believe Sister Lucy is the more reliable and she says the consecration was done.She herself has repudiated Gruner.
I was hard pressed between modernism and secularism, because I wasn’t sure exactly what you would call the rampant dissent within the Church; while I picked modernism, I figure either one can capture cafeteria-Catholicism just fine.
David B:
I selected other. I believe the greatest threat to the Church in the not so distant future will be Islam. Secularism and moral relativism are a good second in my opinion, but the secularists and moral relativists have such a low birth rate i think ultimately they won’t be a major factor in the distant future, whereas adherents of Islam have perhaps even a higher birth rate than Catholics or Evangelicals.
From a secular perspective, as far as who rules the nations and cultures of the world, Islam is the greatest threat, for the very reason you gave. However, the Church will only be spiritually harmed by Islam if its members decide to incorporate Islam into their faith. That is why secularism/modernism/whatnot is so harmful to the Church: not because it is an enemy, but because it has persuaded some of us that it is our friend and ally.
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