what changed your mind?
Simply this; I realized that the free access to these weapons are not worth to social ills they cause.
I always knew they were capable of creating absolutely tremendous amounts of violence and destrction in a very small window of time - but I’d counter that with the notion that 1. I should have it to defend my home and 2. I need it for when the government becomes tyrannical.
For number one, armed home invasions (as opposed to burglaries where the resident just happens to be home) are
incredibly rare events. Like, lightening-strike-rare. So taking action to be ready for them is nonsensical. Or at least, if you’re worried about being in a home invasion, you should also carry bear mace and lightening rods - just in case - regardless where you live.
In addition, when they DO happen, the perp isn’t going to dial you up on the phone and say “Hey, bud, I’m coming through your door in a few seconds with malicious intent, so arm yourself!”
He’s going to ram through your door when your watching TV or sleeping and if you don’t immediately submit to their will, you’re probably bound for your grave in short order.
For number two, an AR-10 is probably the most deadly weapon most people can manage to afford (AR-15 that shoots .308).
An Abrams Tank is probably the most deadly weapon on-the-ground that the government can afford.
So where, exactly, can you shoot an Abrams tank with an AR-10 that would cause it substantial impairment before they leveled the canon at you and blasted you into vaguely pink mist?
Because the answer to this question is “nowhere”, I have realized that owning weaponry for the purpose of overthrowing a potentially tyrannical US government
is a total, hysterical joke. Seriously.
So in sum, I’m no longer an avid gun-nut because my reasons for being so were predicated exclusively on fantasies. The only real reason to own one now is if you’re a prepper and then a .22 and/or bolt guns that cause you to conserve shots (as ammo probably won’t be manufactured anymore) are all better choices.
do you honestly believe gun control will work to reduce violent crime?
Violent crime? No.
Gun crime? Yeah.
Here’s the difference;
Guy at bar gets rage-mad at you. Wants to do maximum violence to your face.
If he has a gun, you’re getting shot in the face.
If he doesn’t, you’re getting punched in the face.
Violent crime still occurred. One has a vastly superior outcome.
in california where many assault rifles are banned mass murder still occurs.
Sure. Any state ban only requires a short drive/straw buyer to defeat.