Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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Oh sweet lord…
So you think we will all comply like sheep or do you think cops carry those pistols as fashion statements? Law involves force. Do not dance around it. Are you willing to kill people who have not harmed anyone else but possess an inanimate object that you find offensive?
Yup. The Brits and Aussies are still stacking the bodies from people resisting their gun restrictions.

Oh wait… no they aren’t…
Different culture. This country was founded because a small group of men refused to comply with gun control.
Yeah, the tech was very new. When was the first even made? the Maxim gun in the 1880s?

New tech requires MONEY to own.
That is about 50 years, plenty of time for the technology to become widespread and cheaper. Incidentally, I am pretty sure automatic weapons were invented before semiautomatic weapons.
Imagine these mass shooters if they had real automatic weapons… Vegas, VA Tech, Sandy Hook…
They probably would have been less deadly. I have handled fully automatic weapons. Anything fired after the first 2 or 3 rounds will miss your target, and continually holding the trigger means you just shot lots of lead into the air and got knocked on your posterior to boot.
Effectively outlawed as owning one for the average citizen is extremely expensive and parts are going to run out eventually.
Says the guy who just said he wants to outlawing the average person owning a semiautomatic rifle.

The only morality involved is whether or not you are willing to infringe on my rights.

Possession of a piece of metal is morally neutral.
There are different ways to find solutions to problems. All school shooting were carried out by victims of bullying. Can you imagine Comey was bullied in school!!
Anyway, the ACLU will fight us on what needs to be done. A teacher needs to meet parents in their home environment. Plus, teachers would rather not have more to do. It’s true what I am thinking about comes under Social Work. Have a Soc.Worker assigned to 2 class rooms? How is this student treated at home? Abusive parents?
Sibling bullies kid? If home is where a bully lives, what triggers it? INVASION OF PRIVACY!
We can’t shelter homeless- it’s their freedom of choice to live like that.
Take a mentally ill teen that’s been bullied. After he is diagnosed, what do we do w him… What needs to be done is commit him and get him the help he needs. He’ll have to live in facility, getting treatment till they feel he is safe to go home. Homes can be so bad, he’d need to have to go to a half way house.
Bullies need treatment to defuse! What video games do the parents let kids play??
All this is treating the problem at its core.
Start changing culture of teen dating. How did it get so bad? Parents practice saying,”NO!”
Hold out till 18 yo. Why date?! HS kids can be criminals or successes. Girls navigate to bad boys( groan). 1- the boys have no money for dates.2-the boys are testosterone raging monsters.There is no Love in their gonads. 3- girls are needy. They want to rush into womanhood. They are immature. I don’t think s young girl wants to be a sex toy and dumped.
These kids killed Proms. My daughter didn’t want to ask a boy and get rejected. She and her BFF went. Kids do tuxes w sneakers. Now, w gender Dysphoria and Homosexuality. These generations killed Proms.
The reason was to make us stumble into the clumsiness of speaking to the other sex. We are supposed to dress like Princes and Princesses to elevate our awareness of social manners. I always behaved so ladylike in a gown.
Their precious memories have turned into our nightmares. This connects b/c one shooter(?) was a disgruntled broken heart. It would be good to have boys classes and girl classes.
We need classes on manners & proper social behaviors.
The NRA-doesn’t have to be a toddler, laying down Saying,”YOU CANT TAKE MY TOY AWAY!”
BACKGROUND CHECKS!! Age 21, unless from a hunting family and passes check and ALL should have a psych test. NO bump stocks, No silencers, Rifles for hunters. Guns for Domestic Protection. Automatics ONLY to Sane, military Vets and Police. That gives us militia trained, experienced ppl w Automatics!
Our lives are more important than owning unrealistic guns for fun. Guns have a purpose.
Our 2nd amendment has a purpose. Hunting to feed, guns to protect home. Guns to rise up against a govt out of control…
That’s all folks…
In Christs love
You’ll get nowhere with your extreme approach. Consider the goal.
  1. Constitutional Rights are not infringed.
  2. All Americans are safe.
This must be the goal for both sides if progress is to be made. Anyone diverting us from this is only interested in arguing, conflict, and self-aggrandizement.

