No, humans must use whatever is useful for their own species and only that . We destroyed miles of natural habitats where who knows how many species lived and how many would have evolved. We destroyed the planet’s natural evolution and advancement. We’ll witness disastrous repercussions in the future for human greediness (as you yourself have said) and inability to control our unfounded destructive desires. Consequently, we’ll be gone too. But that’s alright, because we have enjoyed ourselves to the maximum , right? Because instead of admiring nature and its grace (together with its inhabitants) we obsessively admire our monotone faces and unattractive bodies? Humans are not beautiful and have no great physical appearance. Yet we seem to think we’re the best. Many animals are extremely beautiful, agile , elegant and powerful. Most of us lack those characteristics. We have no right to destroy their wonderful existence, not even if we have to give up many of our so pleasurable vices. That’s what we have our rationality and intelligence for - to control our impulsive reactions and the technological advancement (which , if not under our watch, will go out of control). Plus actually recognizing what’s great and beautiful versus what’s not.
I’ll say it : I believe overpopulation is not only a problem, but a threat. It’s up to you to believe it or not, but overpopulation will spiral out of control and we’ll run out of resources. We’re already 8 billions. In the next years 10 , 12, 14, 18, 25 and much more because medicine is going to become better and better with each year passing by . We can’t force animals that we consume to reproduce at extreme speed and artificially manipulated food is very bad for our health. We’ll either starve to death in the close future or do so much damage to the environment that natural calamities won’t be able to be avoided. Plus we’ll develop such a self-orientated culture because of the lack of natural beauty to admire ( I suspect forests and parks will be gone soon) and/or generally SOMETHING to look at (blocks, asphalt, grey, black , blocks, asphalt…no visually satisfying buildings, no art, nothing ) , that the general population will become seriously mad. Mad, narcissistic, existential problems dominating the psyche , deviant sexual/nonsexual desires etc. etc.
You may say…what about the beauty of space? Yes, it’s extremely beautiful and complex, but you can’t always look up to the sky to see something awesome and aside from bright stars you generally can’t see anything with the naked eye (+pollution will cover much of our skies) .
If we go on like this we’ll find ourselves in a very very sad state of life. You can already see the beginning of such society. I’m not talking from fantasy books. Just see how many people are today hooked up on porn (very deviant types of porn too) , how many post 10 thousand of pictures of themselves daily and how many are so obsessed to alter their appearance. How many lose days doing nothing but checking b-llsh-t on facebook/instagram/twitter/tumblr/snapchat and how many have no general knowledge? What an imbecile species we are, honestly. I can’t see why God hasn’t exterminated us already. Maybe for the few people that actually care…
I guess after we destroy everything on ground we’ll start abusing sea life forms too. It’s true, there’s a lot of water, but you forget that salty water is the environment many species live in. Destroy them too? Kill them and use them for whatever reason our personal devils tell us ? Okay, if that’s your view, okay, but please don’t say that as God would agree with this demonic scheme. Please, don’t.
I’ll end my rant with this : A creator loves all of his creations, not only one, and especially observing the general structure of the Universe the creator likes harmony between opposed forces and beings. We intervene with that and that’s going to put us to our knees.
If anyone is offended by this, it’s not my fault. Those are my personal views created from intensive observation of the world. But, anyway , I apologize in advance.