How can you lock everyone up? There are not just a few but millions on these medications?
There was a guy I heard from Texas and they have a number of their teachers train with firearms. They are unknown and the numbers are unknown. They are armed (concealed) and capable of helping stave off anything like this from happening. Implemented at schools farther out where no help can arrive within enough time. This is his idea, it is not a plan of action in place.armed security at schools, special glass, escorting anyone who comes in.
I don’t point guns at people, you obviously miss the point.How is the Lord going to feel if he returns and you point a submachine gun at him for walking on your front lawn? I’m guessing-- not very sympathetic toward you or those like you.
And those guns are why we can still it here in a warm room and debate. Still love you brother despite the misguidedness!Guns are a tool of destruction,