So are you willing to kill me over my possession of a rifle? That is what enforcement will entail.
Over some weapons, refusal to comply with the law and active resistance to enforcing the law? Yes. You are not the only one with the right to self-defense.

No man is above the law, or a law unto himself. If you wish to disobey the law for some reason of conscience, then you should be willing to suffer the consequence of the disobedience without fighting back. At the time anyone takes up arms against a law enforcement officer, they are no better off than any other person that does the same for lesser reasons.
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Not sure you can call that self-defense when you send armed men onto my property. The anti-gunners will draw first blood, not me.

When you send out armed men to impose your worldview, you have no right to call for pacifism on the part of others.
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Then let the police enforce laws against people who hurt other people instead of free men like myself who just want to be left alone.
#1 Lock up the violent mentally ill.
#2 Lock up/execute violent offenders
#3 Lock up/execute drug dealers
#4 Lock up firearm offenders (felons/domestic violence folks with firearms)

Alice: When was the last time you saw a “mass shooting” done with a silencer? Suppressors do serve useful purposes, one of which is varmint/coyote hunting. I wanted to get a threaded barrel Sako .223Rem in 1:8 twist, but, apparently thanks to overly “concerned” people, those aren’t available in the US. Would make an outstanding medium range varmint gun.
I can also see a use for them in home-defense: generally if shooting 147grain or heavier 9mm or 99.9% of .45ACP non- +P, a suppressor would do wonders for noise reduction. If you had to fire on somebody in your house, wouldn’t it be nice to not do hearing damage to yourself?
Silencers are common courtesy in Europe for hunters.

What’s so bad about them?
Who in the world mentioned silencers?

They were banned/heavily regulated under FOPA back in the 1980s.

I’m with you on the home defense thing. Although my dog would pretty much ruin the surprise.
Dear Max,
I was thinking that it is dangerous b/c bad ppl can get away from the crime easier if their guns have a silencer.
Hunters have been w/o silencers from the dawn of time. Stick cotton in your ears? AHA! You need to listen for Forrest sounds??? The noise of the gun is bothersome to the hunter??
What do you think? Maybe silencers only sold to those w hunting rifles??Silencers concern me.
In Christ’s Love
A .308Win 200grain subsonic + can should be pretty quiet. You’d have to lob it in a bit like a mortar round, but should be pretty quiet. Would assume that the same thing would be true for the new “Sako magnum” of Finland, with the necked up 30-06 case firing I think it is a .338 bullet?
To neighbors? Europe isint like America. Much more population dense.

Also, do you know how silencers /supressors work? They don’t make it silent, like in movies. the gunshot goes from ‘backfiring car’ to ‘jackhammer’.

And, again, if you want silence, why not use a knife or poison?
If “silencers” concern you, you need to get out more 😛

Gang banging thugs holding Glocks sideways to do the spray ‘n’ pray concern me. The fact that people seem to want to get people to open up cans of artificial sunshine bothers me. Crazy people threatening to set fire to my office and house bother me.

The odds of encountering a perp with a suppressor are pretty low. Also, suppressors don’t fully silence a lot of the time. .22LR pistols with cans are pretty quiet. You can get a .338Lapua magnum with a threaded barrel for a can too; it won’t be “silent.” AR-15’s with cans aren’t “silent” either.
.22LR pistol with a good can is basically like a sneeze, if that. Not any/many rounds of .22LR that can go supersonic out of a regular .22LR pistol. Shot a guy’s Ruger Mk. III with can indoors, and it was quiet. Small town law enforcement out here use either Ruger .22LR or Browning Buckmark .22LR pistols with cans to deal with feral animal issues at times. Is it against ND law… yep. Does anybody care? Nope… Just a handful fewer of feral cats, etc. running around.
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